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Everything posted by AntoniusDelitan

  1. I think more organized teams that have coordinated CC setup should faceroll the other team... not just having them all go at it and whoever brings more tracer missles wins...
  2. GOOD players don't use their CC breaks until they're 100% resolve and alive enough to contribute to the battle. Not for some piddly 4-second stun at half resolve... More CC Immunity = less caring about getting CC'd, and more DPS faceroll time.
  3. Yes, allow solo queuing in the rated queue. So that all we hear about is the pug-star rated players complaining about getting crushed by 8-man premades when it actually counts for rating instead of just commendations.
  4. Even if you have 7/8ths or even 11/12ths a bar of resolve.... you're going to get hit with a full duration stun/CC the next time you get hit with one. THEN and ONLY THEN are you immune. Each ability fills the resolve bar differently. The reason "Get choked 3 seconds then have 6-9 seconds immunity" is not smart is because it nullifies smart team-play. It dumbs down the game and makes teamplay secondary. For instance, in Alderaan, Person X uses his CC breaker while we're trying to storm the East turret. I see them do this, and then we kill this person and send them to respawn. NOW I KNOW that Person X has no CC break. My teammates and I can now hit him with a pair of 4-second stuns, a stun and a whirlwind, or a whirlwind and a stun. Or two whirlwinds/flashbang/whathaveyou. This gives us an awesome advantage because we're observant and know the mechanics of this game. KNOWING STUFF LIKE THIS IS CRUCIAL FOR OFFENSE IN ALDERAAN because of how stupid-easy it is to defend nodes. Or, we can just nullify the whole "crowd-control matters" aspect of PvP and turn this into a DPSfest instead of real PvP with strategies and whathaveyou.
  5. Those sorcerors fall over like bowling pins when you finally get close to them. No healing power whatsoever, and a shield barely worth 3k. Don't start the 31/31/31 spec bullsh*t again.
  6. I'm sorc heals, 31 deep. In 1-49 I could MAYBE keep myself up in a 1v2 situation against 2 DPS but ONLY if they didn't interrupt. And i'd have to use all my coodowns and stims. But it was doable. In that same 1v2 situation... i'm doing ZERO DPS back to them. FRUCKIN' ZERO!! And I will die in roughly 20 seconds from Force running out. 1v1, I'd be able to keep myself up for a good, GOOD long time..... BUT AGAIN, I'm going almost NOTHING damagewise in return. NOTHING!!!! At 50, I get bent over by anyone who looks at me cross-eyed. 1v1 doesn't matter, I'm getting CRUSHED. When I get expertise, it'll probably change a little bit, to be more like the old 1v1. I'll live for a good 30-45 seconds.... but i'm not EVER gonna kill that other person. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE!! All the FPStards are complaining that 1v1, a healer won't go down... but you are in a DPS spec... and they are in a healing spec! Idealy, to me, a DPS person 1v1ing a healer will have ZERO net DPS... that's called BALANCE. Instead, Bioware already threw a -30% healing debuff in for PvP, and the DPS are STILL complaining about heals being "too strong." "I don't faceroll a sorc healer!!! They can just heal and heal and heal, and I can't just use my normal rotation!!! NERF PLEASE!!!!"
  7. Why does my Tumult not work on players? FIX BUG PLEASE!!!!
  8. When I dinged 50 last night... I got no pieces from the bags. I bought the robe and leggs with my centurion comms. I bought the relic with my champion coms. I then went to the AH and bought level 49 and 50 blue gear and the blue 22 mods to go into it. I spent roughly 120,000 credits. I started PvPing as a sorc 31-point heals with 12560 hitpoints. I do an average of 250,000 healing per BG. I can get 75k damage if I try, not just tab+affliction like I usually do. (20% snare) My trinkets are an embarrasment. Level 17 and level 29. Gotta hit Light IV already! :S Go to the GTN and buy yourself some decent gear if you expect to not get 3-shot.
  9. AntoniusDelitan

    F*** This

    It's actually energy and affected by it.
  10. I couldn't imagine. Try playing with the lights on. Wear glasses if you're prescribed them. Sit farther back from the monitor. See if any of those help.
  11. I bet more people aren't. In fact, I'd bet more than most aren't.
  12. You're having headaches and twitching from flashing lights on a computer screen. I see it as highly relevant. Either way... you're done in 15 days anyway, right?
  13. Photosensitive seizure warning A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these �photosensitive epileptic seizures� while watching video games. These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects. Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms - children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: ��Play in a well-lit room ��Do not play if you are drowsy or fatigued If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.
  14. AntoniusDelitan

    F*** This

    Can I have your stuff?
  15. By doing this... you are hardcapping primary stats on gear to this tier. FOREVER. Gear will never have more willpower, aim, endurance, cunning, etc. than this tier. Because you have to keep all the gear equal except for your "expertise" stat for flashpoints and operations. Also, your system is basically saying that PvE'ers can get the best gear and use it for both PvE and PvP, but PvPer's are screwed when it comes to PvE.
  16. No, they weren't. My guild had BW Lair on farm, and AQ on farm when THAT came out. We CRUSHED people in PvP. It wasn't even funny. The gear wasn't even CLOSE to being close... Thanks for saving me the 90 seconds it would have taken to read your post.
  17. Punish people in a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game for PLAYING TOGETHER with longer queues!! Makes sense... Premade vs. Premade queue for 30 seconds... if not... into the regular queue. When queue is ready, one final check for 10 seconds... then enter warzone without premade vs. premade. Just 'cause I have friends that pvp and you don't doesn't mean I should have to wait longer than you in a pvp queue.
  18. ORLY? Stop spreading lies. Electrocute and Whirlwind are VERY affected by resolve.
  19. Please no... writing a dissertation is just a pain. I don't wanna have to go through that ever again...
  20. Why don't you use your programming expertise in MMORPG development to explain to us what they keep doing wrong.
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