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Everything posted by fatninja

  1. This is happening to me too. Its not me I am sure of it. I'm sitting at 50k+ latency ATM.
  2. i have no problem with this. If EA knows how to make any type of game, its shooters. I would love to see battlefront 3 by dice.
  3. Why didn't you guys do the exact same thing they did to you? Taunt it off them and reset it.
  4. So, I just realized that the Vice Commandant cartel pack only gives 4 items for 320cc as opposed to the previous pack(Enforcer's) which gave 6 items and with a chance of 2 rare items for the same amount. The regulator's pack gives 4 items but only at a 160cc cost. Is this the amount of items we will expect to get in packs from now on? Is it a bug?
  5. Its not false advertising. That picture was not created by EAware. It was from a reddit post. http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/1dgpqk/havoc_squad_in_uniform_sans_helmets/
  6. I agree, Jawagrams are completely stupid.
  7. I don't have a problem with this except I think it should say something like Armoring 28 (chest) or something just to be clearer.
  8. I can confirm this. My trooper still hasn't finished his class quests. When I go to my holoterminal I get the Mekab starting Cinematic too. But, because I have already been through Mekab and knew how it plays out. I just quit the cinematic.
  9. How much do you think hood toggle will cost? I'm thinking 1.6k cartel coins
  10. Yes, I am bored. But, seriously someone needs to point out these errors otherwise it will forever go unchanged. I really don't know if the Devs know about these. They're not on the known problems list and it would only take a dev like 2 seconds just to change these things.
  11. Ok, the game has been out now for over a year now and there are still problems/bugs/typos in the game that should have been fixed along time ago. First, the Jedi Knight title. It is currently <name> Knight of the Republic. Shouldn't it be <name>, Knight of the Republic. With a comma. Second, in the flashpoint Black Talon, when you choose the evil choice, at the end of the flashpoint when you speak to the droid he clearly says "Return to the Brentaal Star." But, you are already on the Brentaal star. It should be "Return to the Black Talon" or atleast "Return from the Brentaal Star." This issue has been noted since beta so basically no one at EAware has done anything about it for about 2 years. These are the only two I clearly see everyday. Does anyone else have more?
  12. I agree, Its been proven that the highest tier for PVE(underworld, ilvl 72) is better than full conqueror(69) in pvp.
  13. Probably working as intended. EAware wants everyone to start raiding. That's why they started giving incentives for being in guilds.
  14. Pretty much, yes. PVE gear is better for PVP.
  15. fatninja

    Bolster PVE

    I agree with this. Its only fair. Considering now that PVE gear is the best option for PVP. 72 hilts vs 63?
  16. Sometimes you do not have a computer in front of you and you want to get some errands done. So, you use a phone.
  17. That's fine for most problems. But there are times when you have to call to get something fixed. Anything Account related must be done by phone. So, as an example. You need to call CSR number when you want to remove a authenticator. You are now being forced to call and be put on hold.
  18. I don't know if many people know but the Customer support number has changed recently and its no longer toll free. So, you will now be charged for being on hold. Thanks bioware. We can see you enjoy providing support to your customers..... http://www.swtor.com/support/form
  19. Anyone on this forum that agrees 100% with this article is crazy. They agree that this game is 4/10 yet they are still subbed? This game does have problems but in no way is it a 4/10. Looks to me that Eurogamer just was pissed because EA didnt pay them this time around to write a good review. So they just trashed, using petty arguments.
  20. There should be some sort of rahghoul event every halloween imo.
  21. I agree, making it mainhand only is stupid. if it were both mainhand/offhand then there would be more demand and more demand will = more cartel packs being bought. The cartel pistols should be mainhand/offhand too. I also bought 2. I immediately tried to put both on before realizing it was only mainhand. You cannot see that its mainhand only from the gtn.
  22. It sounds overly complicated. Is the goal to never use your keyboard? Just bind the moves you use most the mousepad. That way you still retain the ability to MOVE. That hesitation and unfamiliarity with the mouse buttons will eventually go away and you will get use to the bindings. And if you're wondering I have a sentinel and a marauder.
  23. There is a flashlight???? I did the quest in complete darkness.
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