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Everything posted by -Dench

  1. Ajunta Pall, Welcome to Jung Ma. I came from Ven Zallow, and I was very happy to see the high numbers. They aren't as high as I'd like, but they are significantly better than what Ven Zallow had. To the people worried about latency due to the distance, we have a member that lives in Oregon play on Ven Zallow and now Jung Ma. He's never reported once that hes having lag or a poor connection. The US backbone is getting better and better. It's pretty solid these days.
  2. Just transferred 3 toons, very easy to do and very quick. Under 5 mins to move all 3 toons and rename one of them. Good and simple transfer service.
  3. Right, adding them up would be over 2, but thats not how torstatus works. If a server ran at Standard 100% of the day, it would be a 2. When the server hits Light, Standard, Heavy, Very Heavy and Full, torstatus averages the set amount it gives per number to give you the final rating. for instance, Ven Zallow is a "1" as it is always Light, but since it is down for 2% of the week for downtime, it is .98.
  4. Yes, I know where they are on the ranking. Without getting into a lame eBattle over how to read torstatus, you cant go off of the list really in terms of #4, #6 or whatever. you need to look at its actual rating. Jung Ma is 1.19 and Pal 1.15. Ven Zallow is .98. So, what this means is Jung Ma hits standard for a few hours per week, looks to be around 4 per night. (around 20-23% of the day) Ajunta Pal is hitting Standard slightly less than Jung Ma is. Ven Zallow never hits standard, and is now having trouble getting over 100 players on the imperial side during prime time. So, thats 2 low Standards plus one dead server. the range of standard is massive, so even if we had all 3 combined, it would still be a Standard server. I would personally consider any server under 1.5 to be trash. 3 servers are over 1.5 right now. All the servers over 1.5 are still hitting Heavy, although the #3 is about to lose that unless transfers boost it.
  5. Eh. thats not a good bet. 2 dead servers plus one low standard is not going to equal anything to write home about.
  6. I'm not sure. A paying customer should have the ability to complain about the service if he/she is not happy about it.
  7. Yes! Exactly! The one thing this game needs is more people to unsub! It's already way to over populated!
  8. but, but but! just wait another indefinite amount of time! ok? thanks! oh, and don't forget to keep your sub active while you wait on your dead server! have a nice day, thanks for your feedback!
  9. BW isn't interested in retaining RP-PVP subscriptions. You guys think we have it bad here in America? The European RP-PVP's have already been told they aren't going anywhere. At least I have the chance of Ven Zallow and Jung Ma being combined to make a weak and pathetic barely Standard server. Ugh.
  10. Soooo... Umm..... we were like told.... ummm... that transfers where coming today?? umm..... sooo.... theres like 4 NA servers listed..... andddd.... wellll.... you see.... i kinda thought.... ummm.. welll... along with everyone else on my server.... ummmm... that we'd be able to... um... welll.... transfer today.... soooo.... im not really sure..... ummm... if we are going to be able too.... welll... you see.... ummmm transfer today.... soooo... could you.... you know..... maybe give us a projected time line.... that.... ummm... shows when servers are expected to be up for transfers..... sooo..... ummm..... you know.... ummm..... i can tell my guild when to expect to move.... since..... this game has zero support for.... what are those things called? ohh... guilds.
  11. What is going to happen is the bleed will continue, and people will keep leaving the game. Unless BW can restore faith.
  12. I think it's intentional. With lots of limitations in the initial transfer, there will be a much larger market in the immediate future of players interested in paying for a transfer to wherever they wish to go. I know that BW and EA are for profit, and I understand that they need to keep the money flowing in. But, on the other side of that coin, most of the servers are Light, and a lot of those servers have been dead for months. Those people in those servers have been paying a lot of money for very low person to person interaction. BW/EA should do the right thing and offer a decently generous initial transfer service as a sign that they understand the misery of dead servers and are willing to meet in the middle. After thats done, and some confidence is shored up in the community, then it is time to break out the paid transfers to where ever. I feel like I'm getting screwed over repeatedly by odd decisions and weird, over the top greed. I'm not known for throwing money at business' that I think are ripping me off.
  13. The entire RP-PVP situation is ridiculous. "Play on a dead server that's RP-PVP in EUR? Too bad." - EA/BW Talk about an obvious retention issue. I guess EA/BW doesn't want to retain those players subscriptions.
  14. Very funny you say that! when i typed YEP!!! i was thinking of Dave Hester! haha
  15. Ok, read it. I'm on a RP-PVP server. I want to play on a PVP server. Your post doesnt really apply to me.
  16. From the looks of it, this is simply a marketing move. 1. Offer transfers that are highly limited. Some servers (European RP-PVP) are presumably not eligible for transfers based off of information from BW. 2. This offer will make the fanboys and apologists glow with excitement, as they can now troll the forums with "i told you so", "BW cares!", "now you guys have nothing to complain about!" Etc. 3. People who have toons on multiple servers as a result of rerolls still will have toons on multiple servers. 4. Transfer system is intentionally limited in order to have a market for paid transfers down the road from now. So, like clock work, the fanboys are doing back flips in joy, the casual player is either happy or not, and the people in RP-PVP servers get screwed. but its ok. The same people who were saying "OMG JUST SHUT UP AND RE ROLL ON A NEW SERVER" are getting porked much harder than the RP-PVP players are. Congratulations. You advocated for people to reroll, and months later (in some cases almost 6) you still will have your toons scattered across dead servers. Fantastic. Break out your wallets, boys. Get ready for it.
  17. I'm not sure what you're getting at. The reason why i thought it was important to say that my guild was casual is that we dont require players to use VOIP outside of Ops/raids, we dont require players to visit our forums and we have a 60 day absence removal policy. I don't ask my guild mates for anything other than dont give our guild a bad name and dont act like a jerk to people while wearing the guild tag. So, we attract a lot of casual players. casual players typically do not read the message of the day, at least the ones in my guild. Casual players are also way behind in SWTOR news. So, I suspect that half my guild doesnt even know that there are transfers next week. So, maybe by Tuesday only 1/3 will still be in the dark about the news. I know the core group my my guild, which is not casual, is along for the move because they've already told me. The rest? nothing. they either dont know about it, or dont care. So, they wont be along for the ride. I have a message in the message of the day saying to check out the guild forums if they wish to remain in the guild. I've done all that I can. So, in closing, i'm not going to be upset when a lot of people dont come over, because its there choice not to, and I have no interest in forcing/pressuring people to do things they arent interested in. But, the core is going. The core of my guild is well known on my server and we are a good and functional group. As long as that core moves (which it already has confirmed it will) i am going to be happy. If the casuals want to stay, best of luck. No hard feelings.
  18. I'm not annoyed at all about the lack of a guild transfer. I was saying that I'll lose half the guild, because i will lose it without a doubt. It has nothing to do with the transfer being hard or easy. It has to do with my guild being casual. I have no issues with it. It is what it is. The one single thing I am annoyed with is how I am stuck in RP-PVP land. I want to move on to PVP servers.
  19. Talked with my Guild Officers about this last night, we anticipate losing over 50% of the guild if we move next week. 150 toons, around 50 unique players, I suspect we will only see 20-25 come over. And just to bump: RP-PVP to RP-PVP is inappropriate and not in the spirit of reviving servers to high capacities that support vibrant populations. With all 3 North American RP-PVP's combined, the server will still not be packed.
  20. Yeah, this is a odd situation. The 3 North American RP-PVP servers are going to be in rough shape. My grand ideas of a Full server are gone. I guess we can be happy we aren't the poor people on the English, French and German RP-PVP servers. There is only 1 each, and BW has stated that they will not be transferring against language in this round. Wow. Looks like they put about 10 minutes of thought into this one. BioWare, come on guys. Seriously. I've been on a dead server since March. I really was looking forward to to being on a full server. I've literally been looking for reasons to throw you guys money.
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