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Everything posted by Sorenia

  1. I suspect this is too expensive for them to do. They'd have to change animations on a lot of abilities.
  2. Requires Legacy 25~30 and War Hero valor or something like that. After getting the unlock your ship droid sells war hero gear for credits. This lets you get PvP gear on alts without having to grind starter gear X times in a row.
  3. Mekab is frankly way too cheap for what it's offering. There are many of us who would pay a lot of money to get the content/updates forking out much faster. In contrast I'm not spending a dime on vanity items. SWTOR is a unique F2P game because it has a very large audience (much larger than other F2P games) and that audience is attracted to unique brand of content SWTOR possess. It should be easy to see that you could capitalize on that. Of course a very vocal minority will complain that it's not part of the sub but for the most part "Shut up and take my money" is what most people are feeling.
  4. I realize this is not strictly a "bug" but it's been a big problem since release. I'm speaking of course of the rarity of metal missions in Underworld Trading. It often takes multiple zone in/outs to get them to spawn in the mission list. Often I'll log in and there will not be a single metal mission above moderate in several tiers. I know there was talk of changing how the mission selection works but for the time being it would be nice to see some sort of bandaid on this.
  5. What the crack are you on? I only said 20% of it had to be good. That doesn't mean the other 80% can be a crash fest. It means it can be mediocre and still have value.
  6. If Pizza Hut started selling random large pizza's for 3 bucks they'd sell like mad. You can always take off the crappy toppings. This expansion is the same. It's a big enough value that only 20% of it needs to actually be decent.
  7. There's plenty of info on it. New planet with 5 levels. The problem is you're not sure you think that's worth 10 bucks. You're hoping there's more but that's your problem.
  8. Don't forget that the only unique looking lightsabers in the game come from the gambling boxes too.
  9. You're got it all wrong. $30 or even $40 a month is perfectly reasonable to me. At the rate their releasing stuff you'd have to spend $100's per month to get everything.
  10. I'd suggest using the reason "my preferred payment method is missing" under costs. Paying a reasonable monthly fee to get everything in game was my preferred payment method anyways.
  11. SWTOR pretty much died for me today. The occasional cash shop stuff was fine. I could buy it on the GTN with a bit of work. I don't mind spending another $10 or $20 a month. Pay2Win and yet another round of gambling boxes this fast is too much though. I expected this from the start but sad to see it happen so quick.
  12. Not only was it reported immediately it had a Bioware response almost immediately. They can't even claim they didn't notice it in time.
  13. 1) Companion banter. 2) Manual landing/flying of ships. Not space combat. Just normal navigation stuff. 3) The ability to own different ships and customize their interiors.
  14. You mount repeatedly while leveling. This bug is game breaking.
  15. That's a logical falacy. Some DPS have an incentive to queue as tanks for faster queue. People who make up the vast majority of tanks are always tanks though. What's needed is incentive for tanks to queue at all. Cosmetic rewards and other knick knacks work very well for this sort of thing. Give tanks a very small chance to get a white crystal every run for example. The queue times would be cut in half instantly.
  16. You're wrong. It has worked in other games. What really happens is the people who like playing tanks/healers just play them more. People who play DPS love it because they get groups faster. Nobody is "punished".
  17. This is without a doubt one of the bigger things holding SWTOR back. Please put in better incentives for people to tank and heal. Give needed roles free respecs and guaranteed rewards. Make tanking more fun. Make the queue length visible to encourage more role balance. Fix the PvP->Flashpoint queuing. Heavily increase XP/rewards bonuses for sub 50 flashpoints. Get cross-server working. Any of the above will create substantial improvements. I'm fairly sure at least some of them should be easy to implement. Make them a priority please.
  18. We need custom companion armor. Custom Sith outfit for Lord Scourge for example.
  19. There is an easy solution to both problems. Allow us to keep our position in the queue while in a warzone. If it becomes our "turn" during a warzone then simply allow the next person to go.
  20. Well for starters they could fix the DPS class imbalance. Right now everyone wants to play Sent/Marauder and those classes are forced to queue as DPS. If there was some more DPS parity then people playing the other classes could at least switch specs for fast queues.
  21. Most people who whine and say they want F2P have never really played a F2P game. The reality that they use these rubbish gambling boxes to make money is going to be a rude awakening. Why would EA bother to give us real content moving forward when they can sucker people into this crap?
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claw_crane#Legality. The govt in South Korea has actually started cracking down on this stuff too. That said I've never claimed this is illegal. It's simply gambling that is currently unregulated. That means they get to set the odds and keep them secret. No regulating body gets to check and make sure that you can actually win. In summation you will get WORSE odds than Vegas on this stuff.
  23. That frankly makes no sense. EV and Karagga's Palace were available at roughly the same time. Sure KP wasn't available at release but most of us were leveling then anyways. Whatever your "plans" were they were insufficient. Either way the reality is we've been jipped for a long time on new armor art. You owe us some new armor art at this point but it's being diverted to F2P content. Even worse you put it into these gambling boxes where you aren't even required to provide the odds to a regulatory body. Then on top of that you get to sell them to children. Vegas must be pissing themselves with envy. Actually those little item vending machines are considered gambling in most states and are regulated under various rules.
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