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Everything posted by Red_Vs_Blue

  1. I click on everything pass hot key 6, and onthe bottom row. I play pve mostly and do very well, tank like a god, heal like a god, dps like a god. Haters gonna hate.
  2. I'm playing on a pretty heavily populated server now as a trooper. I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO WOW!
  3. this game does feel very much single playerish. Idk if they are still sharding the servers, but most areas appear to have barely any people, and my server, Dreshdea Cantina, appears to be on the hwy to death.
  4. Dude, i fricken finished Hoth and i am not even lvl 39 yet. Quesh is ez mode. Maybe you are doing something wrong? If i can take a champion on my own and live, you should at least be able to take on elites. Edit: my SI is now lvl 38, freshly arrived on Belsavis, can't wait to start killing.
  5. most hutball matches i see now take forever to fill up, this game is dying tbh.
  6. Lol, if legacy title is specific to only one realm, my next person should be named Commander with the legacy of Shepard.
  7. You do understand ya'll are QQing about a non-critical part of the game, or your character progression, right?
  8. You do realize your are complaining about a little minigame right?
  9. First, give me ME style romance scenes.
  10. Well, the SI says "There will be no survivors" and "Death and mayhem await!" I guess that is somewhat close to "I got this."
  11. Yep. But i won't mind having that fem droid, 2V-R8 is just plain ugly. OH! I want EDI in her human form on my ship!!!
  12. I'm very disappointed that my person does not yell "ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!" when i bind ghosts. Or that Zash didn't do that as well.
  13. I'm pretty sure he knows that, well i hope he does, but it would be nice if they did the "ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL!"
  14. This is the song that goes on in my head when playing Imperial side : The republic has nothing even close to make me have that kind of music going through my head.
  15. I'm with him on that op. OP, you must be lying.
  16. Although this is an obvious april fools joke (The Ship Droid thing) it still gave me many good laughs. Especially the "Super Star Wars" game. Far better than any April Fools joke WoW ever had. But you should implement this thing for real though.
  17. Too bad for her, she go hit the gym or run around. IT'S NOT HARD TO STAY HEALTHY!
  18. Same story in WoW? What did you expect? something unique? Please, you can only do so much with an mmo, and in any case people will keep complaining.
  19. Not really, i mean to be honest, if you want a piece from commendation gear then just focus on getting that needed amount. And honestly, you get enough from quests to buy two at least.
  20. the last of my concerns is SGRA's. Btw, you can have my Vette if you want her; real men use Jaesa.
  21. My name is Ebola Zaire, and i have a 90% mortality rate. I can kill off most of you.
  22. Finally a well written account of what this game truly is and not some foolish "i hate this game because...." type of rant. /+1 interwebz for you.
  23. Dude, you out lvl the gear soo quickly they are really pointless. Just do the group quests for your orange gear and mod it.
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