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Everything posted by Morgani

  1. Is your Sage a male? Because the Qui-Gon hair is for men only. Long curly and bun with braid are female only. The Rasta locks can be for both men and women.
  2. I used to contribute here about a thousand years ago, but not so much anymore. When Striges started the challenge up on Tumblr I went for it, and I figured I'd cross post here and get myself back into the SFC community. So, last week's prompt: Why We Fight Characters: Nicci and Gethe Kodrevas No class story spoilers, but many allusions to other characters in my legacy, whom very few people know anymore. Author's Note
  3. *Screams into the void* I'm still incredibly prolific here despite not having posted for an age! It's a sign. I need to write again. I... I do need to write. *slinks away into the shadows* ---------------------- I love the stats posts bright makes. I feel the need to tip Jorgan over top of Quinn. *goes back to study the stats again*
  4. I was standing in front of Raptus waiting to pull after a wipe because half our raid DC'd. Then we all DC'd again and called it. We did not have the resolve to continue.
  5. It's pretty much a coding restriction, like has been mentioned. Planet backgrounds are painted, cutscenes are static. Every NPC in a cutscene makes the same gestures as do PCs. So matching the light in a cutscene (which is just a movie) would require every cutscene that takes place outside to be reworked to match every change in lighting. Lore wise, the planets are meant to match a certain time in the stories. Class stories take place between 3 and 5 years (to get from Prologue to the end of Ch 3) so every Trooper is supposed to be on Alderaan during the day during chilly wintery months. Every Sith Warrior hits Voss just before Twilight during their Spring-y season. With all the work that would be require to add this feature, I don't think EA considers it worth it when they can just reskin a chestpiece and put it into a cartel pack for lots of money.
  6. Fishing wouldn't work the way you want it to if it was implemented. Players wouldn't stand on a beach and cast lines. You would send your companion off for 3 to 35 minutes and they would return with a catch or fail to catch anything. Sometimes, if you were down by a beach or a pond, there would be a clickable node that would yield some fish. Just like every other gathering profession is designed. Cooking would be done by sending your companion out once again and they would return with a finished product. SWTOR crew skills aren't designed to work the way trade skills in other MMOs do.
  7. There are MMOs already established with a good community who do PvP and PvE endgame better than SWtOR does. If class stories are over and that one pillar of gaming that SWtOR does better than any MMO out there is going to be ignored, I will go back to one of the other MMOs and do the raiding scene. Or maybe one of the new MMOs that so far hasn't peaked my interest will become interesting, because they have a good endgame. Individual class stories make this game stand out. End that and this game will no longer stand out.
  8. You have to wait 30 days for the old GM to not log in ever. Then the leadership gets turned over to the next highest guild rank person who has been on within 30 days. If that person doesn't log in for 30 days then the next highest ranked person on within 30 days will get GM and on and on ad nauseum until you get screwed over by one jerkface coward who boots everyone out and takes the 30 million gbank and destroys your good guild name. That's what happened to me at least. Your mileage may vary. And no, you can not petition for the guildmaster rank to be granted to you because of this wonderful system in place. Do yourself a favor and find another guild.
  9. DPS Commandos could benefit from an execute type of ability. And please think about ammo regen. Slow and steady saves ammo but hurts our DPS and face melty burst gives us a few seconds of wowzers then leaves us impotent for 20 seconds. Healing Commandos really need to have Trauma Probe looked at again. An ammo cost was added ages ago but it still can only be cast on a single target. But it still can't stack up anywhere near to Sage bubble or Scoundrel hots. I haven't played my Commando for so long, I'd like to go back to her some day.
  10. Using the word "toon" to refer to your character has been around since Everquest at least. I started playing EQ in 2001 and it was already in use. Also, someone else was talking about the word "mob" being used incorrectly, not realizing that 'mob" is actually short for the word "mobile" which was coined in the really early MUDs. Back in the early MMO days, there were no voice chats so a lot of things were shortened. Some meanings persisted while others dropped off. We don't call people who kill others in open world PvP PKers (player killers) anymore. They are gankers. Those that take an item and anger someone else are ninjas even though that's not what word originally meant in terms of gaming. MMOs have their own language that is always evolving. I find it fascinating, rather than irritating. Though I have to say I sorely dislike shortening "character" to "char" because it looks like another word (to char wood) and sounds like yet another (I do care) so I won't use it.
  11. I just don't understand how male dancers are supposed to make any credits without access to the official dancer outfits. This puts these hard working men in an unfortunate position. Some of them have families! Bioware, think of the hungry children. This bug needs to be addressed, asap.
  12. Classes get several titles throughout their stories. There should be at least one in each chapter. Trooper: Consular: Imp Agent: Smuggler: Those are just the ones I remember. And I haven't played every class all the way through yet.
  13. HK-51 isn't a CM purchase like Treek. You get him from a questline that starts in Section X, has you do a couple of heroic 2s, flashpoints, and you need an Imp high enough level to get to the Dark Temple on Dromand Kaas to get on of his parts. The CM only sells the ability to get to Section X and Legacy sells the opportunity to open him up for the rest of your characters. So I'm not sure what you bought. Go to one of the quick travel kiosks outside the hangars on fleet to get directly to Section X. There's an NPC right where you zone in with the quest to find the Fatality and start the questline.
  14. I have thought about asking to take over the guild ( I can still contact my GM) or starting one of my own. But I know from being an officer in other guilds, both in this game and in other MMOs, that you need an incredibly tight support system around you to successfully run an end game progression guild. With everyone in my guild gone or dispersed to other smaller guilds, I would have rebuild and hold up a new raiding guild myself. I'm not the person to do that alone. I don't think it's about how fast Bioware is delivering raid and flashpoint content. It's the fact that they release Story and Hard modes then sit on Nightmare for months before releasing it. We spent almost 6 months clearing SnV. Why does Bioware think we're going to be all excited to do it all again for another 5 months? Story, Hard and Nightmare need to be released at the same time for every operation. That way people can move from mode to mode when gear ready, not farm Hard mode for three months with min/maxed characters, getting sick of the same bosses only to be faced with those same exact bosses plus a new mechanic and more HP just to pick up three gear points.
  15. Much like Kabe, shame and a terrible grasp naughty writing will keep me from posting anything risque here. Should I ever get back to posting here. I don't generally fade to black, unless my fic is ending there. I tend to PG lead in to it, then allude to the main event happening in neutral language and then pick up again afterward. To me, the event isn't the important part. It's the reasons and feelings and what not. I don't read much romance. I think I did something similar in one of my Sisterhood installments.
  16. Yeah. I've realized that transferring may be my only option if I want to continue playing. Which is unfortunate because of the friends I've made on my current server and the characters I've already leveled. I really feel for the players in APAC prime time. You guys have to schedule your ops around downtime and when Tuesday is no longer the patch day you're left foundering. I'm wondering myself how long I can talk myself to continue paying for this game. I miss my guildies, I miss progression. I don't miss Asation, but I'd give a lot to be able to do ops again.
  17. I'm QQing about a personal SWtOR problem below because I just have to QQ and there's no one to comfort me. Run away before the tsunami of my tears carries you out the door. On July 30th, my guild's leader, co-leader, and every single officer quit the game. By August 1st, 99% of my guild's raiders had left the guild. I say 99% because I stayed. Overnight, my guild hemorrhaged a 16 man ops group. Why? The guild leadership, which included our main tank, MT healer, off healer and a handful of dps (all Underworld geared,) were tired of recycled content. We cleared TfB when it was 50 and only offered Story and Hard mode. We cleared Story and Hard mode TfB again when it was 55. We were the first guild on the server to kill the Dreadful Entity. We had been clearing SnV since the week it came out. Then we're handed nightmare modes and shiny Kell Dragon gear. And no one cared. We killed nightmare Space Beaver. Someone got a bracer. The next week my leadership called it quits. No one could care. Every one was so tired of Asation that they stopped playing the game completely. We were the only 16 man progression group on my server. There are no other 16 man operations guilds on my server. Not on Republic (where my Dread Slayer is) nor on Imperial. None. Zero. There are no operations guilds on Republic side that are close to running nightmare mode that have room for me. I don't even log into my Underworld geared character anymore, because I'm alone in my guild. There used to be 50 people who regularly logged in to play. We had over 20 on every ops night. I've seen one other person on since August 1st. Your recycled content killed my guild, Bioware. I've spent the last month and half trying out Imperial side stories and missing the camaraderie of my guild. Finding an operations Imp guild is proving difficult too, because when server transfers opened up, a huge chunk of the Imps went to a PvP server. But that's a whole different rant. I just want to raid. *finds a tissue and goes to hug a teddy bear*
  18. Cartel packs come in "seasons", meaning they stagger a release of 6 or so packs over a few months time and about halfway through the next season, the previous one is discontinued. We're in season 3, the Bounty Hunter season basically. Season one is gone so the only way to get things from it are to watch the GTN or some items are available for rep, credits, and cartel slips, which you get from packs and are bound to legacy. One pack of each season is a mini pack, it costs almost half as much as the other packs but only offers one super rare rather than two. Make sure you know the names of the cheap packs in both current seasons so you don't get ripped off on the GTN. Either through greed or ignorance, most sellers will put the cheap pack up for the same or more as the larger packs. Good packs with 2 super rares are 320 CC, so you can pretty much buy 1 a month if you have sub stipend. The Collections tab is your friend, found on the CM page and you character window. Get to know the names of current seasons and you can preview some of the things coming out in the next pack. The Collections window will keep track of items you've purchased and bound to your character and for more CC you can unlock it for your whole account, every character, every server. Learn that Collections tab well. Each season of packs has it's own Reputation system. The rep vendors are in the Cartel area of the fleet, which for Republic is the northern elevator. When you buy packs, try to buy them on a character that is in a guild with a lot of members if you sub, because of the rep increase % having a lot of active subs in guild gives. The items bind to you for like 18 hours or something, after that you can ship them to alts or put them on the GTN. Playing with packs is real money so if you're going to go the credit way, you'll need a lot of them. Between 50 and 55 there are multiple daily areas with reps of their own. Set aside a good chunk of time a couple times a week to do Black Hole, Ilum, SecX, old Belsavis dailies, Czerka, and Makeb. A couple daily hubs done a day can get you a pack, depending on server.
  19. I think when the server comes down for a patch the GTN loses its info when the servers are back up. I normally notice that I get the generic "Someone bought something from you" mails after a patch.
  20. I'm still looking for a way for Aurai to sneak in and snuggle up with Akaavi. Love her Rotworm practice jersey!
  21. Makeb was not a success for me. I took my Commando through in March. It's now September and my Sage has tried a few times to do the story, if only for the money and the basic coms. But I've seen it all already on Pub side. Every single quest. There's nothing new. Why would I do it again once I've done it already? Players have had these same complaints with planet story arcs and side quests already. No unique class story is no fun. I hate leveling an alt through pvp and flashpoints because I can't stand to do Hoth again for the fifth time. It puts an expiration date on the game.
  22. There are a Prologue and 4 chapters to each class's story. You're reaching the end of the Prologue where you'll receive a ship and the choice to go to Taris or Nar Shaddaa. You'll have to complete the class missions on both planets and most people go to Taris first since its the lower level of the two. Then Tattooine and Alderaan are the completion of chapter 1. Balmorra, Quesh, and Hoth are chapter 2, followed by Belsavis, Voss and Corellia for chapter 3. There's an interlude you can do if you chose that sends you on short quest lines for Ilum, Section X, and Black Hole. Those open daily quests for money making and comms to buy level 50 starter gear. Chapter 4 is the planet of Makeb and there's a short quest line that opens up the Czerka dailies. You have a lot more of this game to play. Including flashpoint quests that you can pick up on Fleet at the appropriate levels. Some people can do it all on a character in a couple weeks, but usually those people are familiar with the game, have access to really good gear, experience boosts, and really good companion knowledge. I think my first character took 3 months to level when the game was new, but there was no flashpoint queue and this was back before the server mergers so there weren't many people available to do heroics with. I also didn't play every day. Have fun! Go explore the galaxy and may the Force be with you!
  23. Without the continuation of individual class stories, there's nothing keeping me in the game once I finish my last few ACs. I can find other games that are less buggy, have a better and less frustrating PvP balance, and raid content. The way I identify with my characters and the interest I take in their journey is why I've been subbing to the game since it came out. Without that, there are better games to play from a purely mechanical point of view.
  24. I don't mind the aspects of the game that want you to group with other people. It's the artificial gating that makes me angry, like Longshots in Section X. If I can duo this Heroic with two people, then let me. Don't force me to gather up two more people just to click on stuff. If I want to challenge myself and solo it, I should be able to. If I can't solo it because of mob health or boss mechanics, that's fine. But having a full group just to click something sucks.
  25. Steve Blum is also the Announcer in Huttball. The only good thing about Huttball. ...HUTTS DON'T HAVE FEET!
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