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Everything posted by Gazzzenn

  1. oh you missed the mark by a galactic mile. i was at one point in my raiding time a top player, i was going for world firsts..didn't get them but i came close, i did get many eu first hc kills in wow yay me....but seriously i didn't once look to top guilds or their players as the top 10% of players ruling out your 1% logic all play their own way they all do their own theory crafting and their own work, if that gets them the same result as the players above them then thats a totally different matter. now i didn't continue raiding in that fashion for long, the time commitment was to much, but i know lots of players that raid at that level and none of them beleive the game follows them in that fashion. but to add some weight to your point as there are some that clearly do follow those guilds, when i left that guild i got whispers galore from players i didn't even know asking why i'd left and so forth, it was weird and it was the reason i never went back i found it far to odd that players that you didn't even know followed your guild progress and your character to such extent. i don't believe their are enough of those types of players however to think that hardcore players should be listened to anymore than a normal player.
  2. they are a minority, but it's obvious some just won't like the game they should be left alone to have that opinion. i'm actually still on the bench regarding companions, i neither like them or dislike them, i see them as tools and a means to an end nothing more nothing less. the complaints about graphics isn't that they aren't good but the options and things like AA aren't working, so some fairly valid complaints there. some of the negative reviews aren't exactly wrong, sure they are full of negativity and were they posted as bug reports then they would be seen in a whole new light.
  3. even as a hardcore rpg fan that prefers a grind, i see no real issues. while i'm against a wow esq version of the dungeon finder a version that is server only and well thought out before implentation...i mean really well planned....like all bases covered from loot to everything else, keep it sensible and even the most hardcore rpg fans won't care. if it ends up like the wow version then i fully support all those against it.
  4. i wonder if the delay and the raid frames not updating is related...just wondering. but the delay or lag is annoying, i've not really noticed it as a regualar thing but when it happens it is glaringly obvious and kinda irritating. sadly it's one of those bugs that is more irritating than almost everything else...some would even prefer screen tearing over ability lag for no reason. as a huge star wars fan i find the game hits alot of the right spots but for some it could be alot worse than what i expeirence even when it's bad for me. some will blindly defend anything they like as they wish to justify to themselves their reason for investing so much time and money into something, nothing wrong with that but it does make for some odd results which end up being a little overbaring and probably unintended.
  5. i'm a huge fan of star wars, yet i find myself getting more and more detatched from this game, i love the story and i prefer a heavy grind game long and borderline tedious so i don't think this will fully suit me. i'll be keeping an eye on it in the future and i'll come back if certain things are clarified as never going to happen...ever....lfd...i'm looking at you.
  6. they did indeed say that and here's where i leave the game, those that want it will inevitably get it, and probably sooner rather than later. i just can't get on board with it, and refuse to go from one game with it to another with it when it's one of the main reasons i left the other game...
  7. well to fair it is a bit odd, if anything the mobs should scale a bit differently if you have a companion out..dunno just make em harder to kill instead of giving them more health, was just a thought....i'm kinda benched on the whole debate. on topic. the responsivness point is rather more valid however, it feels off which has a bigger impact on gameplay than almost any other aspect of the game, people could bare the odd missing wall or graphic glitch but give them an unresponsive character and you've got a problem. even at 20 ms mobs are showing as dead via warning messages....you can not attack this target or this target is already dead....yet it's still hiting me for 3+ seconds then it falls over or just stands still and fades out. some bugs are a priority and will be addresed sooner rather than later i hope. personally i'm cancelling for none of these reasons bugs i can live with, calls to make the game stupidly convienent like were seeing...i got really on a tangent in one thread....is where i draw the line, i expect an rpg of any type to be a grind fest, when it's taken out the game meh lost interest and i know those players will get what they want so i'm cutting my losses and pretending i didn't drop 129 quid on a game i'll never play again.
  8. you make a good point about vehicles, use of at-at and such would have helped alot and their are alot of choices. i don't know if there is a mission of this type but i don't know why their isn't a space combat/boarding mission fly around shooting stuff, then you fly on to one of the bigger cap ships and zerg through some troops while you run up to the command deck or run to the gunnery control to change the turret targets to friendly ships....you know something fun.
  9. i truly understand why many want group finders, i don't agree with it but i get it. but given it will come i've canceled anyway, i find the convienence to be the wrong direction for an rpg game perhaps i think they should just be more grindy and more time consuming but that is a personal opinion. trully a good game but i won't miss it when all these convienence features arrive.
  10. had to cancel my sub, reading these forums is like reading the wow forums a game i just left.... i see many asking for features from wow or features that while enable some improvments also have side effects, so rather than put up with features i don't want that will inevitable arrive i've decided to stop now. this whole comparison thing is kinda annoying as well, it's almost as if some just see swtor as a reskined wow and think it should have all the same features and tools. what many of those players want is an updated wow and not another game, but since they won't get the wow update they are now going to attempt to drive swtor in the same direction wow went. to that end i bid you all a fairwell i really do like this game but i can see where it's heading already thanks to many wanting convienence over everything. this will be the last AAA mmo i ever look at, it seems to attract lovers of mmo games that want the feel back with new shiney's but also attracts those that want instant gratification who invariably win in the end. now to find an mmo game that trully is an mmo and sticks to it's guns regardless, sod convienence if i wanted that i'd play an fps game.
  11. under your abilities tab/general i think it is, there is an emergency fleet transport item...20 hour cooldown or something like that. it's there but last time i used it the game crashed so i didn't move anywhere.
  12. then you had one very strange gaming experience in wow or you didn't use lfd frankly. only once did i ever get annoyed in lfd, the rest of the time i usually either kept quiet or had a good laugh watching others belittle each other or insult one another. that was a daily thing to see and was getting to be normal which it is not.
  13. i don't deny the positives.....never have i've had no reason to even mention them. just because you pointed out something doesn't mean i didn't know it could be done or doesn't mean it doesn't on the really rare occasion work. hell my guilds main tank was found in lfd. so it's not like i don't understand the potential positives. what your all conveniently forgeting and don't want to accept is the utterly horrible side of the lfd feature. i'm happy to accept the positive nature that can be gained from the feature, now explain why so many of you refuse outright to accept the negatives? go on...
  14. no but i'm giving a personal perspective on this. you think i don't know i won't be missed? really not the problem here. your asking for a feature that brought out the worst in people in wow and you want to add that to this game? i think your all insane, even when i consider the positives.
  15. daily's got boring fast....i had gathering alts none of my mains were gatherers.....so no need for that. so i was left with no que and log an alt to farm or sit in a town on my mains and watch a timer.... i used fleet as an example, could be anywhere for all i know.
  16. really? do you honestly want to go to the point of comparing these points to an lfd tool? meh suit yourself if you want a que based game where you sit in your ship and just hit que for...then so be it not gonna stop you from having that now. since your all so hell bent on having this i'm just gonna stop playing now instead of wasting more time on the game.
  17. ahh you miss interpreted what i wrote, i see why so sorry i should have been a bit clearer on that point. when i want to do a flash point i'll go to the area and look for a group, when i want to go off into the galaxy and do other things i'll do that....just like i did in other games before lfd tools....wasn't hard then isn't hard now, personally i don't like sitting in que's like that it feels wrong as you will just end up sat in fleet or in your ship watching a timer, might not happen right away but in the end thats what will happen.
  18. no clue havn't tried pvp yet...so i can't tell you or offer an opinion on your comment.
  19. personally sitting in a fleet station and queing up for an instance is not playing the game....it's one of the reasons i quit wow, i got sick and tired of sitting in towns watching a timer for dungeon runs. if you call that fun and worth your time who am i to argue that but your not the only one playing the game, adding this feature would force those that don't want it to have to use to get anything done. but alas given the way this thread is going i can see bioware caving in which does mean my sub will end and not be renewed, i prefer to play my games not have my games play for me.
  20. think he meant rpg servers...or should have, not rp not pve/pvp but a different kind of server where lfd tools or their kin are not used or added as an option.
  21. by the same logic, you can't know the outcome of adding an lfd tool in such a new game or what the outcome of it would be.
  22. that would work for me, i'd join the rpg server in a heartbeat. and like someone else pointed out...they would have to open more of em than many would like to think.
  23. i know but i'm trying to get a point across if you can read between the lines so to speak. right now all that is being asked is for an lfd tool, as soon as it comes the instances will be to long to hard bla bla and all the rest, it really won't be long before people start asking for an lfr tool as well...and a wow mod that reskins the game.
  24. when and if they add lfd, will you then come here and complain the cut scenes take to long while running lfg? will you come here complaining the instances are to long? will you come here complaining it takes to long to que as dps? will you come here complaing about tanks attitudes? ninja looting that will take place greifing that will 100% happen in some groups. tanks pulling and leaving causing your group to wipe dps body pulling half the room and wiping your group. oh i can already imagine the threads and do you know what? they will be carbon copies of the same threads on the wow forums. why? becuase it's a flawed system that assumes the players are polite and not idiots and not rude.
  25. see you answered my point, just look at all the work they are doing. oh come on lfr...is a freaking joke you can run that crap blindfolded and let your cat/dog/clueless friend that can't play games to save himself be amazing in there. what in the world makes you think it would even work in swtor? the next thing we'll see when an lfd is added is cut scenes and all interaction in the flashpoints be removed due to them being to slow to go through and you'll all whine like nothing else because it takes 40 min to get through it.
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