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Everything posted by Pwnboy

  1. This is blatant pay to win. Honestly I wonder sometimes. I que solo frequently and I NEVER seem to have losing streaks that last more than a few matches at most, maybe 3 tops. I think we all want x server ques, that's not exactly news. It doesn't appear they are coming any time soon however. Waiting for a set number of certain types of class/characters would make ques take forever though. Too many sorcs? Enjoy waiting for the next PT or Assassin to decide to que.
  2. Pwnboy

    Undying Changes

    It's somewhat difficult to adapt to a marauder that's nigh invincible and getting hp back to continue the fight after the timer expires.
  3. Pwnboy

    Undying Changes

    It must be cold up there on your high horse.
  4. I'll point out that once you hit 55 if you do the Oricon planet quest chain you'll get a good chunk of purple quality 66 mod level gear.
  5. I was wondering when that phrase was going to get tossed out.
  6. Some people were involved in the beta, so they'll be a step ahead of everyone else, just as subs will be before the preferreds get it and the perferreds will have it before the F2Pers. Or maybe they just have a natural inclination to it.
  7. Pwnboy

    Undying Changes

    This sounds like a logical adaptation to use medpacs due to the change. Might not always work for rage maras since the medpac cooldowns longer than their UR one, but for carnage or anni it'd work.
  8. Pwnboy


    Global Cooldown mabye? Does Unstoppable kick in the moment the leap starts or when you hit anyways. That might matter.
  9. At one point yesterday I think 2/3 of the threads had the word "premade" in the title. A new record? The complaining about nerfs seem to have been contained to 2 or 3 threads however.
  10. That's never going to happen. Though i thought marauders would never be touched either and I'm eating my words now.
  11. I suppose this is, while angry enough I can feel the heat of it blasting through my computer monitor, a fair enough argument. I'm curious though. What other buffs are you looking for and believe the vengeance tree needs? It seemed soild enough as it was bar 1 thing. I really just wanted something to get the guy I'm whaling on to stay put long enough to eat all 3 of my lightsaber strikes.
  12. Go and check the GTN on your server and look at what the prices are for the same items and put yours up. I know xp boosts can be sold, though their rate of sale is going to be lower than it was during the double xp weekend event. Chances are you'll get rid of them eventually however so this screw up wasn't the end of the world.
  13. I guess we'll have to wait and see which makes more of a difference, a bit of extra crit chance lost or some more reliable 3 tick ravages hitting. I look forwards to finding out first hand actually. All part of the fun really, at least in my book. If its not worth it, just we just put the points back to where they were before and go on without debilitation. It's not like Vengeance was utterly and devastatingly broken without it.
  14. I'm firmly in the vengeance camp for pvp. Tried tanking in pvp, but didn't like it as much since I can always toss my taunts as a Vengeance spec. Rage is "better" if only for the fact that the derp smash can hit more than 1 enemy at a time, but really that tree is a one trick pony if I have ever seen one. It's much more amusing for me to leap to someone, have unstoppable go off and people spam cc at me and it just bounce off. The fact I'm a fan of the animations for ravage, impale, and shatter probably don't dampen my enthusiasm for it. Oh. And vicious throws at opponents above execute range, what's not to like about that?
  15. Personally I'm just happy the option is in there to be used. Hopefully they'll shoehorn it into one of the other abilities. I won't hold my breath however. But I'll probably end up taking 2 points from something else, like 2 in the rage tree, probably one from the crit chance and one from the smash damage buff, and use them for it. I've loved the ravage pin on my carnage marauder and am glad to see it come to the vengeance tree.
  16. Pwnboy

    Undying Changes

    It's only been a day since the patch, I'd have been surprised if you had been able to rework it into a class where it hasn't changed in over 2 years already. I've personally just used it the same as I always have so far, more of a last line of defense/ace in the hole in the cooldowns we got. It felt a little too easy to just pop it and *BAM* kolto injection or dark infusion hits and I wasn't in any terrible danger of dying after it wore off.
  17. It's a nice addition to the game overall and I'm sure I'll play some. Probably enjoy it too. But ground pvp is where my heart is, problems or no.
  18. This is really nothing to have a litter of kittens over you know. The root is well worth shuffling around 2 skill points from somewhere to get. Would I rather have had it put with something like Seething Hatred or Rampage? Yes, but the fact that it's on its own doesn't make it a deal breaker for getting for pvp. It's not like PVE'ers are really going to care about this addition.
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