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Everything posted by Zeratulz

  1. Pretty beast video! I'm approaching 42 tonight on my Shadow on Prophecies of the Five, can't wait to be 50. I originally started as an Empire Imperial Agent who's 25 and quit it to reroll the Shadow. Refused to play on the zerg side and only do Hutt Ball. I was hesitant about speccing Upheaval but now I see how amazing it is.
  2. It usually works itself out in a very short amount of time. I'm thinking it has to do with queuing in personal instances as that's really the only time I've had it happen.
  3. Ok bro keep believing that WoW created the MMO market. I think the 3pm bell just rang at your middle school time to head home and watch Spongebob! Enjoy!
  4. If you play Empire get used to it. Empire severely out numbers republic so you will get more Hutt Ball queues than anything else. Solution: Reroll Republic and enjoy the lavish world of insta queues and enjoy the scenery of ALL the warzones.
  5. I'm having a blast, my Jedi Shadow will be 42 tonight, while it's story line is rather lame compared to the IA or Smuggler it's decent. I am loving Warzones (currently rank 38) but feel they need a stronger emphasis on open world pvp as you are not rewarded for killing other players in the open world. If they can implement open world pvp objectives ala DAOC and rewards we will have a monster of an MMO on our hands.
  6. Biggest complaint is that there's too much instancing of the worlds. I'm currently 40, almost 41 and I hardly see anyone. This is an MMO, the world needs to be more robust, full of other players doing various things. The later level planets are HUGE, I mean really huge but they are barren. 40 isn't even a high level for a game that's been out since the 13th.
  7. Read the class descriptions and research the advanced classes and you will be able to answer your own question. Also mentioning glad this, glad that doesn't validate anything. WoW is trash.
  8. LOLOLOLOL. I think you have just enlightened the minds of many, many players.
  9. Let me guess, you're Empire right? Get used to it. I did the smart thing and rerolled Republic, I get instant queues and do ALL of the Warzones. Winning!
  10. Because these kids want what they want when they want it. They do not understand how a business works, they do not understand programming or coding, they just don't. The MMO demographic of today vs 10 years ago when I was playing DAOC are different like night and day.
  11. Quoted for truth. If you care about your account you will get one. If you don't then do not come here and cry you got hacked.
  12. Have you thought of the negative effects brackets could have? If they implement brackets expect the instant queues (if you're republic) to cease to exist and enjoy spending 5+ minutes in the queue. If you are Empire (all you guys really get to do is Huttball lulz) it will become even worse, the 5+ minute queue times will turn into 10-15+ minutes or even longer. In the end you have to suck it up. It's not entirely "fair" but you now see both sides of the coin.
  13. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136795
  14. There is an issue with FPS and I don't know if it's a memory leak or bad coding. Here's my rigs stats. EVGA 560 ti oc'ed, 16gb ddr3 corsair vengance ram, i5-2500k 3.3 ghz (not oc'ing), 500gb Sata 6 hdd. The problem is this, in certain caves/buildings my FPS will drop from 80 to 11-20. It is not every where just in these certain areas. It happens on quit a few planets. I am forcing AA on my card via nvidia inspector so that may be the cause of it, I can't say. The problem is real and needs to be addressed. Normally I'm getting 70 frames with everything maxed except shadows which is set to low and AA is forced to 8x.
  15. No one said anything about bypassing the story. You can't bypass the story ******* by pvping. You will need to do your class quest to basically progress through the game or did you not know that? And my "quip" is fact, people who prefer pvp will quit if warzones are gutted and no real open world pvp incentive is put into the game. As it stands now you gain nothing for killing another player in the open world.
  16. I think it's BS. I pvp to pvp and this will be a non factor come 50 but for leveling it was a great way to break up the monotony of questing. Why are you hurting people who prefer to pvp over pve. If this is a sign of things to come regarding the way you treat the pvp crowd expect to lose subs, period.
  17. Yes, I am and I figured that's what's causing it but a better visual quality > missing saber in some cut scenes lol.
  18. OP, denied. Reroll. Perhaps do some research on the class you're going to play.
  19. OP I'm going to give you the best advice that anyone can give you in regards to this. WAIT IT OUT. This game just came out last week officially. Once the free month is up "some" people will be coming back. If you move to a "light" server you will end up on a DEAD server once the dust settles after the first month. Is it crap that you have to wait in a queue? Sure it is but I'd rather wait in queue and login to a nicely populated server instead of logging into a dead server a month after release when the pop drops.
  20. Was this pvp exp nerf needed? God damn BW don't start this BS! What was the reasoning behind this one guys?
  21. I have had this happen to me as well. I'm not sure what causes it. It doesn't always happen but it's rather annoying.
  22. Head to Alderaan. There's two pair on the commendation vendor. 12 tokens.
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