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Everything posted by Pwnboy

  1. Oh look. You put this same thing in both the guardian and juggernaut forum.
  2. You: Strength. For all specs. Depending on what spec you want to run other stats like power, surge, and crit will be more priority than the others. Quinn: Cunning.
  3. Juggernauts are hardly OP. Maras will out damage juggernauts every day of the week if the two are played by players of the same skill level. Both classes will hit hard but a sentinel will always hit harder, a juggernaut just supposedly is able to last longer with its DR buff and heavy armor, though I think that marauders defensive cool downs are still almost if not just as good. I know this might ound weird, but the dispatch skill isn't an advanced class skill but a class one. A Sith Warrior without an advanced class will get it at level 46 anyways. The skill trees do over lap a bit yes I won't disagree with that, but some might think that the gore skill that gives sentinels 100% armor penetration as opposed to a 20% one from juggernauts to be far more unbalanced. Vicious throws a strong skill, and vengeance is a damage tree, there's no problem with both of them utilizing one of the classes best moves in the way that they do. Juggernauts need that sundering strike for rage generation just like marauders get battering assault, and the armor debuff is needed for tanking and how their top tier skill works.
  4. Overall I am quite pleased with where vengeance is right now. I've always liked the concept of the spec, I find it pretty fluid to play, and the ravage/MS animations pleasant to watch. That and I'm all for specs that let me use my execute whenever and on whomever I please. The fact that it's a bit more reliable now with ravage and has a (unnecessary but fun) root on it, while still having the same pre 2.7 feel make me really like to play it. Good things aside, I know I'm not probably not as dangerous on my jugg as I am when I run my carnage marauder, and the vengeance tree is cluttered as hell. The specs in a decent place but its far from perfect.
  5. This rarely happens to me on PoT5. I think you're over exaggerating just like all the rest of the "premades are killing warzones" crowd that's been around since launch.
  6. You could get one of the valor boosts that's on GTN that boosts all valor gained by 25% for 3 hours.
  7. I'd say we have been more than squeaky, more like deafening. This part of the forum didn't get its reputation for nothing you know.
  8. A shame really. A few DOOMWHEELS right now would be very helpful.
  9. I'm almost sure the devs are trying to get us to leave to WS. The day after preorders are available for it they give us this. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
  10. This changes nothing really and I don't see the point of moaning about it. I'll throw my chips in and say I doubt that a 2 second stun and knockdown have different resolve values I don't think they do, aren't low slash and spike the same value?) . Though if we're lucky it'll be worth a little more and might make it easier to get white barred if your attackers a moron. The only part about the change I have any feeling about is my assassin won't be picking someone up and stabbing them anymore to knock them on their can. I did like the animation.
  11. A lot of the PVE guides actually carry over to PVP, as knowing how the class works is one of the best things that you can do. Another thing is knowing the small details about other classes, like for example playing a combat sent vs an assassin. He has 2 defensive cooldowns that negate a certain type of damage; his deflection making your white damage from blade rush and master strike worthless, whole his force shroud makes your blade storm ineffecitve. Just an example.
  12. If we want to bring some nostalgia, let's all begin complaining about the great resolve rebalance of 1.2 again.
  13. I don't really know how anyone could come up with an answer besides this. It's part of a game, and games are supposed to be fun. It's not a hard concept.
  14. Pwnboy

    Do the Devs PvP?

    *prolonged sigh* They are? Well, that just makes me glad I liked the warrior so much I have a marauder too. A shame really, I do like the juggernaut and wish he could be useful in pvp as more than just a tank.
  15. Actually a Jedi seems just as likely to stab someone, especially in an arm or leg like you said as it neutralizes the limb without removing it completely. A Sith would just stab you in the chest, bigger target = less effort, and its likely to kill you painfully to boot. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shiak
  16. What ever server you pick doesn't matter in terms of the total amount of games played since yes, there are same faction v same faction matches that can, and quite frequently do, happen. I can't offer which server is "best" since I have only played on the Prophecy of the 5 pvp server. That said, I do enjoy the community for the most part. However, that server is very imperial heavy.
  17. Not really, but personally I'd prefer for all specs to be usable. Probably not going to happen but its nice to dream. Parts of watchman's tree is blatantly PVP, i don't see how things like a buff to Force camouflage or how your bleeds place slows on their target to be as PVE useful as they are in PVP. Though I suppose there are things in many trees like that. (like carnage and its camo root break/ pin on deadly throw)
  18. The amount of times Force leap or charge has failed me has been extremely low, almost nil. I did fall through the map once though, that did scare the hell out of me for a moment. I have no idea why this seems to affect some people more often than others either.
  19. LI used to be a great deal more fun pre nerfs. It was really the only FPS I could not predict a 100% success rate whenever I tried to do it. Now though..... But is there anyway to implement a gear requirement with this game?
  20. For Exotic element equalizers I will need on them, but if I get the first one I'll greed the next one if someone else needed the first one too.
  21. Thank god their defence will still suck otherwise they would be legitimately broken. It seems to me that an OP DPS will be the glass cannon spec to about the same level as a smash jugg.
  22. I hope this is a recurring event personally since I can't partake in this one and didn't play during the first. I'd like to get a few green black crystals for my toons and not beggar myself in the process.
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