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Everything posted by AntoniusDelitan

  1. I ended up having enough for a new sniper rifle AND a top level skill mod 5, and i'm still finishing up the last chain on D-Kaas. EDIT: oh, FIRST level? Like Hutta? Yeah I don't think i used any on hutta
  2. The pre-order codes are extremely different than the codes that are in the boxes, dude. By necessity.
  3. I'd recommend using it anyway. I'll use the KeyFOB until they have a phone app, then i'll link that instead. You get used to poppin' it in so quick that the hassle is minimal while knowing that you're nigh-unhackable.
  4. The reason Gamestop is the retailer of choice for so many game release events is because they adhere to release dates. In my opinion, other game publishers are going to take note of how bad Amazon (and Origin) mucked this up by shipping way early and avoid them in the future.
  5. Oh, I understand perfectly... I, too, have the collector's edition. I am also happy simply to have been given the opportunity to play before December 20th. Being a thankful, humble person... this is more than good enough for me. Then I read the general forums while i'm at work, unable to play, and all the whining and 'ME ME ME WANT WANT WANT' sickens me. So again, keep looking that gift horse in the mouth.
  6. Whaaaaaa! Whaaaaaa!! WHY NOT ME??!?!?!? I'm perfectly fine with getting my box on the 20th from Gamestop. Being allowed to play a week early is just a bonus. In this thread: Looking a gift horse in the mouth... repeatedly...
  7. Is there a way to disable Alt+Enter in game? Hit the shortcut a few times today while repeating a message. Wondering if I can stop it!
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