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Everything posted by Irongut

  1. If you play it with someone 5 levels above the content you won't get any xp so what would be the point? (other than to get the turret decoration) And, no one likes that FP so no one would queue for it. Why? At 55 you should be able to solo most if not all of the story modes and you overpower the hard modes so much they may as well be story mode. I've run HM50s on my operative healer where all I had to do was heal people at the end of fights and otherwise I was dps.
  2. Did you have a mushroom omlette for lunch?
  3. NECRO! *** are you doing replying to a thread from 2012 about a GTN bug?
  4. 12x XP isn't a cool thing for subscribers. It's the thing that stopped me ordering the expansion as soon as it was announced. WTB something actually cool
  5. So everyone becomes one of the three cookie-cutter specs for their advanced class. This is supposed to be an improvement?
  6. My Imperial Scout on the pad at DK was rotated 180 degrees after the patch. I haven't noticed anything else that has moved but I may have missed something. I hope this doesn't happen often because very few decorations in my strongholds are at 0,0,0 on their hooks.
  7. There are more than four different types of chair so use a different one in each stronghold. That way you can have at least 50 chairs in each. Surely you don't need more than that?
  8. I disagee. Korriban, Tython, Hutta and Ord Mantel contain some of my favourite moments in game. Korriban is my favourite planet. I've been playing since beta so I've been through it quite a few times and I'm looking forward to doing so again soon. The starter planets define your initial place in the galaxy and your background so they are important. If I could ditch any part of the class stories it would be Act 2. Act 2 is boring and monotonous for just about all the classes.
  9. Very good. Vette is one of my favourite companions and I think you captured her voice really well.
  10. The big question is which one has "Mad about Me"? It's the only song I'm interested in.
  11. With Mannan being so large it has to be destined for more than the rarely used jump off point for a couple of flashpoints. I'm assuming it will become a daily area a bit like CZ-198 in the hopefully not too distant future.
  12. With 4 characters you can easily max rep in 2 events without buying any contracts. It probably requires storing rep items once you reach the weekly cap and using them the following week. I maxed my rep and achievements in the first two bounty events using 4 characters and haven't really taken part again since.
  13. There's a unit of Imps you have met before that turn up again during the Alderaan bonus quests. Can't remember where you meet them the first time, Balmora maybe?
  14. You can! Type /chair to sit on chairs / sofas and /sleep to sleep on beds. It's not great but it does work.
  15. There was something in the cut scenes for the Republic Korriban & Tython FPs. Its been a long time since I saw those scenes but iirc she was off on a diplomatic mission and not on Tython at the time. Can't remember if she appears and tells you that or Theron does.
  16. What I don't understand is why someone who is not in a guild has to see that sector control message at all. If I'm not in a guild I clearly don't give a hoot what guilds are up to or which one controls the planet. This would be nice but unless they up the character limit then I don't see the point. You can change the owner's name in the stronghold window. There is a drop down that lets you set it to any character in your legacy, even ones that have never visited or don't make sense. Yes, your Jedi Knight can have a Sith Academy named after them on Dromund Kaas. I'd like to see all the decorations created actually in game. Atm there are too many that I can preview with the decorations window that just don't exist in game. These decorations list their source but when you visit the vendor in question they don't have them and there is no way to tell this beforehand. Do we have an ETA for them being added? Have they even been mentioned? I'd like the option to place my characters in a stronghold in a similar way to companions. If that character visits the stronghold then the placed character disappears. They could act like companions and utter a few stock phrases when clicked. This could be done without any extra VO work, just reuse existing lines. I also want more things for on my walls. More paintings! More posters! More propaganda! Maybe a tapestry or one of those sandpeople tribal things painted on a bantha hide. But, these things need to make sense so no more Corelian Zoo signs or giant Czerka logos please.
  17. It is technically possible but since Morgan Freeman's is one of the most copied voices for TV adverts and is a hugely expensive movie star it is much more likely to be an impersonation.
  18. Superlaser might make it stronger, and pissed off!
  19. Funny, the items I've sold for over 2 years now are still selling and for roughly the same prices they were a few weeks ago. If anything they have gone up in price. So yeah definitely a depression, prices down all round and nothing is selling. Hang on...
  20. Very much worth it on the Imperial side. I've run it three times. The Republic version of the story is not as good. I just couldn't get into the ark idea so I've only run it once.
  21. Ah but irl we don't have a mission to blow up on people that we receive prizes for. We're just after the prizes, honest.
  22. It's worth the wait when you come up with a chapter as good as that. The Terentatek fight is great and I really like the way you describe the map.
  23. Agreed. The original events were "can't miss this, must play it on all my alts content". The repeating events not so much. I played the recent Gree event because I missed it in December. It had been over a year since I last played it, I have levelled three new 55s since then and I like the content. I played it with all three new 55s but only one of them a day, in the past I was running those quests at least three times a day. The BH event I haven't played since the second time around. I have max rep and all the achievements so meh. Monthly is far too regular for such a lack of content. I will be playing the Rak event, I love the plague mechanic and I need more rep + achievements for it. But, once I max my rep (probably this week) it will lose a lot of its appeal. A new cave and a different ops beastie would keep it fresh. I don't even care for new rewards, new (or freshened) content is far more enticing.
  24. Have you tried the permanent THORN vendors? On Nar Shaddaa in the GSI HQ. (Upper Promenade)
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