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Everything posted by Red_Vs_Blue

  1. I understand that you were expecting a god like mmo, and can not stand even the least of hassles. But could you at least tell us why? You probably can't without sounding really uneducated.
  2. I didn't expect a WoW a killer and didn't get one, nevertheless, i like this game and will keep paying.
  3. cyberpowerpc.com, you can get a pretty good pc for that amount.
  4. This way your companion won't have a reason to kill you. Honestly if my character was say a companion for a IA i would kill the IA in the end. It's the Sith thing to do.
  5. idk, i am enjoying raiding. Take a break here n there, you won't suffer the burn that way.
  6. this game can work great on a low-mid range rig, and suck the suck on a high end rig. Quite unpredictable.
  7. He did say that it was very hard for him to find a group and his pvp queue did not pop up. raised server cap or not, everything should have been easier to find. and it wont make a heavy/full server drop to low. Please be logical.
  8. So BW should force ppl to roll Republic? Soo good for business....
  9. Considering how abysmal the fps in this game can be at times even on all low. I would highly suggest they get their game on and go Dx11. And a 300M budget and Dx11? This BW Austin is a dishonor to BW.
  10. i have an i5 and i get like 2 fps inside certain buildings even on low! Yet somehow, my pc can play all other AAAAA game titles on max with out a hitch.
  11. Ah yes, EQ, became obsolete after WoW came out and steamrolled it. EQ2 won't fare any better. And honestly, this game is fine.
  12. Take a break, i took one hell of a long break (almost a month) and came back into raiding. You could lvl an alt, if you are you into alts, or smell the roses.
  13. In other news, you can mod your favorite piece of armor because you are a casual and will never see the light of raiding if you are only lvl 36 now.
  14. BF3 went for 49.99 at one time for like a few days. This is just to get more players into the game and bring more profits in the long run.
  15. Ain't that bad actually, i raided yesterday and it rekindled my desire for this game. Ya'll just expect heaven arent you? Too bad.
  16. Go Annihilation, easier to lvl with because your dot crits will heal you. And those dots can do serious damage when stacked to max. (takes 3 GCD's to get 3)
  17. Well they did provide free transfers at certain points in time.
  18. MMO's aren't judged on pvp, they are mostly judged on end game content at the end. Which is where everything really takes place. And honestly most classes are pretty straight forward. I am quite positive that playing 2 serious hours a day for 30 days will get you to 50.
  19. No you blasted closed minded fanboy. There is no lets rush to 50 now. If you aren't 50 in at least a month playing only 2 hours a day or even 6 total per week you are mentally slow. This game is abysmal at 50. I literally breezed through content and got geared in one or two runs of EV. There is no "Awesome" moment when you take down a boss, it just feels like your regular old 50 elite just with extra firepower and gimmicky mechanics. This game so far is not good at the end game lvl, which is where everything takes place.
  20. Not quite, i mean many people are still going and doing old world quests in WoW, which they should have finished in theory back in ye olde times, in SWTOR you don't have that. There are at least 20-40 quests per planet. There about 10-14 Planets from what i recall, so about 400+ quests total, that is NOTHING.
  21. The Journey is boring and abysmal. Oh look, i have to do the SAME zones, with the SAME quests, with NO other planet option. I mean it's bad enough that i can barely stand to be online for 10 minutes on my 50, i can barely even bare to do Balmorra again. This game really sucks. Like i am not even kidding you, this game sucks ***.
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