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Everything posted by Rassuro

  1. What do you mean by: "I have the target nearest mob box clicked" Which one of the various options for targeting are you using? By default TAB is bound to "Target next enemy". Have you changed this, are you using something else? The way to set which kind of targeting you want to use is to go to Preferences > Keybindings > Targeting, and then bind the type of targeting you want to use to the key you want to use to target enemies with. Personally I use "Target center screen enemy", and I have it bound to my middle mouse button.
  2. Rassuro

    P2W is bad?

    *** happened with this thread? Reading this makes my eyes bleed, and it seems like the Grind-2-Win people are still refusing to understand the viewpoint of the other side... First, stop calling it P2W, P2W is when you get gear which you cannot get by playing the game normally. Second, I do not understand why you Grind-2-Win people still keep posting stuff like this. We all already get it, for you, the "challenge" of the game is for you to keep playing the game a lot. For some of you, the reward is getting a +5 to your stats, because then you finally get to feel like you managed to accomplish something in your life. For others, you simply suck at the game and the reward is that you can finally be competitive in the game because of your gear advantage. If G2W was removed from the game, then you know that you would instantly lose the only advantage you have, which is time, and you know that in a Skill-2-Win system it will be impossible for you to keep up with other players. For the Skill-2-Win people, the challenge of the game is in learning to become better at it, and the reward is either overcoming that challenge, or just simply having fun while going for it. As long as Grind-2-Win is in the game, it is bad for all S2W people, because regardless of what the quality our gear is, there are always people with either better or worse gear than what we have. I won't bother making more replies to this thread, have a nice day.
  3. Rassuro

    P2W is bad?

    Pay to win is not getting the same gear that you can get by just playing, pay 2 win is getting better gear than what you can get by just playing. I agree 100%. :trollface: You're lost again, this is the PVP forum. There is no endgame content here.
  4. Yes Harpoon is in many cases less effective as a DPS gap closer than Storm, however is there any reason to think that this is not intended? As was already pointed out, out of the melee classes, Vanguards are easily the ones who are the best at range. If Vanguards can both do top damage at melee range, very good within 10 m and still pretty good from up to 30 meter (a lot more damage than any other ranged class), while having a gap closer that's equal to the best gap closers in the game (in my opinion), doesn't that make it kind of overpowered?
  5. Are you using your taunts and guards? In my opinion it's normally not that difficult to get a lot of medals with any tank because the protection medals come quite easily at the moment in my opinion. Also, like with the other tanks, you'll want to consider using DPS gear with shield off hand, if you aren't already. To be fair, the calls for nerfs are most of the time only for the Pyro spec, and there was a lot more of it before 1.4 and back when people hadn't yet noticed how powerful Marauders, Snipers, and anyone doing LOLsmashes are. Also just as a side note, not saying you are wrong in this case but sometimes it can be a very bad idea to say that some class is great because you're doing well in 10-49 PVP. Some classes are in a very different place in 50's PVP than they are in 10-49, probably partly because players there generally know a lot better how to use their own class and know a little bit better how to counter other classes.
  6. Didn't BW say some time before launch that they already had contracts with all of the major voice actors that meant they'll be able to make new content? The problem in my opinion with bringing all of the stories together and ignoring the personal story is that this won't fit with some of the endings. I only know the endings of two of the classes, but in particular the Imperial Agent, if you're not going to do anything at all with the personal story, at least two of the possible IA endings you'll basically be saying "JK that didn't really happen, forget you saw it!".
  7. Rassuro

    PVP dailies

    PVP daily: Play 4 Warzones (wins count as 2 games). Gives you 100 WZ comms and 100 RWZ comms. PVP weekly: Win 9 Warzones. Gives you 400 WZ comms and 400 RWZ comms. Time spent to get full War Hero? Depends on how many comms you get per game, and how many times you get the daily and the weekly. You'll need about 20000 RWZ comms for it, or around 60000 WZ comms if you're not going to play ranked WZ (because 10 ranked WZ comms costs 30 normal WZ comms). If you play only normal WZ without dailies or weeklies, and if you earn on average 120 WZ comms per game it becomes: 60000 / 120 = 500 games If each game on average lasts 15 minutes (including queue, this time is too short IMO but just using it so we have something to count with), you'll spend: 500 * 15 = 7500 minutes, or 125 hours playing normal Warzones to get full War Hero, non min/maxed and without Elite WH or PVE items.
  8. The defensive stats (defense, shield, absorption) are all not that good in PVP at the moment. This is because defense and shield (and therefor absorption) only work against melee and ranged attacks, not force and tech (and a lot of the attacks which players use are force or tech). This is also why a lot of PVP tanks basically use DPS gear with a shield off hand (shield instead of focus because using a shield does raise your defenses quite a bit, and some of your talents are completely wasted if you don't use a shield). The idea here is that while going full tank will indeed make you take less damage and have a bigger HP pool, in many cases you'll be be more effective in your role if you can instead more effectively help peel enemies by doing more damage. Looking quickly at your spec, in my opinion I would at least recommend putting a full 3 points into aim, and focusing more on utility (speed boost after Jet Charge, lower CD on Grapple).
  9. Because your Mako is in such bad gear, you should gear her up better. You can either buy stuff on the GTN, from planet comm vendors if you have left over comms, and craft if you've been working on your crafting skill. You've got two main defensive cooldowns, one which gives you 25% damage reduction and one which heals you, and in addition to these in solo PVE you've also got Heroic Moment. For medpacks, either buy some normal ones, or get some which heals both you and your companion (Biochem can craft them). Use all of these defensive abilities in the middle of the fight when you need them. You mentioned that Mako is in healing stance, but just to be sure, also check that all of her abilities are turned on (open the companion quickbar, make sure all abilities have the green box, if some abilities are not turned on, rightclick it to turn it on) Also, almost every powerful boss in the game has some big attacks which you should interrupt, and it will make the fight a lot easier. As level 35 PT DPS, you have your normal interrupt, your stun, and Grapple. Stuns and pulls work against most (all?) enemies in solo PVE. Look for what big casted or channeled abilities the enemy has, and interrupt them, don't waste your three interrupting abilities on anything else. Another tactic is that in some fights, kiting and using LOS to your advantage works very well. Lastly, have you tried tank spec? Might work well for you with Mako healing (that's how I leveled my Vanguard, PT mirror class). That'll also give you a fourth interrupt (Jet Charge). Great advice if you want to waste time leveling to above where you're supposed to be and play the game on easy mode. Everything in the game can be done at at least the level the game recommends, if you know the mechanics of the fight and are at least somewhat decently geared (both you and your companion).
  10. Not sure what level you did The Foundry at, but the mission is level 37 if I remember right, which puts it right after Taris, which is where the SI ate the third ghost.
  11. Hey guy listen, this one time I had to struggle to kill a Commando, it was awful, I had to actually WALK there... if that's not irrefutable proof that Commando's are fine or maybe even overpowered, I don't know what is. Sure, I later killed him 5 times so quickly that I almost forgot about it and it's possible that I had to struggle that one time because I'm just not that good, but still, nerf pls.
  12. In my opinion all classes are fun in 10-49 PVP (except for those who try to spec as healer in low levels, because they're missing a lot of essential stuff until they can talent it). Which one is the most fun for you depends on what kind of playstyle you prefer. Since you already have a Vanguard, if it was me I'd level something other than a Powertech since that is the Vanguard's mirror class, but if you really like that class you can still do it of course.
  13. It's just to look interesting. Unless they've changed something, you can do the same if you zoom in and temporarily disable the UI while taking the screenshot. Yes you still have to wait until you can learn speeder training and then purchase speeder training, however what you save with the STAP is that you don't have to buy any actual speeder. Also, in my opinion, it looks pretty good. This is the only one of the DDE items which I've actually been using (other than just trying them out to see what they do, of course). If you delete anything, the only way to possibly get it back is if you can convince Customer Support to send you a new one. I would recommend just having all of the things in your inventory until you get to your cargo hold, then put the things there, learn the speeder once you are high enough level.
  14. First, I don't think it's fair that you bring GW2 into the discussion when we're specifically talking about the gameplay, as GW2 plays quite differently and it's gameplay is focused on different things. If we had been talking about just "any kind of MMORPG" then sure, but we're not. Second, I can understand why to some people consider the actual progression to be very important, but please keep in mind that for some people, progression in terms of seeing numbers get bigger is not the most important aspect of what makes an RPG. For me, when talking RPG overall (not just ones with the WOW/SWOTR style gameplay), it's a lot more about abilities, and having different options. These can be conversation options like in SWTOR or Mass Effect, or having different options when it comes to choosing things like gear, abilities, and playstyle. I agree that it would be an improvement if there was gear (and/or skill) based cross server matchmaking, though.
  15. Sure, in a way. However in a way PVE already is skill based, as long as you keep doing the content which is relevant for the gear you wear. In PVE you have that option, in PVP you don't. However yes, the gear is probably the main reason why I'm not doing an operations, it's bad enough keeping one set of gear. I wish that I could at least experience the story... The Dread Masters are supposed to be the bad guys now? Last time I saw them, I saved them and they were on my side... Why do you bring up games with completely different gameplay? You don't think that perhaps some people prefer the hotkey based MMORPG gameplay, but want it to be competitive and focused on skill?
  16. I think I probably RE'd close to 30 green armorings yesterday before I learnt the blue version, even though the chance of getting it is 20%. Other times I get it on the first try. That's the way RNG works, sometimes you get what you want and sometimes it seems as though it's impossible to get what you want even though the odds are stacked in your favor.
  17. Great post, well written and you make a lot of good points. The only thing I disagree with is number 3, regarding gear. Yeah, getting rid of expertise would make it so that people who have top tier PVE gear would be able to go into PVP without any gear disadvantage, but this could even end up making things even worse for people who do not play enough to get top tier gear in the first place. At the moment the only option those players have, if they don't want to play with a permanent gear disadvantage, is to stick to 10-49. So what you're doing then is you are inviting in people who aren't really that interested in PVP in the first place, while at the same time further pushing away players who are very interested but do not have the time to play enough to keep themselves up-to-date with top tier gear.
  18. The loot that drops are more likely to be for classes which are in the group than for classes which are not, but it's not guaranteed that all loot drops will be for the classes in the group. So what this means is that if you run a group with a bunch of Vanguards and Commandos, it's more likely that you'll get heavy armor with aim, and less likely that you'll get for example light armor with willpower, more likely that you'll see rifles and cannons, less likely that you'll see pistols and lightsabers.
  19. Someone wrote about this in general chat on DK yesterday as well. They were having trouble with The Melee, got suggestions to let the others fight among themselves, but the others kept immediately attacking the player. I would file a bug report about it. In the mean time, you could ask in general chat if someone would like to come help you with it since it's currently bugged (or maybe some BHs can agree to help each other).
  20. Rassuro

    In Hindsight. . .

    Yes it was right to nerf TM spam. Just because there are less than a handful of other specific specs which are also overpowered at the moment, would not make it OK for Mercs to be like they used to (and I disagree with you that there somehow was a long setup to do damage with it, the TMs themselves hit for a lot). The problem with the nerfs was that the Tracer spam playstyle was the only thing that Mercs had, and BioWare nerfed it a lot. The same thing happened with Operatives, their opening burst was the only thing they had, but the damage was completely out of control and there was no way for players to counter it so BioWare nerfed it in a huge way. The problem was that when those where nerfed, BW took away the only things which those classes had, so because they got nothing in return to make up for the nerfs, those classes now suck.
  21. He almost never communicated with the players, so it's impossible to say whether he was someone who was pushing for the things which I personally agree with or not.
  22. First, PVE players also get the free Recruit gear. Second, PVP and PVE works completely differently. In PVE you have several tiers of content. Level 50 FP -> HM FP -> SM OPS -> and so on... If BW gave out free gear equivalent of what you get in for example SM OPS, then all lower tiers would be irrelevant. (...and the lowest tiers are already irrelevant because PVE people get the free Recruit gear) In PVP, you have only one tier (or two, if you'd want to count ranked as a different tier, which IMO you shouldn't). You cannot have people in questing gear in the same WZ as people who have WH/EWH because it would be impossible for the people in questing gear to get anything done, which would be bad for everyone.
  23. I would have assumed that it could work either exactly as it works in WOW where it moves you directly backwards, however I would be worried that it would make it too easy to use in Huttball so perhaps having it move the player directly away from the player would be better (basically the same as if they used a knockback on you). Cooldown would have to depend on how easy it is to control where you land and how long of a distance it can move you.
  24. Your friend it correct, the hood only goes away if you wear a helmet which cannot be used under a hood (or of you play a species which cannot use hoods, such as Twi'lek). The developers have said that they know that a lot of people want to be able to choose when the hood should be visible and when it should go away, and there are plans for a feature like this. However they have not announced anything regarding when this might be available in the game.
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