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Everything posted by Rtwozero

  1. Was level 50 valor at lv50 still had 5 piece centurion when I hit v60. Champ coms fill the gaps in my gear so I can have champ/bm. I think it is fine but would not mind being able to purchase merc coms with champ/cent coms in future.
  2. So these mods should also be available to purchase with commendations
  3. Yeah I understand could do the same but the main point is that these should be available to pvpers also. Shouldn't be any reason we need to grind pve for rewards when pve'ers don't want to grind pvp for rewards.
  4. Mats for commendations is a good idea. Please no angry kid pve post lol. How can we craft biochem when we can't get the mats?
  5. Why don't pvp players get access end-game crafting mats? ie Biometric Crystal Alloy I don't even like pve but now to get max level crafted items I need to grind flashpoints?
  6. As opposed to running HMs and Ops? I can't stand doing pve dailies so I don't but I don't complain that I should get the rewards that people get for doing this when I don't. What do you want for nothing? Top tier gear isn't going to help the majority of people complaining. If it happens they will then want more and complain about something else like more 'omg nerf this' threads. It's a vicious circle that panda's to people who want game play changed to suit their play style rather than adapting their play style to suit the game play.
  7. You now get up to 3.5k valor from a warzone and 3 credits toward Illum daily/weekly.... Where is the grind?
  8. Why not just create a barebones bracket for all the 'skilled' players. They can compete on AC base stats only with an appropriate buff to allow all levels to use lv50 skills. The ranked pvp system can then cater for the dedicated pvpers. For others who don't have time to pvp or wish to dabble they can queue barebones for some fun. This should also apply to pve so that players can enter operations with the same appropriate buff to allow lv50 abilities from any level. Having said this I believe taking progression out of an mmo is stupid. The difference in pvp gear tiers atm is very small and the gear itself can be obtain in a short timeframe. A slight imbalance may be present due to illum exploits but even this is minimal as since 1.1.5 valor is stupid easy to get from warzones now. When 1.2 hits the system should be a valor bracket system and be more refined to allow players to progress through these tiers in their own brackets. I don't see how taking out progression is going change anything. People will still rage quit and throw tantrums when they get beaten in pvp and insist that it's not fair no matter what system is implemented, this is the way pvp is. The only thing that I really agree with is the rated warzones should not provide a separate or higher tier of gear. They should be purely cosmetic valorific titles and gear as to not create a vast imbalance in gear between the top and bottom tiers. Other than that the upcoming system in 1.2 should allow all the 'skilled' players to progress through the lower tiers without ever having to face someone who has pvped exclusively from release.
  9. You do realize that some players do not have the skill required. Those who complain get panda'd* to like other games. New changes come in and some people still complain so more changes etc etc. At some point designers are going to have to say tough luck... These are the mechanics and game system learn to play it instead of posting thread after whinny thread about how hard stuff is. ** the OP has outlined the perfect way to level for pvp. Many players do this because pvp is what they do. So when they hit 50 it is a matter of days before they are competitive and on the gear curve. If you wish to dabble in pvp don't whine about your gear. Same goes for pvpers wishing to do ops. Spend the time to play the game style instead of crying for the game style to be changed. This entire mind set is killing mmos as we constantly get dumbed down panda fests that cater to the person who wants everything for nothing. I don't believe anything in an mmo is a 'grind' and if you do then maybe mmos are not for you.
  10. I pvp because its fun and also to see the reacting of people after you stomp them. These forums are great for this as 90% of the posts are from players who get roflstomped and instead of Qing again to get better they come on here and QQ.
  11. Try reading the OP before going into a rant.... You can also add weight to your argument by explaining what is 'broken'. And seriously.... if you are paying a subscription to 'suffer' why bother...
  12. You keep calling it a grind...? People play pvp. They get rewards for doing something that they enjoy. There is no grind if pvp is all you play. Are you so obsessed with this 'grind' that you hate people for doing something they like? If you don't like it don't do it. /tissue
  13. Its an mmo.... not a fps. Warzones/Battlegrounds have objective based victory conditions. 'Deathmatches' are called arena. Is there really a point to this thread? You titled it 'end the epeen' yet you boast about your prowess. From your own description you only dabble in pvp but insist that you put in more effort, planning and thought than any other player. Although I am sure that jumping people from stealth when they get to sub 50% HP while they are in combat against someone else is definitely challenging.... +10 for the epeen. Patch 1.2 will change the pvp system as we all know. When this occurs you can go tear it up against other players who dabble in pvp and measure your epeen against theirs. There will also be a solo pvp ranking system that will further enable you to measure and compare your epeen. Then and only then, when confronted with like size epeens, may you feel content. Don't hate players with big epeens..... they just play more pvp than you do.
  14. This instance is completely broken.... Bioware has moved I think it's time that we all did to. Cut your losses and be content with full Rakata minus the chest piece...
  15. I was just going to add something like this post. At level 50 merc/trooper dps are not the great. As with any class if left alone to free cast they will cause high damage. However, most regular pvpers wised up to this a long time ago and react accordingly. If people are planning to roll these classes just for this one ability then they will be greatly disappointed when they start fighting other players who know how to counter them. It just seems like more of the same 'omg nerf' posts. Players should really spend their time learning the counters to all these 'op' classes that are supposedly in the game. It will be more rewarding and enable you to form a play style to suit the game rather than waiting for Bioware to change the game to suit your play style.
  16. agreed. I hit 50 on my Sage 2 days ago. With 6 Champ bags straight up, 1 weekly and 2 dailies plus 2 bags from comms I am now sitting on 461 expertise. More than enough to be competitive.
  17. Why do people feel the need to pigeon-hole classes into specific specs. Each and every class has the ability to choose their playstyle from 3 trees of knowledge. Why would you ever want to limit this choice? I think this topic keeps getting fueled by people unable to counter simple pvp tactics. Instead of wasting your time posting solutions to change the game to your playstyle..... How about actually spending time learning and refining your playstyle to suit the game play. Whingers already killed the operative/scoundrel .... Try improving before another class becomes a casualty of ignorance.
  18. As 'imaccurate' as it may appear... is there a difference between mass transferring characters from one server to another and mass transferring a character from one server to the PTR? So help me out here... do they or do they not have the 'technology' to mass transfer characters from one server to another? If they can then I am sorry and I have misrepresented this comment. My apologies.
  19. They don't have the technology to mass transfer characters as was stated in the OP. This includes any normal character transfer. Hence why they are not allowing them for at least another 2months. Which gives them time to discover this new technology. AP players have been told they have to wait till late April at the earliest for their free transfers. The comment about transfers is not related specifically to the ptr. If you believe this then you believe that they are holding back on mass character transfers just because they can?
  20. I linked the post for you to read... don't put words in my mouth. I quoted directly from the post and it is taken entirely in context.
  21. Heya, I was just reading a post by a developer and a comment in it has left me gobsmacked. I will link the post but before I do just realise that the post is not the issue, but a comment made in it. The actual post is great and it good to see that BW is going to actually test new content before releasing. This is the post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=335108 The line that really blew my mind was 'While we don’t have the technology for mass character transfers yet... So... this is fine. But why are we paying the same subscription fee for a game that is far behind other games in the same genre. Is this an indication of the future of the game wherein basic features are to be seen as unexplored new technologies yet to be discovered? Is this lack of knowledge and industry expertise the reason that simple features (to numerous to mention) where not implemented in the game on release? In the end, its all good. I love playing the game but this just made me realise that I am paying the same for subscription as I do for other games and getting less. Discuss
  22. Rtwozero

    Cancel Sub Because:

    Prolly should investigate the resolve mechanic before you start making assumptions. There is no magic ability given to premades that allows them to chain stuns. It is simple.... learn to use resolve. There is no possible way you can be hit with more than 2 full control abilities in succession without getting a full resolve bar. Use your trink at the right time. Not here for an argument just stating the actual game mechanics. Try reading this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=61363 it may help you with those 'chain' stuns. *in the off chance that you are dying every minute of a match and your 'trink' is not available then you will have to endure the entire length of the 2 stun 'chain'.
  23. Suggestion for the devs. (n.b this is suggested in conjunction with, not replacing regular arena matches when they come.. if ever.) Barebones matches either 2vs2 or 4v4 with all players competing on their classes base stats alone. No stat increase from gear, datacrons or consumables. This would enable a niche pvp game experience for players in which they could earn rankings and cosmetic gear. The competition would be fierce and entirely skill based with an emphasis on min/maxing spec and rotation. Discuss or add to this idea.....
  24. The idea to stop people transferring to protect economy etc.... Is ridiculous any player who imported could reroll and be able to make a mint using their experience gained from the last 2 months. The real issue is that BW have no idea how to successfully transfer 'Legacy' to new servers. I wouldn't be surprised if when we do get transfers more horror stories come out of toons lost, reset legacy, items missing etc etc. My confidence in BW atm is >0 and that is by their own actions.
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