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Everything posted by LordRoth

  1. There is a reason why it asks you if you are sure on the name. Just because you think up of a better one later doesn't entitle you to ask Bioware to change something they consider working as intended, though I do feel for you. As for the OP, I've seen the "my brother did this" argument a lot lately from a bunch of different posters. Regardless I imagine Bioware will eventually cave and let us change the name, though I am 100% certain it'll cost real money or a hutt ton of credits.
  2. The class stories are only finished untill major content patches/expansions are released. Keep that in mind. As for the JK Ending, while I do feel that everyone else's ending seems underwhelming compared to it, I am quite satisfied with the ones I have seen for myself regardless. Bioware is still top notch in storytelling in my book.
  3. I love the PvP. It seems fairly balanced from what I see but that doesn't mean tweaks can't be made. I didn't think I would like the crafting but I've come to love it.
  4. I agree! I have never been so fully engrossed in my characters before.
  5. Title says it all. I for one am very happy with this game, and I hope Bioware doesn't get discouraged by the amount of discord posted on this forum. I will say that TOR needs quite a few more patches to get where it needs to be but regardless of that I'm having a blast and living out my Star Wars fantasy, and you will certainly have me and my tight group of friends subscribed for a long long time. I know I will probably get flamed or trolled at some point in time, but I do not mind. I just hope Bioware can tough it out and keep hammering at bugs and features. What do you guys like about the game? I went in knowing full well what TOR was: An MMO with Bioware's spin on storytelling, and am not dissapointed. Please try to keep it constructive.
  6. They are allowing us to select which warzone we wish to join.
  7. You're going to die in pvp and curse yourself because you didn't get that +2 to endurance.
  8. I am rather surprised that no one has really responded to this. Maybe it's because I wasn't overly negative.. Oh well, just my opinions. Have fun playing people and thank you again Bioware. <3
  9. Hello! Below are my thoughts and opinions on this game. First, let's get a few things out of the way first: 1) I love Bioware 2) I'm a walking wookiepedia 3) I dislike EA 4) I've played MMORPGs for quite a few years. 5) My favorite dance is the waltz. Now, with that out of the way.. Great Job, Bioware. I personally feel this game is amazing. Below are my opinions, and I will be adding more to it as I progress. Enjoy and have a nice debate if one starts! 1) Story: You have constantly advertised this game as an MMO with Story as one of it's focuses. You have put your spin on story and it really shows. While I'm out questing by myself, I get so immersed in everything it feels like I am actually playing a single player RPG, and it doesn't bother me, it's a good thing. While I'm doing grouped with people I find it that much more fun because of the player interaction with choices. 2) Groups: I play on Fatman, and I have never had a problem getting a group no matter what phase of instance I'm in for whatever planet I may be on. Granted I haven't gotten past Tat yet, I seem to be moving with the main mass of people and not the ones who wanted to blaze to 50 like Mario Andretti. If you end up implementing an LFG feature, I would be fine with it as long as it didn't teleport you to the flashpoint/operation. 3) UI: The UI is simple and a little lackluster but easy on the eyes (for those of us with normal monitors anyway) I understand a lot of people have issues reading the text since you can't change the text size outside of the general tab. While it isn't something that makes me not want to play, I'm looking forward to more UI customization (Which you said you're going to give us) 4) Gameplay: So far I have played a Sith warrior, and an Imperial Agent, and despite my abilities sometimes not activating when I hit them for some odd reason I have no reason to really complain. I like how melee works even if some may call it play, but the cover system in my opinion is awesome. I might end up leveling both an Agent and Smuggler for their gameplay. Otherwise in general I say combat is smooth and flows well. 5) Exploration: You have marketed this game from the start as themepark. The planets themselves get bigger and bigger in explorable area as you progress through them, and personally I feel the early planets (Korriban, Hutta, Bal, Nar, Dromund) Are of pretty decent size regardless. The datacrons you put in are rewards for those who go off the beaten path and do explore what is there though, thank you. <3 I know there will be more planets and zones added in the future. 6) Space Combat: I have not tried Space Combat yet but people tell me they have a blast with it, even though they're dissapointed it's not free roam space flight. I was initially turned off by this too, but I took that back once I saw you have some large addition coming that's going to add to the space experience, ontop of Guild Ships! Woo 7) Quests: The actual quests themselves are pretty basic so far. Kill this, get me this, stab this guy, murder my wife, find those stolen battleship plans, etc. This I do not mind, especially with your storytelling. I know a lot of people complain about it though but I have faith you will be adding variety as the game progresses. 8) Character Customization: This I'm probably the most dissapointed in. The Character creator is very lackluster in my opinion, but I suppose for what's there it gets the job done. I really hope you improve it in the future and add in something in game like a salon or something so we can adjust our features once said changes are implimented. 9) Features: People complain up and down that despite this game having many standard MMO features, it lacks a few important ones. I.E the LFG tool which seems to have become a standard, and I touched up on that earlier in my review. Combat logs and the ability to parse and examine the data is coming, so that's one thing down. Overall the lack standard features does not bug me too much because I'm enjoying the game immensely but I know you'll be adding in things as you patch. 10 Social Features: I would love to be able to interact with the environment more, like being able to sit in chairs, play games at a cantina or the casino at Nar Shadda. Just more out of the way things that people who are into Roleplay can enjoy. The game really lacks in such things right now but I know it wasn't a priority. I would love to be able to ferry my friends around in my star ship as well if the need arised, but here's hoping.
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