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Everything posted by Irongut

  1. You need to read the rewards page more carefully. The rewards will appear when the expansion launches.
  2. The outfit designer is totally broken and was a waste of time. I tried it on one character and it almost never shows the outfit I set as active. Most of the time it just shows the armour they are actually wearing and occasionally after a session change (like once a week) it will show the outfit only to revert at the next session change. Better to remove it.
  3. Most fps can be run solo once you're a 5+ levels above the original requirement. Exceptions are ones with mechanics that require more people like Collicoid War Games. The god droid is a pain in the rear end if you play a tank or a healer. Better off without him.
  4. The Hutt Cartel would like to remind you that Cathar are a Cartel Market unlock too. Why didn't you complain then?
  5. That is ninja looting. You should only click Need if a piece of gear is for your class / role and better than the item you already have equipped; i.e. you actually need it. If it's for an alt... GREED. If it's for a companion... GREED. If it is lower rating than what you have... GREED. If it's for sale / trade / because it looks nice... GREED. If you want to break one of those rules ask permission, most groups will give you an item for a comp or alt if you ask first. If you don't a lot of people will kick and ignore you. Exceptions are crafting mats, decorations, etc. You already get a guaranteed cookie at the end of the run in the form of comms.
  6. Could be. Probably. Yes. It seems the fanboys will lap anything up and are indeed loving it. Personally I'm thinking of cancelling my sub the day before early access starts.
  7. +1. While levelling blue gear, stims, etc are perfectly fine. You do not need reusable stims and medpacks; I levelled 4 characters before I used a single stim or non npc medpack. Only two of my eight characters have biochem and all of them have completed the same end level content.
  8. Monday night ToFN, about an hour before the servers went down for the patch I got a Korriban tactical pop on my dps Sorc. He was my original character at launch and I don't play him often, he's Lightning tree and 186 geared. Group is 3 dps and a tank. I zone in, say hello and set off for the first group you need to kill with another Sorc (skipping the ones at the bottom of the cliff). While we're standing waiting for the rest of the group a Jug tank arrives and jumps straight into the skipped group on his own. We run back, save his posterior and our fourth joins us - another dps Sorc. We then stand at the next mob waiting for the tank. He calls a vote to kick me with reason "be a healer". It fails. He then proceeds to try to duel me twice before spamming me with guild invites. I had to turn auto-decline back on. One of the other Sorcs then opens on the mob. The tank stands there doing nothing while we kill it. We move on killing mobs till we get to the first boss. At this point the Jug is still standing where we left him. We kill the boss without him then kick him so we can proceed to the next area. I summon Khem in his 192 Yavin set to be our tank. On the second boss, the first time he does his AOE phase both the other sorcs die. Khem and I continue fighting while they make the long trek back from the start. Using Force Speed to run between the kolto stations and lots of bubbles I keep us both alive. The other Sorcs finally turn up and we kill the boss just as Khem dies. The rest of the fp was no problem, it is a tactical after all. Needless to say that Jug has now been added to my short list of tanks that are ignored across my entire legacy and I will be avoiding PUGs that include any members of his guild.
  9. D4 is most definitly not family friendly. Try listening to the things he says, he's more blood thirsty than HK. Treek on the other hand... if I could wave my hand and wipe out all the ewoks in the galaxy I would.
  10. Lol you hit the soft enrage on that boss which means the dps weren't doing their job. But of course they will call out the healer because they died. I like everyone to stack on that boss for aoe heals and to make using aoe on the adds easier.
  11. So to carry on playing SWTOR instead of Mass Effect Online I should cancel my subscription now? Focusing on story and releasing a new chapter every month is interesting but ditching the previous stories and saying "you step out of the freezer and everything is different..." is just a huge slap in the face. I have probably 1 character (of 8) that deus ex machina might actually work for but the others no way. I think I'll keep my sub running till I get the rewards and then cancel on launch day.
  12. As long as you keep writing it I'll keep reading it. It's great to see another chapter.
  13. This weekend I learnt a lesson... Never queue for HM 60s at 3am on ToFN. I don't have a lot of people on my ignore list but this weekend I added two tanks. Saturday Battle of Rishi HM. My Operative healer, Sniper dps, Jug dps and I think Assassin tank. I zone in, the Jug and myself skip the first group and stand waiting on the beach for the other two. The sniper zones in and says something like "I'm a noob, hope that's ok". The tank immediately asks what his gear level is and starts giving him a hard time. The Sniper has more HP than the tank does and says he's in a mix of 186 and 192. The tank walks straight into the first group and I have to run to heal him, sigh. The tank is a bit squishy but his threat generation is good on the trash so I think it should be an ok run, but as the flashpoint progresses it becomes obvious that the tank doesn't actually know it. He's probably run the tactical a few times but not the hard mode. He doesn't skip anything and ignores HM mechanics. Somehow I manage to keep us all alive on the first boss despite running out of resources twice. We get to the second boss and the tank and Jug ignore the lightning balls leaving them all for myself and the sniper, who starts running into them after seeing me do it. We wipe. I mention the mechanic and we try again. And again and again, each time wiping to the soft enrage when one of them dies. Eventually the tank realises we need to take them both down together but not before he complains about a lack of healing saying "you should be healing so much I have kolto coming out of my ***!" He would have kolto coming out his *** but Master Obai's yellow AOEs are deep in there. Eventually we get to the final boss. During the cutscene I remind everyone about the EMP and the adds. On the first try Jug and tank both die to the EMP. Second try they ignore the adds and I die, followed rapidly by everyone else. And so it continues with them standing in the AOE, ignoring adds and trying to survive the EMP just long enough to pick their noses or something. I lost count of the number of wipes. Eventually the tank insults my healing yet again and quits, followed a second later by the Jug. Terribad Tank #1 goes on ignore. The sniper and I parted ways but met again about an hour later to run the same FP with a much better group. Well I say a better group.... the tank couldn't hold threat as well but at least he was polite, friendly and actually knew the tactics, which he took time to explain to our other dps because he was new. We took three tries to kill the final boss but otherwise no problems and it was an enjoyable run. Sunday Depths of Manaan HM. Queue popped while I was in the middle of the solo Revan fight. Normally I would click Decline but since it was 3am and the chance of another group is so low I accepted then apologised that I would be a bit late. One of the dps said something along the lines of "no worries" and I focussed my attention on Revan. As I was finishing the fight a vote kick on that dps appeared, I abstained since I had no idea what it was about and it failed. I finished with Revan and loaded Manaan in time to see the tank and dps shouting at each other before the dps quit group. He later whispered me: good luck with that "tank"! We decided to get started with a comp while we waited for a replacement dps. We had my Op, Sin dps and Jug tank. On the first trash the tank walked straight past the two mobs at the doorway, ignored them and did idk what because they promptly killed me. He said he didn't see them, must be bugged. Second pull I got all the aggro again and spent most of my time healing myself. In the corridor that leads to the first boss he managed to pull two groups at once, most of whom focussed on me and we wiped. Normally at this point I would give up but something masochistic in me decided to see how bad it could get. We got a replacement dps (Marauder) in time for the first boss and it actually went quite well. I did find myself tanking the boss most of the time but the occasional aggro drop when my health was getting too low helped a lot. On the way to Ortuno I die to trash in the room with the spread out enemies that includes two golds because the tank has no aggro at all. By this point I've realised the Marauder is tanking anything I'm not and most of my heals are going to him or myself. They let me stealth the two consoles and thankfully decide to skip the bonus boss so we get to Ortuno. First try we lose two people to Flow, including the tank. I combat rez him but he doesn't heal before returning to combat and we wipe. I say we need to be quicker running away from Flow, that it comes after Mass Project and suggest we all run to the same corner which I mark for AOE heals (the one the water never reaches). The tank opens as I'm typing. The first Flow comes and myself and the dps run to the corner I marked, the tank runs the opposite way. Adds appear and guess who is tanking them... me. I pop my DCDs and concentrate on healing myself till the dps down them. Meanwhile the tank is kiting Ortuno all over the room. The Marauder tells him to keep the boss in one place but he ignores him. Even using my roll I have trouble staying out of the water on the next Flow and we lose the tank and one dps again. I'm not sure how mant times we tried to kill Ortol but the last one went on so long that I was worried he would enrage and despite using combat rez on a dps who died to the first Flow it was off cooldown to use on the tank later. Of course he ran straight into combat again without trying to heal and died. We finally killed Ortuno with only 1 dps and myself alive. The Jug tank has not used Intercede once. On to the final boss. Now I know this one is basically untankable but you could at least try. Our tank didn't but the Marauder made a serious attempt. Adds were a problem for me (who else would they bother with) but I took them into the flames when available and used DCDs & aggro drop when they weren't. At several points the others stood fighting adds or the boss with flames across the other side of the room. The tank dies because he's standing on the other side of the room while I'm next to the flames he should be dragging the boss into and we wipe. I say we need to be quicker getting to the flames and that if you have adds on you drag them into the flames too. At this point the Marauder says that the Sin is bad, he's only using basic attack. I don't have a Sin so I've no idea what their attacks should look like so I say nothing. Then the tank decides to have a go at me. Apparently I shouldn't be telling him how to do the flashpoint when I've been running around instead of healing. I consider saying he'd get healing if he was taking damage but the dps and myself are taking all of it and have been for the whole FP but if I say anything now the whole party will fall apart and we're so close to the end so I stay silent. The second try goes much like the first but I put some HOTs on the Marauder just before the adds kill me and the other three manage to kill the boss while I lie on the floor. We watch the cutscene, Terribad Tank #2 goes on ignore and I can't even be bothered to say goodbye. The run took over an hour and I had a 90k repair bill. TL:DR: Tanks that don't know HM mechanics, are probably wearing dps gear, don't like it when you politely tell them mechanics and rage at the healer end up on ignore.
  14. If you think SWTOR is bad you should see Neverwinter. You have to pay for a mount, pay for inventory slots, pay for a decent companion, pay for everything. They even have some very common loot chests that you have to pay to open! There are ways to get access to mounts and inventory slots without spending real cash but they require an unhealthy amount of grinding.
  15. Haha I always love that one. I don't usually see it on my healers (Operative & Sage) but I see it a lot when my Gunslinger uses Distraction. A lot of people will run out of the green gas and drag the mobs with them, losing the debuff I was trying to apply. Always makes me laugh, especially when the same people then stand in red circles.
  16. Blood Hunt (Tactical) can be done easily in 178 blues. Why would you need a Trooper or Smuggler? They are not mandatory classes for any content. It's a tactical so you don't need a healer or a tank, use the mushrooms to heal on the wampa boss and kolto stations on the other bosses. Regenerate between fights. Stick to the middle of the platform, it will stop you going over the side when Jos does her knockback. If you do die don't respawn! If you do respawn don't go stand right at the door or the fight will reset when one of them decides to leap to you. If you die and respawn you will be locked out of most FP boss fights and if anyone in the group has a combat rez they won't be able to use it if you're stood outside. The 'buggy' behaviour you saw while stood outside is pretty normal in FPs. Don't try running this on hard mode (I haven't tried it since the nerf but as released it was nigh on impossible for PUGs.)
  17. You missed him. See the big computer thing in front of you? Hit it. I've seen a lot of groups confused how to start this fight recently. I've ended up pulling on my healer several times to stop them milling about aimlessly.
  18. They made a number of changes to this mechanic since RoTHC launched and it has made the missions easier. It used to be you would dig up other stuff and take a lot of scans to find the seed. Sometimes an npc would spawn and attack. Now you find the seed within five scans or less, never find anything else and don't dig up npcs either. While this is faster and easier it means several achievements are now unavailable.
  19. These are the ones that really annoy me, they say they've been playing since beta/launch but don't know the mechanics. Makes it very difficult for me to say "well I've been playing since beta and the mechanic is x" because I don't want to sound like them. Had a SM D7 run (my favourite FP) on my Sage healer the other day. I was level 48, we had a Vanguard tank I've worked with before about the same level, a dps Sage at 47 and the other dps was a Shadow (I think) at 54. The Shadow kept running ahead and pulling mobs. Often while I was still restoring my force in the previous area. So I let him die repeatedly. If I was actually in the same room as him I'd let him get to 10% whie I kept the tank above 90% then heal him. Every so often he would shout for healing during a fight, usually when I was in the previous room. The guy clearly didn't know the FP, he was pulling mobs I've never fought before and ignoring mechanics like the panels and repair bots on one of the bosses. He was of course pulling bosses before the tank and before I could explain them to him. We clicked all the items for the bonus boss but when we got there he runs to the end and starts saying "come on lets get this finished quick". If he'd said he wanted a fast run at the start I'd have shown them everything you can skip, including a couple of bosses, and why did he spend time he clicking items for the bonus? He is now warm and safe with his new friends on my ignore list.
  20. I think his point was the operative was moaning at him for not healing her but she didn't need it because she had kolto probes on herself constantly. If no one needs healed then there's no point wasting resources over healing them.
  21. Welcome to the game. You will find that pulling when the healer has no force/energy or is not with the group because they're still stood trying to regen where the last mob died is a common tank problem. Just ask them to slow a little and most will. When tanking you have to balance making sure everyone is ready with waiting too long so the stupid dps pull (there's always one stupid dps). From recent posts here it sounds like the bads on JC are trying to take the bad crown from our bads on ToFN.
  22. All class quests are soloable by the intended class at the intended level. I have played since beta and have a character of every class. You can play troll all you want, I was there and I know.
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