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Everything posted by Morgani

  1. Why are we not doing this right now?? I'll start. Every story needs a good title. Maureen's Eldritch Horrors: A children's guide to identifying Outer Gods Or A is for Azathoth Hm, I shouldn't hi-jack Kabe's thread. Why is there no off topic forums on this board?
  2. We should all put our collective talents together and write a terrifyingly adorable children's book from the leftovers of Lovecraft. Shub-NiguWrath, I have an unused cat bed you are more than welcome to occupy. I WANT TO PET. [Edited to change Shug-NiguWrath to Shub-NiguWrath. Because this crack is about Shub, not his pale-skinned, bling toting, rapping younger brother, Shug. Shug already gets all the wimminz and makes it rain up in h'er. Let's let Shub have some of the spotlight, shall we?]
  3. Loving this. Though if you had killed Zenith I would have cursed you and then immediately apologized. Love your characterizations.
  4. To which Adris would reply "Don't question, just go with it. So, yes."
  5. OMG Broan and Rochester YES PLEASE. And you can borrow Adris. He'd totally swing Raina around and have a blast doing it.
  6. That's because it's a direct guaranteed buy rather than a pack gamble. Also, it's GTN (Galactic Trade Network. I see GTM a lot. What do people think the M stands for? I'm curious.) I do not buy armor or vehicles with coins. They are far too expensive to be used on only one character. Sparkle ponies and sky lions are 25 bucks but you get them on every single character you have and ever create. Pets are 10 in that game, and the same thing. When the option to purchase an account wide speeder is put on the Market I may consider it, I like the look of the Czerka one a lot. Until then, I will make other players very rich in game and spend my millions of credits there.
  7. Character customization is probably so restricted because of animated cut scenes. There are 8 different body types between male and female. For cut scenes there has to be 8 different skeletons created for your character appearance to be covering. If there were scale sliders for height, bosom, hips etc, there would have to be skeletons created for every possible slider combination I would imagine. BW made it easy on themselves by limiting body formations so creating animated cut scenes would be cheaper. There's no long hair because of clipping problems, very little possibility of being a short race in the future because of current cut scene skeleton choices, and Togruta "lekku" things generally sit over their shoulders creating an art problem for the developers so the possibility of seeing them any time soon is slim. Is it the engine or the cost? Both probably.
  8. I play on an RP server. Not everyone is friendly and not all guilds are cool places of welcome. At the same time, not everyone is a sore loser, d-canoe who can't handle that losing happens and characters die. Find another guild. I guarantee there is more than one with cool people who will laugh off a losing pvp match with you. Those people will also logically look for better ways to kill a boss when wiping instead of raging, and will be far more fun to hang out with.
  9. I'm enjoying all the Story So Fars! I ought to do one for the Kodrevas clan but I'm working on something else. More on that in a minute. Iryfindel: I remember that conversation. My smug was more amused than annoyed. I really liked your take on Corso's blunder and the sexy way he can find his confidence. I really should like Corso more. bright_ephemera: I almost wish I didn't know about the Quinncident. I would love to play my FemWar all the way through, falling in love with Quinn, and being blindsided. At the same time, I totally want to play my M!War in a way that has him totally not buying Quinn's presence and loathing him from the get go. But, I do know, and this is how I could see it playing out. However, I am in agreement with hoyden. You need a SithWar 12 step program, <3 Also, on Mellekor and Vette, if you do decide to pursue his story, he's lost something precious. One day he'll realize and people will die. Sad. Kabe: Incredible storytelling. I'll never tire of the twists and turns you think up using characters we met for three minutes. Bravo. So. I created a Tumblr account and Kabe advised me to use it for things that aren't only following her. So I've decided to write a fan fic that doesn't have to do with the 8 storylines by way of the main characters. I'm going to use the Tumblr account to post the story with screenies from the game. This is just a teaser, falling into the category of The Story so Far. >< Yay, writing.
  10. If I may back the conversation up a little, I'd like to address this. As far as being afraid to be 'forced into an SGR' I'd like to point out that Makeb will only have SGR options with NPCs. In order to get any romance progression or the possibility of a FtB with an NPC, you have specifically follow the [Flirt] options that are presented. Usually they are the second option on the conversation wheel. (Or first a lot in the case of Smuggler.) If an NPC of the same sex flirts with your character, I'm very sure Bioware will have a "Uh... yeah, no thanks buddy" or a "That's real sweet sister, but no. Now, about my mission..." option. NPCs will not get around to a FtB if the [Flirt] options aren't chosen. I know early in my Smug quest I riled the crap out of Corso by flirting with another smuggler NPC. But in the conversation preceding the one that would seal the deal, I shut him down by choosing a non-flirt. Another way to avoid seeing a same sex FtB in a non class setting is to level with a friend. Even flirts that have the option to go to FtB will not if there are two or more people in the group. As far as companions go, when SGRs are enabled for companions there absolutely needs to be a 'No' option for every romantic conversation. There should already be a way to tell Jorgan there will be no nookie on the Thunderclap. Nadia's little sister romance needs to have a 'I'm sorry, I got carried away, this can't happen" option for people who change their minds. This unfortunately means a bit of revoicing, but what better time than at an expansion when new voice is being added? This post got long. Sorry.
  11. Jorgan is my favorite romance hands down, and the most normal romance aside from iresso. His character is so fleshed out and I know its because you get him at your first companion. He did exactly what he was written to do. I was so angry when I left Ord Mantell on my freshly rolled femTrooper and standing on fleet with this pissed off squad member beside me I raged to my guild about how mean he had been to me and how he thought I wasn't going to amount to anything. Then one of my guildmates pointed out that he was my romantic interest. I raged harder. How incredibly unfair that I had to romance Grumpy Kittypants. Since I started my Trooper as a Combat Medic, getting Elara was redundant for me so Jorgan stayed with me even longer. I was already grudgingly beginning to like him and he was grudgingly beginning to respect me. On Nar Shaddaa he stole my heart. I flirted like crazy there and Jorgan made sure he kept the object of my interest at bay. Unrequited feelings! /happysigh When I got Jorgan's first companion's quest, I was utterly disappointed that I was about 5 levels too low for it. But by then, he had his claws in me. I happily took him everywhere. When he opened the door to make the first move, I took it, and have been writing fan fic ever since. For the next companion I'd love to see Tallos Drellik. But as it looks like they are getting many of the romancable companions done first, maybe Revel instead? I can never pronounce that guy's first name if I'm not looking at it.
  12. My Sage's heart will always belong to Zenith. So I just rolled a Shadow to romance Iresso. I need to find out what all the hub bub is about.
  13. Dear Kabe, I made a Tumblr specifically to follow you. I have not even the slightest clue how to use it or what else I'm supposed to do with it beyond looking at your stuff. That said, Scourge tango. F'ing sexiest thing I've seen. Holy damn.
  14. Ugh. Qyzen. He was my loyal sidekick on my Sage until I got Zenith. Scorekeeper favor him, reading that hurt. I got Iresso from 0 to 10k affection within an hour of leaving Hoth, so I blasted through his story. Since I had no intention of romancing him, I didn't pay much attention. I remember it being weird and not really answering any questions that it raised. Then I promptly forgot about it. This is awesome. Can't wait for more.
  15. I'm doing that thing again where I read and i don't comment. Someone slap the rude out of me. Bright- I love Vierce. I love him to the point that I shy away from writing anything in depth about Poole because I admire Vierce so much and I don't want to mirror my noble Zabrak after your amazing Kegel-an (?). (Even though I totally do.) I love looking up and down Vierce's timeline out of order and seeing the way he grows. He's my favorite of your characters. I also adore the way you write for Jorgan and Elara. /happy sigh Isoviel- I am soooo incredibly amused by the way your smug interjects her inner dialog in between things being said by other people. And her palpable nervousness in her last conversation with Corso was adorable. She's a very relatable character. Striges- Jurial's intro was wonderful. I want to see more of this character. The parallel between his rescuer's small beard and the point of life tattoo got me right in the feels. Brilliant Tatile- Rochester and Broan are so real I want to know them in my real life. Broan has the biggest heart and the scariest switch between Broan and Naught. Compelling. I am thrilled at their reconciliation. Thank you for that. I haven't caught up with yesterday's prompt, so I'll be back. Toodles.
  16. I'd make my debuffs twice as large as everyone else's so I could keep track of which dot was mine easier.
  17. I'm a month late on this but yes, YES. I get you Mags. I fell in love in October and haven't written a thing since. Until yesterday. My love has read all my fan fic and enjoyed it and was extremely disappointed when I stopped. But I just didn't have the drive or the desire to write fiction when I had something so wonderful in my life right there all the time. I didn't even have the desire to play ToR and that was where we met. I'm starting to feel it come back now, though. Ipha and Brei started tapping at my mind, reminding me that their story isn't done and while they enjoyed their vacation, it's about time to get back to work. It'll come back and you'll be even richer for it. I'm happy for you. I'm happy for me. I'm excited to share the rest of their story with him and with everyone else.
  18. I haven't written anything in a long time, but I liked the Alternate Perspective prompt so much that I found inspiration and rewrote my What's in a Name post starring Tess'iri and Zenith. So, spoilers for Consular Balmorra and some Zenith class quests. I also made some stuff up for Zenith to give him an appropriately tragic background. I've been enjoying everyone's work while I took a break from the game and my fan fics. I'm hoping I can get back into the rhythm of this place again.
  19. Get him some spaceship upgrades (level 3 or 4 at your level which are made by cybertechs or level 3s are purchased from the vendor) and have him do the daily space missions. There's decent exp and credits from running those once a day. Get him the exp boosts off the GTN and don't use them yourself. Have him run FPs with the daily from the mission terminal on fleet. Don't skip bonus series quests even if they're gray for you. And run interference form him on planets he's low for. You or your companion can take more hits than he can so aggro first.
  20. Brown haired human with Vector! *pretends it Brei'yu* No judging, Brei loves her Bugs. I too would like to see Mir and Corso. Though in my head its Corso laying a big wet one on a harassed looking Miriah. *kissey kissey* Loved this line of work, Kabe and it was great fun talking with you last night!
  21. TalmaheRa is an endgame PvE guild looking to fill the last couple of spots in our progression ops group. All story modes are cleared, EC hardmode is 1/4. We need a couple reliable people to fill our group out. We're a PvE heavy, PvP lite, RP optional guild of adults who work well together and enjoy getting content down together. Please check out http://www.talmahera.com to put in an application. Speak to Erevus, Charlizè or Ipeh for questions.
  22. Black Hole dailies are nice and quick. The respawn rates of the mobs and boxes have been increased greatly. The Black Hole is a separate area of Corellia. If you want to avoid all the loading screens you'll have to spend a little cash up front but you'll make your money back in no time. Go into your character perk legacy on the character you want to do the BH area. Buy the perk that lets you port directly to Black Hole every 12 hours or so. That's one load screen. Pick up all the terminal quests (no spacebarring through NPC chatter) and make the circuit. Once a week try to get the Heroic 4 done because there is a weekly quest that awards more BH coms and 16k plus a chance at a blue or epic to sell. Then Fleet pass back to fleet since its ready every 18 hours. Two load screens for about 80k a day. Also, if you aren't feeling the money with BIochem, drop for Slicing and sent your companions out for all the Lock Box missions. When you crit you'll get more in the box than what you paid for to send them and you're get recopies for selling and other stuff. I usually take Slicing/Diplo/Scavenging and sell the mats I get back from sending the companions out on the GTN. Put your stuff up for a reasonable price and if it doesn't sell you don't lose out because you get the deposit back. You only pay when it sells. Send all 5 of your companions out before you log for the night and again when you log in.
  23. I always thought it a little unfair that I send my companion out to negotiate or save a prisoner or otherwise do the whole of the work for a companion gift that I turn around and just give back to them. It's like telling your girlfriend she can have whatever she wants for her birthday dinner as long as she cooks it. *gives Aric a weapon* "..." "I really do lova ya, babe."
  24. I wasn't going to post this because i don't really like how it's turning out. But after my Sisterhood story drained all the creativity out of me I feel like I'll get out of the habit if I don't keep doing something. I'm thinking more and more about separate cohesive threads for Ipha/Brei and maybe Aurai. I just have a feeling I'll be screwing myself in the end. This is something for Aurai and Markus. A little Worlds Collide though it's really not that obvious. This takes place after Markus does the Smuggler story so there are some Smuggler story spoilers. I'm sorry I suck at Guss. It's long, 3 thousand words. Eesh. But its the start to a longer story I would like to write, if my brain ever finds inspiration again. Notes:
  25. I just saw this on your tumblr and ran over to comment. Oh Em Gee. That is all. *runs off laughing hysterically.*
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