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Everything posted by Kamylle

  1. *clears his throat before geeking out* In all technicality, the red Zabraks you see in game for the imperial side are actually an offshoot of the original Zabrak race (the human skin tone colored ones) Zabrak such as Darth Maul (red skin toned) are actually known as Dathomirian Zabrak, which originated from the hybridization between female humans and male Zabrak. They tended to have skin tones ranging from deep red to light orange. The females of these Dathomirian Zabrak are actually confused quite often with the Rattataki. Fun little tid bit, Asajj Ventress is actually a female Dathomirian Zabrak. Sorry, went on a side train there. As far as I know, like most others have stated, I am not really sure how to get the skin tone you are looking for aside from buying the unlock or leveling one up to 50 to unlock it this way. I personally have not played one to a high level and really have no interest in playing one either. I feel your best bet would be to level one up to 50 or whatever level it is needed to unlock the race. It's actually quite simple nowadays to get to a high level quickly. Easier to save money that way. What I would do in your situation is create a Zabrak bounty hunter (red toned ones) and level it like normal, and when you unlock the race, go to an appearance modification terminal and change it then (I might be wrong about this though, like I said, never played a zabrak before so I can't be 100%).
  2. My girlfriend and I worked our asses off to get our flagship. Our guild we had, had no interest in helping. So we did it all ourselves. All of it. Then of course, the people in guild wanted to have opinions about what goes where, who gets what room. It was hilarious watching all their reactions when we told them to piss off.
  3. If you're still interested, look up Obec'hor or Phay'la. My girlfriend and I (I am Obe). We will be on tonight somewhere around 1030 or 11 eastern tonight.
  4. I think it depends on the player more than the class. Some might be more player friendly than others, but in the end it's how they are played. For example, you can give my girlfriend a stick with some aspirin on it and she could probably out heal most other players out there. She works miracles with any healing class.
  5. Due to previous insane amounts of people spamming their referral codes when they first came out, I now automatically report them when I see it as spam. Is it illegal or wrong to do it? Probably not. But like other people said, don't spam it and you should be ok. The problem lies with people like me who automatically report for spam. Even if it's the first one. I know I am not the only one who does it. So you might get some bites, you might also get reported.
  6. Everyone seems to be having this issue. I have been kicked multiple times as well.
  7. Is anyone else having bad lag and disconnects? Game keeps booting me every couple minutes and lag spikes up to 75k ms. Was wondering if anyone else is having this problem. Begeren Colony is where this is happening.
  8. It might be meaningless to you, but not to us. We were looking forward to doing everything all over again on a new server together. All the achiev, the flashpoints, the ops, the datacrons, the killing of the various monters together. We wanted to see those achievements pop up together at the same time. And no, it's not just a name change. I want it all gone. Back down to level 1. Not 50
  9. I kinda figured that it was customer service related. I already had a ticket submitted to them about this. I really hope that they can in fact delete the legacy from that server.
  10. My girlfriend and I started on a new server from scratch. Wanted to go through stuff and take of things together this time around since we started dating after we had already set toons. We got things going, no big deal. We decided to transfer a toon over form our old server with a little bit of seed money to help with certain things that would be necessary. We realized after the fact that the legacy from the old server got transferred over and now I have a legacy level 50 and she has one that is half way through level 1. I want to have mine deleted so I can start over. Is there a way to do that or does it need to be done by a GM? I really want to get it deleted so I can start over with her. It put a damper on what we were doing.
  11. Here's hoping something happens. And soon. Had every intention of getting some crates from the Cartel Market. Hopefully it'll get fixed before my hunger takes my money instead of them.
  12. I just remembered something this morning. The biggest annoyance once you find the code and add it to your account is that you'll have two mails per new toon that contain almost identical items in them. The difference is one has the collectors edition tag to be able to purchase stuff from the vendor. A little annoying, but worth it for the stuff he has.
  13. Not a problem. Like I said, almost 100% positive all you need is the working code added to your account. So I would only look for sealed/unopened boxes of the collectors edition. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B005B8DRVU/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new Amazon listing for ya just in case.
  14. It's what I did. Granted, I didn't do it four years later, I only did it about 8 months after release. You just apply the game code to your account it upgrades it to the physical collectors edition. However, it has been a few years since I have done this so I would do a little more research first before hand. I am almost 100% positive though that it's just as simple as adding the code to your account.
  15. *nods and bows a little* I concede. This discussion is won by you....... this time..... Lol. Like I said though. I feel for those that either can't or refuse to pay for a sub to be able to play the game all the way with those restrictions. It sucks.
  16. Looking at it from an endgamers perspective, this is not a good thing. But looking at it from a new person or someone who is still relatively new to the game, exp bonuses would be great, but that is already supplemented with the exp boosts you get from finishing the chapters, not to mention the ones you get from the packs. I honestly can't really think, at least at this point, what can be added to the current game to make sub better and be able to bring the f2p model up to match what it was before. I still feel for those f2p people and all of their restrictions though. It's rough. I tried the f2p model and found it so restrictive I had to sub again to be able to play.
  17. This is true, but I thought they were removing the championship system soon? I thought I had heard somewhere in one of the updates that they were working on removing it.
  18. That would be cool. I have been rocking Davik Kang's Sidearm and Early Retirement since 1.0 as well on my hunter. Would be nice to have them have a little flare.
  19. Hmmm.. Valid point. It does make the sub in SWTOR more valuable. Starting on both sides as f2p the things you get for subbing are vastly superior in swtor than in ESO. However, if you look at it from the other side, and have your starting points set up as the sub side, what you lose is negligible in eso. Making the drop from sub to f2p in swtor feel more like punishment for not being a sub. In the end, it really does come down to the person view point. Very interesting discussion without getting all uppity in each others faces.
  20. For ESO though there is nothing taken away from you. You don't lose anything like you do here in swtor. You still have all your bars (granted there is only one of them), you still get the same exp, you get the same amount money from activities, you are not limited to a certain numbers of times a week the you can perform certain actions or play certain modes, you can chat, send mail, work their auction houses, the game is still fully unlocked without having to spend a single dime on a subscription plan. I am f2p on eso having come from a sub and there is no difference. Matter of fact, I feel more inclined to purchase stuff from there crown store (their version of the cartel market) because I don't feel like I have to.
  21. Looking at it from this perspective, it makes sense. I guess it just my old eyes seeing what once was before f2p and then seeing how you would kinda get shafted if you went to f2p from sub. I kinda felt for those that wanted to go f2p and then have a lot taken away from you when you did. If you have never experienced the game from a subbed point of view and then subbed after some time, it would look like you get rewarded. It was just a harsh jump to go from sub to f2p for me when it went. That's why I think it's more of a punishment than a reward. But this look does make sense.
  22. Tis true. It's all perspective. And from my perspective, you are not punished in ESO for not subbing. There is nothing taken away from your experience. The gameplay, exp, money earned, etc is the same from the games release. There are no changes to your ui, no reduced amounts of anything. It's all the same. Only difference is you get bonuses that don't have a direct impact on your gameplay if you are subbed. They are just bonuses. SWTOR reduced all the things from the sub and stated you can get them back by buying them with Credits, CC or subbing again. Reduced exp, limited amounts of time that you can play certain aspects of the game. As it stands right now, f2p in swtor plays more like a demo version than an actual part of the game. That seems like punishment from my perspective.
  23. Well, I am glad that I was able to help a little. Even though I posted this in the wrong thread. Lol. Apologies again and good luck on finding that magic rotation.
  24. The game would flood with people if they changed their free to play model. Instead of penalizing people for not paying they need to incentivize for paying for a sub. A good example of this is Elder Scrolls Online. When they changed their model, the "free to play" accounts (those who chose not to sub anymore) did not have anything taken away. Their playing experience was exactly the same as it was before they changed. Now, subscribers there get a bonus to exp gains, bonus to gold earned, subscriber rewards and more. All swtor does for having a sub is getting the same experience you had before hand with a few cartel coins thrown your way. No real incentive aside from a punishment for not having a sub by limiting the game. If SWTOR did the same as ESO, they would have more people subbing I think. As is stands right now, unless you have millions upon millions of credits to unlock they normal quality of life things you would need (actions bars, mail, chat, the gtn) playing this game on anything other than a sub makes it rather unplayable. Even if you go to preferred. That is no way to keep you player base happy. If they can't even get that right.....
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