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Everything posted by brokentelevision

  1. No we need to focus on what really matters in this game, slicing. Yes slicing. The first thing in the entire game to get nerfed since launch, and oddly enough the only thing to get nerfed. Yeah know now that I said that, that even includes 1.1 patch notes. Slicing is still the only thing in the game player wise to get nerfed. Whats the deal?! Back on topic, SI's are only strong and considered OP in huttball. And since Huttball makes up around 65% to 75% of all warzone matches it matters the most.
  2. Oh so it's a height thing then, cause body type 3 is taller then the other body types.
  3. Body type 4 let me guess? If so, wasn't body type 4 a last minute addition?
  4. Most be a weird server, used to have ques on it. Of course I pretty much stopped playing around new years. So things may have changed. Who knows. I couldn't really find a class I could get into, I really dislike the lack of dual spec, I'm sorry but normally I would be a healer and would gladly heal whatever flash point people was recruiting for that was my level. However leveling as a healer sucks, even with a companion I still don't like it. Only story I could really get into was the Bounty Hunter. I tried to give republic a chance, but really I hate feeling like I'm on the losing team. And thats just what the story plays out to be, like you're only alive because the empire gave mercy. I was tired of feeling defeated every step of the way. I'm not a huge fan of companions, and wish we got more at earlier levels.
  5. I'm going off my own personal experiences. The imperial and republic fleets are usually empty. If that was the only GTN node then it would be different, but then again nobody uses the GTN anyway because it's just so much of a pain to use. There isn't anyone there. For an entire server and it's supposed to be a high point of traffic there isn't that much people on a server. Servers just feel small, and feeling small for me takes away immersion. I don't feel as into the game if I don't see a bustle of people running around that wouldn't be too far from NYC. I want main cities to feel full. I want to feel like the server has people. I want to see where everyone hangs out. I want to see those high end raiders hanging out in raid gear and such. I want to see those pvpers with their valor 50 titles and high end speeders and such just relaxing between matches. It doesn't seem like a usual MMO, I don't get that feeling of a central gathering point.
  6. Sure I'd be fine with no LFG tool, if servers were populous and we had a central gathering point where everyone went to craft, trade, and store their stuff. Yes I don't care analogies follow: WoW had Ironforge and Orgrimar. Places that people went to use the Auction house, the bank, the trade instructors and such. They went there to meet other people, look for groups and que for the battle grounds. They did this before the LFG tool and it was pretty effective. Since there was a decent amount of people on a server and if they weren't actively leveling they usually hung out in those places. now in TOR, there is no reason to go to the Imperial Republic fleet, no reason to go back to Dormund Kass or Corascant. People hang out in their own instanced ship. They talk to guild folks and ignore everyone else. It's either you run into people while leveling that want to do something or you move on. There is 0 community in this game. I don't know who the big guilds are, I don't know who the hardcore guilds are, who the warzone elites are. Nobody knows who the scrub guilds are the terrible players. Only the vocal trolls. There is no server forums to gather and talk with your server. Nowhere to go to find out what guilds are on your server. Nowhere to go look for guilds that even raid, let alone in your preferred time. There isn't anything in this game. No place to go to see people advertise their guild, no place to go to sell things or meet up. This game is a barren wasteland of an MMO. There is no community and no economy and no nothing that involves other people. Remind me again why people will keep paying after they're done with the story line?
  7. no reviews are either: Unbiased commentary or opinion Like: OMG that was the greatest movie in the history of movies so awesome!!1!1 or The movie was decent, but character development was lacking and the light work was terrible. One of those is complete opinion and a worthless review the other is a good example of unbiased commentary. Most of the reviews for this game doesn't even feel or read like a real review. It's like Biowares PR folks wrote it.
  8. If he's played that much, then the entire review is meaningless. He got paid for that. It's his job. The review is complete garbage then. Every bit of it. If he's put in that much hours he is one of two things: A) a fan boy completely jaded to whats really wrong with the game. B) knows each and every bug, gets equally as fed up as the rest of 50's and all in all is hanging on by a string but writes a good review because thats his job to write good reviews for who pays for them.
  9. I read it, it's all opinion. Seriously this game has a bigger fan boy base then any other MMO. Because most if not all, of those fan boys are star wars fan boys that refuse to admit that the game just doesn't live up to what it was claimed to be. They refuse to admit that things are vastly wrong with the game. I came into this game pretty much unbiased. Sure I like star wars....movies. But I never really played any of the games. I played a little KOTOR 2 but not much. Came in with past MMO experience and My review is: As a game, it's alright I'd give it a solid 6 to 7 our of a 10. As an MMO, it's bad I'd put it at a 4 out of 10 mmo wise. Too buggy, flash points and operations are too buggy. Not enough customization of UI, no combat log, too expensive to respec for needed roles, the list goes on. Those MMO aspects that are terrible really don't affect much of the game itself. The people I know that love this game and still play it are anti social non MMO players. The kind of people that turn chat off and treat this like a single player game ignoring flash points and group quests. In that sense it's alright, not worth $15 by far though to me. I tried to play this as an MMO, but there is no server economy, no real server community no nothing that stays mmo to me. So tell me, why is this game any good?
  10. Never trust reviews for MMO's. Might as well be a review of level 1 to 20, I.E. the only really good part the part bioware spends the most time making sure it works. Because thats the only part that gets seen in reviews.
  11. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=141695 nothing really huge though, just pvp changes really. and bug fixes that should have already been in the game.
  12. They're just OP in huttball. Thats about it. Once they come out with more warzones instead of huttball then they'll suddenly not be quite so overpowered. Huttball is by far the worst designed of all warzones that pretty much whatever team has more knockbacks wins.
  13. For spending way over 200 million dollars one would think they can just make their own engine for that price. Apparently not... apparently voice acting is VERY VERY expansive even though you repeat the same lines over and over it seems.
  14. yeah cause thats just what we need in this game. More people hiding behind an instance portal. The game is already empty, adding mailboxes and GTN's to ships just makes the game even more empty. I think everything should have to be done via the republic fleet. Force people to a main city, so we can actually see some people and interaction and such. /NO! I want to feel like this is a populous game, even on qued servers it feels empty.
  15. Go play a korean MMO they're full of challenging and rewarding. Want to hit level 50? Okay start grinding on mobs and maybe you'll hit it in a month if you play 8 hours a day. I'm not here for challenging. I have a job, and life is stressful. I'm here to relax and enjoy the game.
  16. Ignore the fan boy. The game's path is already set in motion. It's just a matter of time before this is free to play.
  17. the thing stopping people is the fact that operations are horridly bugged. It's almost impossible to finish anything endgame now.
  18. Exactly, the fan boys that are also over looking these core issues and won't accept the fact that the MMO portions of the game, what keeps people paying and playing, are broken or non-exsistant.
  19. Sadly no, there isn't any reason to go to a central hub the Republic/Imperial Fleet. Nobody really spends time there with everything being so spread around. The game is a very anti social MMO. It's by far the most single player experience MMO that has ever been made.
  20. Servers are capped at 2k people. Thats not really a lot of people. They may have upped them to 2.5k people total. Honestly it's another one of Biowares ploys to make the game hyped up. They put on lots of servers with very low player caps to give the false illusion that there is more players then there really is. Everything Bioware has done with this game was to preserve the reality that the game wasn't that good. NDA being up almost to the end. Releasing pre-orders before a launch date. Giving like 3 weeks notice to launch. It was all just a ploy and we all fell for it. This isn't what you wanted, it's not the forever industry changing game. It's not that Star Wars game you always wanted. The people I feel sorry for most, is the SW galaxies folks. They lost their game because of this disaster.
  21. Yeah the lack of info on legacy is disturbing. I have a feeling it really won't add much of anything. Maybe rodian but I don't see much more then the common races you see but aren't player races.
  22. It's because you're sith. Every server in the game is Empire dominated server, so empire everywhere get Huttball nearly 9 our of 10 times. They end up fighting other Empire most of the time too. Just not enough Republic players. This is a big issue, not huttball coming up alot, just the lack of Republic players. I know you can't force people to roll one or the other. Still it's very odd to see lots of Empire everywhere and next to no republic, even on big servers.
  23. I wish players were strong enough without a companion. I just get the feeling that we only have them because thats biowares thing. Mass Effect = with companions Dragon age = with companions so logically lets just throw companions in TOR. I'm not a fan of pets, I don't like them and don't want them.
  24. There is a difference to not being able to test things, and fixing what people did point out and the bugs that were brought up and issues that were brought up. GTN UI sucking major was brought up since early beta, and other QoL things like Hutta having the very worst taxi points of any planet and being just sheer questionable. It's kinda inexcusable to have the operations in just disarray at this point. Thats kinda something important to be testing, not something to side line. The real problem is Bioware has it's priorities all wrong.
  25. There is that, and then there is questions like: What the hell is legacy? I get levels for what? Should I roll an alt or am I going to unlock the race I wanted the first place later? And all we get is: we're working on it. Seriously why put in legacy if you're not going to tell us what the hell it even is?!
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