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Everything posted by Darkulous

  1. I've been playing since Early Access. I haven't run any OPs or HMs in that time. I've split my game time this week between TOR and WoW. I've run 3 heroics, 2 LFRs and 1 Normal 10Man in WoW in that time. It was refreshing to actually have some massive multiplayer action. I play on a top 10 server here too.
  2. A good read, thx for the time and effort you put into it OP. I agree with just about everything you said. In my opinion this game has never had a content problem. It's been a "lack of features" problem. Most people list the Large features that are missing, but it's the HUGE amount of small features that were left out that really bugs me.
  3. It's gonna be a roll of the dice for people who rerolled. My guess is they'll give 10-20 Origin servers the choice to transfer onto 1-3 Destination servers. You just have to hope your old server will be directed to your current server. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for paid transfer service.
  4. Ya. Have you used a LFD before? Sounds like you haven't.
  5. It's "Do it yourself" server merges. But hey, I'm not gonna complain as long we get more Full servers.
  6. Definitely not, but BW didn't need to develop as much content that WoW has right now either. Personally I think BW released enough content on initial release and I think they've done a good job with releasing more content since than. My issue is the lack of features that the game has. Basic features. I can't even right click a name on the Guild roster and get a whisper option. I can't hyperlink an item onto the GTN search bar. I don't know. Maybe "basic" for me is different for others.
  7. But isn't that what BW did? How many people were on this project? How much time and money was invested? I think the small business plan you're talking about is what Trion "Rift" is trying to do.
  8. Exactly. TOR isn't competing with Vanilla WoW.
  9. People always point out the large features that this game is missing but it's the boat load of small features missing that annoys me.
  10. If that. *sigh* I changed servers after leveling my first 50 and now my current server is becoming less and less busy. Server merges and transfers will definitely help, but it's not gonna solve the problem that CAUSED players to leave in the first place.
  11. I agree. Many people, including myself, got into WoW using their trial too.
  12. 3D space combat? This game can barely handle 2D. Is this another "soon" thing?
  13. I think he means details. It's sad that I know MUCH more about Blizzards new Expansion than TOR's 1.3 patch.
  14. They marketed the PvP in this game quite a bit.
  15. I wonder how many lucky individuals will still be around to experience this new edition of "soon" content?
  16. Content is not the main issue with this game and neither is server population. People were leaving this game in waves when population was good and content was still fresh.
  17. Just let 3rd party addons in the game. I want to customize my UI myself. Giving players "choice" is a powerful thing.
  18. This is why having a X-server LFD is vital in todays MMOs. There are more people playing solo in MMOs than ever before. Having a Full server doesn't promise a large population of players who WANT to group up. X-server LFD allows players, who WANT to group up, to find each other. It maximizes the pool of group-up-players.
  19. Considering what the devs were targeting, in subscriptions, this game is sinking - fast! But like almost all MMOs, it will stabilize, even in it's current state. Personally, I think that number will be around 500K.
  20. Actually it's BWs first MMO and that's the problem. They were and still are clueless. The sheer lack of multiplayer features in this game is proof of that. And what little multiplayer features they have in this game are poorly conceived and developed.
  21. They're still working on Xserver technology.
  22. Agree with OP. After leveling my first 50 on a dead server I got the hell out of there before investing anymore time to that Legacy. Currently on Lord Adrass and I'm fully expecting that I'll have to pay for my first 50 to come over.
  23. I thought it'd be cool if they merged Jung Ma with you, making just one server for RP-PvP.
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