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Everything posted by TimVickey

  1. Bah so @#$^%ed at planning a trip out of SD during this! Gonna have to make a trip to Austin and invade BioWare's receptionist area until I get to meet the team.
  2. Stalwart Protector Armor Set for 1440 cc. http://torwars.com/2013/04/23/swtor-cartel-market-update-april-24th-2013/
  3. I figured I'd waste some time getting companion reputation up a bit, because most of them were close to zero. So I bought 25 Galactic Encyclopedias off the GTN for Risha (she enjoys reading about Ewoks I guess). They'd give me 135 points with her each turn in. So I figured I'd get the legacy perk to boost this a little bit. Already had the first level, so I spent the credits to unlock Level II. Turn-ins were then 162 points. (135 * 10% = 13.5; 135 + 13.5 = 148.5; good enough). After buying Level III, I was then getting 152 affection points from her. 10 points LESS than I was getting for level II. Not sure if there's a diminishing return level that I hit coincidentally right after I gave her my last Level II gift and before Level III, although that's possible it's not probably. I received 152 points from her for the remaining 20 encyclopedias I gave her (she *really* likes Ewoks) , and am currently sitting at 5540 points. So the break would have taken place for me getting fewer points at 2000 affection, since I'm halfway done with her. If it's working as intended, it's not thought out very well. The more likely logical conclusion seems to be that Legacy Level III doesn't work properly. (since there is no Ewok emote... )
  4. Or spamming the roll to uber-sprint. Doubt that's how the ability is intended, and definitely being abused in PVP.
  5. It'd be nice if we could have a feature on the quest tracker so if I'm on one planet, other planets' quests don't appear. Like once I leave Corellia, the Black Hole quests don't need to show up in my tracker.
  6. Why do they need different animations? It's a Sith Warrior that decided they wanted to join the Republic. They don't need any new animation. It's not a new class. JC that defect to the Empire would still throw pebbles, and Republic BHs would still use heat instead of ammo as their resource. If companions are all maxed out on affection, there's a good chance the group would defect en masse. That story line already exists in the game for one of the classes... Do it cheap. Just use the voices that are already done. And the way he's scoped it out, class quests are already done, so the number that would need to be re-done if this happens are pretty limited. Why would I lose all this stuff if I get in my ship and fly to DK and say "hey, I want to be one of you now!"? Since I've got a bank on my ship, cargo easily can be rationalized as coming with me. I don't strip down before crossing the border and say "by the way, here are my epic pants back." There's no way this is game breaking or much more than a cosmetic issue. And I like it.
  7. Definitely a small issue and purely cosmetic. When I freeze myself in the Carbonite Chamber and turn while frozen, my character will turn. If he's frozen, he should stay in the position he's facing when frozen initially.
  8. I would love to be able to *not* queue for Huttball some days. Sign me up for this.
  9. Thanks for putting these together, always good to see how other people play. Good job.
  10. We've had problems like this in the past, and figured a way to solve it well enough to make us feel secure and not have to complain to BioWare on something I wouldn't consider their fault. First, as many others have posted, my guild rarely gives guild bank access to alts. Easy enough to swap to your main and take care of it. Second, we require all our guild members' alts to be listed on our guild website. You need to log into the website, so we know whomever added the person to their character roster had to be able to log in to do so. There are free guild websites out there, so take a few hours to create one if you haven't. Before we give someone the ginvite, we go and look up the character and make sure they're on the roster. I've gotten into screaming matches with possible mischief seekers because the character name on the site wasn't 100% identical as the one they wanted invited, and refused to do so if / until they fixed the issue on the guild site. Sure, BioWare could build some tracking system for us to circumvent this problem. But it's entirely avoidable in the real world if you put some work into it. And by "some," I mean very little. So why should we have them build us an additional security measure when they could be making us something like guild ships or another flashpoint? I'd agree with practically everyone, you got swindled. Your fault for not doing enough due diligence when required. Hopefully BioWare can help you out.
  11. The toxic stockpiles for Republic quest Burnoff on Taris have a horribly long respawn timer. I stood around waiting for one to respawn (after someone else ninja'ed it while I was killing 'ghouls) and the ghouls in the room respawned 4x before the stockpile did.
  12. Is it just me, or does the resolve bar in PvP not work? Seems plenty of times my resolve bar was full, but I'd still be stunlocked to death.
  13. I'd enjoy playing Voidstar more if the doors had a health bar to be destroyed instead of bombs that you have to channel and not get interrupted to detonate. Way too easy to interrupt someone, there's plenty of times I'll get frustrated because there's no progress at all in Voidstar. Don't let the defenders repair the door either, or you're back to Voidstar being frustrating. Alderaan just isn't any fun to me because it's insanely easier to defend the turrets than attack. First team to cap two turrets almost always seems to win. Make turret fire less potent the more people around it, maybe they're draining the energy from it. Give the people attacking a chance to actually take it. Or shut down the turrets after a certain amount of damage is done, and buff the losing team with something like a chance to avoid interrupts or a shorter cast time. Huttball let me find an easier way to pass the ball. I usually heal when PvP, and I'm not going to waste one of my already overfilled action bars with "pass the huttball." So if someone throws it to me, it's just as good as fumbling, I have to open my abilities and find the action button, find someone i can throw it to, and successfully pass it. Let me just toggle off that I want to carry it, or make it easier to get rid of. Maybe even make the "pass" ability it's own UI element or link it to another action like jumping. Even a text command to toss it to the person I have targeted would be easier than it is now.
  14. Some additional thoughts: * Promise to never, ever, ever again create quests that 30 people stand around while one person does the quest (I'm looking at you, Grand Acquisitions Race) * Let me filter quests on my tracker by planet. (I think this was in Beta?) If I'm on Corellia, allow me to show only those planet story quests. * Jumping from the Galaxy Map to a region map then mousing over each space combat mission is tedious and annoying. List them to the side of the galaxy map perhaps (I don't care where in the galaxy they take place). And also some kind of highlight or mouseover on both the galactic map regions and each space mission if I have that mission in my queue (or side listing). All the missions look like they're pronounced by a Wookie, I have to write them down and still get them wrong. * Move the GTN and mailboxes on my ship closer together. I bought them for convenience, but they're usually on opposite ends. * Skimpy clothing for the male characters. And something pretty for the gay community as well. (Sparkle powder only goes so far.) * Bigger buffs / debuffs. I have no idea how healers can see if someone's diseased and it needs to be purged. * A couple more action bars. Let me line my entire screen up with them if I want. * Stealth action bar * Dual spec * Ability to set specific gear sets so I can swap them out when I switch from PvP to PvE and vice versa. Would be nice if these aren't in my inventory, so I don't accidentally sell them too. * Bring back the ability to app / accept guild members via the website, like pre-launch. Would be nice for the guild masters of large guilds to be able to do invites while offline, instead of having to give up whatever's going on in-game to take care of people. * Let me put items in a "character look" pane similar to Rift, so I can keep the look of my items even if I swap gear. (I looked like an awesome Sith lord levelling up, now my SW looks like a rusty robot). * MOAR PETS!!! * Some kind of player marker so I can see my guild mates as they run by. Even as simple as matching the character nameplate color to my guild chat color. * Ready-check * Need - Compannion - Greed - Pass loot rolls. And don't let Inquisitors roll need on Warrior saber tokens, only "need" on your class items if it's better than a green item. * Maybe a "random vehicle" or "random pet" ability or legacy ability that selects one in my stockpile, instead of having to manually select what I'm riding. * Guild spaceships! * Some kind of signage in the spaceport in Nar Shadda so I'm not randomly guessing which elevator I take to my ship. * I'd love to be able to "sell all trash items" when at a vendor, or even toggle items whenever I want as sellable, then sell them with a click or send my companion to do so. I vendor most of my greens, would be nice to be able to mark them as items I'm selling whenever I'm roaming a planet, in case my inventory gets full and I need to trash something. Or get back to the vendor and "sell all marked items" to get rid of them in one swoop. * Make some stuff proc faster. Not sure how many hours have been wasted roaming the Black Hole waiting for those ammo crates to respawn. Gives people a reason to ninja them too. * This might be more of a story issue than a small bug, but the ability to defect. It should be uber-expensive so people don't do it often, but let my BH defect and play as Republic. I'd bring all my loot (it's stored on my ship) and the GTN is cross-faction, so I'd just switch sides. * Bring in the Gray side, not just light or dark side goodies. * You know, and in-game raid or fp calendar for a guild would be awesome... especially if it was able to be exported to a website or smartphone... * Different shading on heroic quests and a toggle to turn off really really low level ones. * Let me give companions gifts on my ship if I'm standing in front of him/her. * Let me swap companion gear that isn't summoned. Just let me do it the way you do on ship, let me rotate through everyone. Have something stand out to designate the summoned character, like simply put them first on the roster. * Could I buy (or steal!) another class' ship? Not from a character... * Different dances * I love telling jokes too... just sayin'. * A way to take out 2V-R8's voice modulator * I jump in the air in glee every time I select which new planet I'm going to on the Galaxy Map. I shouldn't get excited over that.
  15. One area people haven't focused on much at all yet... Global Trade Network - Purchasing * Allow me to see (and sort by) per-item costs. If someone is selling a stack of 5 stims for 100 credits, the GTN should tell me it's 20 per item as well. * Fix the filter "Usable by me" -- never has worked. * Include schematics in the “Useable by me” filter. Currently if I’m Armorsmith, I have to cross-reference my crew skills tab to see if a schematic on the GTN has already been learned or not. * Let me tab through the form fields instead of having to click on every one. And when I click or enter a field, highlight it for me instead of having me backspace/delete the current information in that field. * Allow me to filter by class/spec. I might want to buy an item for a Sith Warrior. * Allow me to filter by attribute / number of points. Diablo 3's AH does this nicely. "Select items containing CUNNING and more than FIFTY points. Also, allow for multiple attribute listings, so I can get an item that has both aim and power, compared to aim and endurance. Don’t forget letting me pick the quality of item (blue, social, etc.) when doing this. * Merge crafting with the GTN. If I want to make a Rakata stim, let me search for the items that make up the stim. If I want to make five of them, let me know what I have enough of in my inventory already, and how many more of other items I need to purchase to make them. * Let me request an item on the GTN. I want an item that no one is currently selling on the GTN. I can post that I'll purchase 10 units of that item for X credits. When people go to sell their items, they can instantly sell to me or post their sale normally (and if they post below my prices, I buy the item at their asking price.) I would pre-pay for these items. * Let me search by clicking an item in my inventory or crew skills pane, instead of typing it in. Or at least populate the search name with the item I’m clicking. * Put Companion Gifts somewhere other than “Miscellaneous.” Or create a sub-tab for gifts. And let me search for gifts based off who would benefit from it (e.g., “courting,” “weapon,” etc.) * Allow me to search for specific quality (e.g., ONLY blue items) instead of that quality and above. * Clean up the categories on the GTN, or let me search by subcategory. I’m always forgetting where to find augments, so have to stumble around or search by MK-6. Global Trade Network - Selling * Allow me to make multiple posts simultaneously. I have 20 augment slots I've just created, allow me to list them all separately as identical transactions instead of doing them one at a time. (or 4 sales of 5 or...) * If I’m selling multiple identical items, pre-populate the second and beyond posts with what I’ve just sold an item at. If I’ve just crafted 5 blasters (which don’t stack, so I have to sell them one at a time), the second through fifth blaster I should be able to right-click to add, then push the “sell” button. * When I load an item to sell in the GTN, replace the right pane of the GTN with other current items listed. Researching what's already in the system and being competitive with prices is extremely cumbersome. * Allow me to sell more than 50 of an item. (Disk space is cheap, and more auctions = more use of GTN). NOTE: The upcoming F2P limitations notwithstanding, I think that’s a good idea not letting a free player post 300,000 items. Paid subscribers don’t need that limitation. * Let me “Match lowest price” if I’m too lazy to research something. Don’t tell me what it’s selling for, just match the price and list it. Otherwise people will “match” then sell for one credit cheaper. * Let me limit my sales to members of my own Guild or Faction.
  16. Honestly, this is about as close to a "game breaker" as you can get.
  17. The GTN needs a ton of love, personally I think it's the worst part of the game. It *really* annoys me that the "Usable by: Me" drop-down doesn't work at all. Always returns zero results, even if I simply add that to a query that had already returned positive results. Being able to search by stats would be awesome, especially "Search for Cunning (Minimum ___ fill in the blank)." I'd also like to be able to see other items for sale when I post an item, instead of the list of items I currently have up on the GTN. If I'm selling Desh, that big panel to the right should show everyone else selling Desh, not the stims I just listed. An ability to pre-buy items would work wonders, being able to go to the GTN and post "I'm willing to pay X credits for up to 20 pieces of Electrum" -- then people selling that item can instantly sell their goods if they're willing to match the price. A "shopping list" would be a groundbreaking feature. Letting me click on a recepie or item I'm trying to get crafted and see the mats up on the GTN that I'm able to buy. (Or pre-buy, as above...)
  18. It's a known issue. From the "Known Issues" list: Group Finder will not allow players to select or queue for content that is already listed in their Mission Log. Workaround: Players must complete or abandon any Flashpoint or Operation missions that are currently in the Mission Log and then refresh the user interface (CTRL+U twice) to have the grayed out content display as available.
  19. Mathematically, your argument doesn't rely on different servers, but simply the number of players queued, and the proper ratio of tank/healer/dps. It would make no difference if they were all on the same server or different servers, as the basic unit (player) is the same. If same-server population increases, then theoretically your point that cross-server is required for this to work becomes less viable. Higher numbers of people on the same server queuing means more groups, means happy players. No where in your logic above is it vital that players *must* be on different servers. If one server has a significant lack of one of the roles (tank/healer/dps) that throws a group finder out of whack, my supposition is lots of players will start flocking to that role, and even at early levels the GF will allow for them to find groups. Bottom line, I don't understand your argument how cross-server makes this better/worse. I don't believe you've made your point you were attempting to achieve.
  20. QFFT. On the issue of future transfers, from what I have read about the situation, there WILL be future transfers as well as this one. There has NOT been any indication that these would be free or would not be free, as far as I know. However, I *am* quoting BioWare in saying there WILL BE future (perhaps paid, perhaps free) transfers as well. In other words, I am not saying future transfers are free. I am also not saying future transfers are NOT free. I am merely stating that this bit of information has not been currently revealed. Anyone stating otherwise, I believe, is creating a piece of evidence that does not currently exist. Here is my source for this course of logic: Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee. Source: http://www.swtor.com/blog/character-transfer-server-populations-and-you (Bold added for emphasis) Let the opportunity for people to try to misinterpret begin.
  21. They have posted it. Initially we considered allowing players to transfer to any server they wished, or to a variety of different servers. However, on a massive scale, this free-for-all approach causes potential problems. Players who are anxious to ensure they end up on a heavily populated server will naturally flock to what is perceived as the 'biggest' server, potentially over-populating that server. This eventually leads to the exact situation we're trying to move away from. Our aim is to maximize server population across the entire service and to enhance the gameplay experience for our players. Source: http://www.swtor.com/blog/character-transfer-server-populations-and-you
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