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Everything posted by Kamansus

  1. Where did they say this? The majority of the class story content for the datamined planets has been written and voice recorded already, I can't see why they wouldn't add it in given that they consider Makeb to be a success for story driven expansions going forward.
  2. Bolster is a replacement for the recruit gear system so baddies don't have a choice about wearing/selling their free PvP gear. There, you cracked the mystery. Bioware isn't trying to favour PvErs by stomping on PvPers time spent grinding comms, they're trying to create an equal PvP environment where skill > gear. I for one was glad that the days of half the team being in recruit or worse with ~14k health and knowing it was a loss were going to end when I heard about bolster. As for it being in the Gree event, of course they're going to bolster it. It's a recurring world event that they want everybody to partake in, that's why it has both PvE and PvP elements to begin with. If you need a lolmassive gear gap to win against PvErs in an event you are terrible and shouldn't be PvPing to begin with.
  3. Perfect conditions or not I prefer not to be reliant on the opposing player not playing well. If they're not then great, but if they are and they instinctively knock you back as soon as you start your Master Strike you'll lose your channel and the rest of your PS window. However, the main reason I don't like using MS in my main PS burst window is that I really don't think you can fit everything into the precision slash with it. The GCD is 1.5 (PS ignores it thankfully, but Blade Rush does not), then you have the 3s MS channel. PS window lasts 4.5s. Unless there's some sort of compensating mechanism server-side for latency I really don't see how fitting Blade Storm in there can be managed without 0s latency and machine-like abilities on the player's part to hit PS and BR at the same moment. I could be wrong, and I really don't want to go parse it to be sure. That said I doubt it's game-breaking either way, it probably more comes down to what you're comfortable with. I've just come to the conclusion from other, better sentinels than I that it's preferable to have your Blade Storm inside the precision window (and at a higher priority than even dispatch apparently) and that Master Strike is best utilized for its root mechanic. I'd be interested if I was incorrect however.
  4. I have to disagree with the initial rotation. Master strike does great damage and all, but you're very lucky if you can get off all ticks of a channeled melee ability on a decent player in PvP. I use it as a root while waiting on precision slash/blade storm CDs, and occasionally to finish a healer that's trying to run. I generally go Leap - Zealous Strike - Precision Slash - Blade Rush (For the buff and possible ataru form proc on BS) - Blade Storm then probably crippling strike or something before the heals hit/they run. That said, if I have a free precision slash from a Hand of Justice proc and the other stuff is on CD I occasionally pop Zen then master strike ---> dispatch from Hand of Justice if I'm looking to throw a lot of fast damage down. Without Zen I'm not sure if it's really feasible to get blade rush with the GCD then the 3s Master Strike channel THEN blade storm within the precision window. Maybe with a bit of alacrity and reliable latency. I agree on Combat being a very flexible playstyle though. More important than memorizing a rotation is understanding what every skill and talent does, where it works best, and how it synergizes with other abilities. Then of course knowing what to use where in actual PvP, which just comes down to lots and lots of WZ practice. It's also important to get very comfortable using all of the defensive cooldowns or you'll be running back from spawn more than you're doing damage.
  5. If you have a problem with game developers re-using assets then I suggest you stop playing video games because you're in for a life of disappointment. Especially with MMOs.
  6. No? Wait....yeah, no. To all of it. Just no.
  7. And back when the Gree event first launched everyone got free recruit gear to wear and have expertise on them. I don't recall anyone complaining about the unfair step-up that PvE people were getting then. If you really need a gear advantage to kill non-PvPers then you're beyond hope anyways. Moar actual PvPing, less QQ.
  8. I wouldn't wait for it, because that source doesn't exist.
  9. You're reading into things that regard other games and EA management in a more general sense. EA has said that they have doubled their monthly profits from SWTOR since F2P conversion, I think their profit margin is fine.
  10. Were we playing the same WoW? The day Blizzard has better writing than Bioware I'll eat my keyboard. Considering how badly they stole their overblown fantasy from other franchises I don't think what shoddy story they had should even count. Also pandas.
  11. SWTOR/WoW/LOTRO/whateverelseyouplayed = MMORPG http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mmorpg "Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)" Notice the "role-playing" part. If you don't like that part I suggest you find a new game genre. There's always Cowadoody.
  12. Wut. I'm pretty sure Bioware has never said that the CM isn't doing great things for the game. "Most cartel market purchases are from subscribers" does not equal "Whelp the whole thing failed, we're making lots of money off a different group of players than we might have otherwise. How terrible." I do know they've said that profits have doubled since the F2P/Cartel Market conversion and players are way up, which doesn't sound like "the CM isn't saving the game" The point of the Free to Play system isn't to sell cartel packs. It brings new players in and attracts them to subscribe and, like you said, subscribers bring in more money. Also, I can take one look at the two next patches coming and then safely tell you that I won't be getting bored for a while. Bioware has a pretty solid pace of content going, and if 2.4 is as large as they're making it look like I'd say that development is actually ramping up since the increase in profits. But sure, believe that the entire subscriber base is going to suddenly get bored at once and drop their subs. EDIT: By the way, big fan of your sentinel min/maxing guide. I've had it bookmarked since I got my sentinel to 55.
  13. The stripe doesn't need fixed, it's an intended part of the design. While we're at it maybe I should spam the bug report forum with complaints like how that patch of leather on my scoundrel's chestpiece is not oriented correctly to my tastes, or how I want that knob on my BH's jetpack removed because omgit'sbreakingmyimmersion. Talk about quibbling over details. Some of us actually like the stripe by the way.
  14. You have the memory span of a gnat if you haven't noticed the performance improvements they've been making to the engine since 1.4. It's also pretty adorable that you think having an artist or two make some armor sets for a cartel pack takes away from the programming team in any way. Also, as a curiosity, how is the game broken? I hear that word thrown around a lot, and I don't think it's applicable. The game isn't perfect, but broken implies...that it's broken. And I mean, I'm sitting here playing it and not having any problems whatsoever so "broken" seems a bit of a misnomer. Also, from what dark place did you yank that 40%?
  15. I'm fine with them bolstering arenas. Arenas are a stripped down contest of skill, and the best team will win even if bolster keeps the gear levels similar (and fair). Bolster would also allow more casual players to experience arenas in the lower brackets without having to do the WZ grind first. So yeah, don't care.
  16. I didn't think this thread was going to veer into an insane conspiracy theory tangent so quickly. Impressive stuff. But yeah, watch out everybody, a corporation is going to attempt to make a profit! Never mind that only a small fraction of their development resources goes towards producing fluff for the Cartel Market, it's clearly all they care about!
  17. Yes, clearly Bioware is entangled in a dastardly conspiracy to edit the brightness value of Revan's armor to a slightly lighter black because they just enjoy making us angry. Or that entire thread was insane, whatever.
  18. /groan Are you people still talking about that? You make people with valid complaints look bad.
  19. They are improving the engine. Performance is way up since 1.4, more so since launch. This game didn't even have antialiasing at launch. I'm pretty sure their software team is keeping busy.
  20. So brave. It's almost like you think we care. Also, you're about 2 years late for Rift. To the OP: Yes, you will be able to find open world pvp easily. Just attack a significant enemy outpost/base and gank some players for a while and you'll have some 55's coming to attempt to convince you to stop. Then the general rule is that they attack one of your outposts, cause hey they're already in the area.
  21. Races aren't playable content. They're a cosmetic customization option, just as much as piece of adaptive gear is. And Bioware was pretty clear with their initial promise that the Cartel Market would be only cosmetic fluff.
  22. Kamansus

    What is "arena"?

    Yeah, I was pvping with a friend for a few hours earlier with no problems except clueless teammates and I kept thinking how great it would be if the game would "work".
  23. No. Unless you really think throwing a few reskins and a couple new armor models in a pack takes more developer resources than the FPs, companions, Ops, and planet they've been giving us. In which case you have no idea how game design works. You don't know how programming works. You really don't know how programming works. That said, pazaak would be a cool addition. SWTOR could use some minigames. PURE PAZAAK.
  24. Condescending arrogance? On these forums? youdon'tsay (It's supposed to be ironic.) I've never seen her defenses be in any way irrational, but maybe I'm just looking at the wrong threads. It's more likely that she annoys people because she always gets in the way of a good SWTOR/Bioware hate-train about, I don't know, the texture values of an armor piece being imperceptibly off.
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