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Everything posted by DexenOnone

  1. Nope, cause i refuse to do that. Well unless its civil war and i get stuck watchign a turret. Gotta get my medals brah!
  2. Unplayable is a bit dramatic. My sorc was full heal speced before 1.2. I specced into a heal/lightning build after 1.2 and have done just fine, putting up decent healing and pleanty of damage. I agree survivability is a bit low, but if you want to live forever roll a tank and pay a pocket healer. Dieing is part of PVP, especially if the other team has marauders
  3. I think they should just unlock all the legacy for everyone! If they don't me and my guild of other sub lvl 50's who play 2-3 hours a week are out of here!
  4. Sorc healers are still putting up 300-400k healing. if this is bad i would hate to try to live up to your expectations Commando/BH heals are still gonna outheal damge in a 1vs1 It's fine, quit complaining. And the post abotu going hybrid on a sorc is a good one. The knockback root is great, and how often do you really use your aoe heal?
  5. I think they should give even more free time to all these smart guys posting how they recently unsubbed and feel cheated, CHEATED, that they arent getting 30 free days. And they should give all the whiners who havent gotten to lvl 50 yet 60 free days and a free lvl 50. Then all of us that hold an active subscription and have taken the time to level 1 or more to 50 have something to complain about while we cant play
  6. Gimme gimme gimme! Why should i actually have to play the game to reap the benefits? Maybe when you buy the game you should get a free level 50. Then every month you pay you get 5mil credits and another level 50. Why are you here?
  7. must be biowares fault, not your so-so internet connection
  8. +5 troll points for extensive use of complete bullsh**
  9. they can all fit on 8 servers huh. where did you get that number? DO you have any data to back up your QQ fest? Yah, didnt think so. Go back to fleet and troll
  10. Why not start bannign some people for a few days for being negative on the forums? I have to sort through pages of people tellign everyone why the are going to unsubscribe (which they wont) and how other MMOs are going to be better then this one. Clear off the forums so those of us who want to use them for what they were intended can do so
  11. If they are all gonna cry about it, let them reroll marauders. Those of us who don't think the sky is falling will be happy to destroy them when they show up in our WZs. It's pretty sad how many people are crying nerf. Adjusting classes happen, especially when the game is this young. But you're not reading this anyway, right? Cause you already unsubbed. (that wont happen)
  12. it is no where in the notes. pretty sure they said it was "in the works" not "in 1.2"
  13. first off, WoW did get to where it is today. Cause there it is. 2nd, what are you getting at?
  14. Oh it will be glorious if you go about it the right way. Make sure you queue as a group. Chances are with all the lvl 10-15s that will flood into the huttball arena, you will get all weekend to kill as many noobs as you want. Oh and more low levels means less Tracer missle/Grav round spam. Totally gonna miss that.
  15. Spend this time replacing your keyboards with a working key where you bound tracer missle/ grav round
  16. seriously if im gonna keep reading through all this nonsense to keep my LOL tank full, please everyone refer to http://www.spellcheck.net. Mai brane herts brah!
  17. I will be the bigger man here and apologize. You are right, it is America's fault. We should have annexed Canada a LOOONG time ago. Then all this hate for America during downtime could be justified. I'm truely sorry, and will work on making this happen.
  18. Spend this downtime reading this entire thread from start to finish. Then sit and reflect on the people who share this community with you. Yeah, how does that make you feel. It's ok to cry. I know.
  19. thank you for getting more or the brainless to unsub over nothing. Less people in huttball ask how to pass as they run the wrong way
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