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Everything posted by Vallowen

  1. grats on running around spamming kolto probe on everyone doesnt mean jack. you're not helping at all
  2. pvp build seems to be 11/0/30 basically, you dont take weakening blast, as the dots arent really the killer. and you get kolto probe in medicine then you put up dots, shiv cull backstab shiv cull etc you need good gear so you dont get insta gibbed before you can build up the damage in pve obviously you want weakening blast and less heal talents
  3. when was it? sounds like pre nerf operatives lost a stun in the nerf also, i dont know what you mean by solo. solo pvp, as in 1v1? or questing?
  4. operative is like a gimp mut rogue assassin is more like a combat/sub hybrid assassin has better utility, control and survival edit: assassin is more viable in pvp. guard, taunt, knockback, ranged stun are all game winners
  5. sounds like a marauder, apart from the survival part if you really need the tankiness, then go assassin
  6. learn to mouse turn and you would do it too
  7. you're 40+ probably stomping lvl 10s, congrats dmg is fine. we need a shadowstep and a GOOD def CD (something actually stops incoming dmg)
  8. what server? i'm empire, we play huttball most of the time, and its a fairly even split when either side doesnt have a premade. we rarely lose to non premade repub teams though
  9. the daily needs to be 1 win it took me FOUR HOURS of WZs over the last 2 days to complete ONE daily the idea of dailies is that they're QUICK how am i supposed to complete any of the others when all my play time is spent trying to do just one?
  10. he got lucky you have nothing to back up your claim
  11. yeah 45sec CD stuns are too much but 10sec CD knockbacks are fine lolwut
  12. changes nothing my class and zero utility, so you just keep attacking
  13. i honestly have no idea theres no good games out atm. i'm not playing anymore *********** arena thats for sure
  14. yes in the whole time i have been lvl 50, i have completed that daily once. and it took like 3+ hours
  15. show a huttball game where your team doesnt completely dominate. an even match or close lose etc
  16. Vallowen

    Scoundrel is OP

    complete ******** when i had NO pvp gear the highest crit on me i saw was 4k with 'full BM', as you claim, thats not possible.
  17. i dont even play the ball any more its impossible for me to catch up to most other classes. all they have to do is use one mobility spell (leap, pull, sprint. whatever) and i cant ever catch up.
  18. Theres no doubt at this point that ranged are twice as effective in pvp as melee. Before this game becomes a complete joke. Roots and Knockbacks need severe nerfing. All knockbacks should give 100% resolve. They are THAT good Knocking someone off a bridge is the equivalent of 1 shotting them. Bioware, make this right, or i guarentee you when rated WZs come in, teams will be 90% sorcerers sages
  19. I just spent an entire game doing nothing but getting punted off bridges and into fire/poison pits. Is this how the game was intended? That ranged just perch themselves up on the bridges and no one can touch them? You can't get more than 1-2 hits off before you go flying across the room.
  20. hell nah, dwight is a beast. i'm more like toby
  21. i picked light side, and sticked with it. the dark side options are usually just to kill whoever you're talking to. that gets boring pretty quick
  22. hes a tool i cant understand what hes talking about half the time
  23. why do you have to pull him down the stairs? i just killed him where he stood. i used kaliyo, but i use kaliyo for everything, and keep her well geared. also, you should edit the title a little bit. mentioning that you fight him is a minor spoiler, as some people might not be aware
  24. Vallowen

    Op Heal

    its a debuff on you. if you want the healing medals, wait until it falls off (takes about 10secs after you leave combat), and then heal yourself. or, do what i do, and run through a fire wall at the start, then stop, heal, and keep going
  25. stealth is broken dropping combat is random, sometimes it takes ages i'm never surprised when i get spotted without Sneak up.
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