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Everything posted by FoE_Khorne

  1. Its more like 24 bonus damage vs 1.36% crit
  2. This is an l2p issue. Out of the first 15 lvl 60 warzones i played, I died a grand total of 6 times... with no healer on my team most of the time. Heres something that proves it #confirmed leet dps Being able to do 1200+ dps and 1k hps while evading all atttacks 3 out of every 10 seconds is great for regs... Waiting to see if it will play out in ranked 4s. I did pretty well in yolo queues last night though
  3. TLDR on the comments Bolster is fine. I tested via a TON of combos the bolsterizer on fleet.
  4. Lol pts... thats a good one m8. Sorc and juggs are still much better than PTs
  5. I might get a forum warning or ban for this, but here... this is why madness will break pvp. A friend of mine was parsing near 1k hps just from leeching strike, the dot heal, and deathfield....
  6. I wonder if bioware has ever made the connection between their "nerf ops" mindset and the fact that operative/scoundrel is the least played class....
  7. Oh and in4 kanaba says it.. We lost that game in the screen shot i posted lol. The gcd went off when i tried to cast explosive probe, but it didnt cast. Then when i Shiv'ed kohid it left him under 20hp, and then he barriered. They recovered and Rykage was out of LoS in the pit when I got awe'd.. Couldnt get to him in time after it wore off. #bioRekt
  8. That wasnt the response I expected lol. I suppose these forums have left me a bit jaded. Cheers m8
  9. Bad news Bears: They just don't care. Accept the game for what it is. The only star wars mmo on the market (although a certain EMU is looking appealing) The pvp is fun, even if the skill pool is dwindling. 3.0 seems to be bringing back quite a few people to check out the new meta. If they actually do something remotely close to x-server this game has a chance. They mentioned in a podcast that the plans they have for 2015 are much bigger in scope than even the Revan expansion's add-ons. Personally ive just been subbing a month or two at a time... then go F2p for a month or two, then resubing when more content is out. They are trying, and perhaps next year is the one where we start to see some of that cartel money improvement the game as a whole.
  10. Perhaps you should have looked at the name below those? Because that's me. 1653 rating. About 27 of my wins were with him... Granted I just came back not too long ago. Also if you would have read,then you might have noticed that he did some of his game on harbinger. His other healer is in the 1570's This was one of my first games back http://tinypic.com/r/eg8nt1/8 Running hardswaps, and im healing in bolstered dps gear.
  11. Personally I think it is a waste of dev time just to have a place to show off your pets. ( I know theres more to it than that) Honestly if they were to make them into instanced private (or public for a cost) social areas I would find them much cooler. As others have suggested make it a place where people can meet up.. have interactive dance floors, jukeboxes where the profits are returned to the owner of said space, mini games that can be played for credits ( swtor really needs some gambling besides cartel packs ) , and my personal favorite idea of an area that is for "fight clubbing". It would be an area where you could designate teams of 1-8 to fight each other, and allow spectators to place bets! Perhaps even add in player controlled traps that the people watching could operate. Give the owner of said space a good amount of customization to the layout. It would be a great place for pvp'ers to gather/practice and actually build a community in a sense. Instead them of speeding around the fleet trolling general chat as it currently stands. Just my 2cents
  12. Well this thread has certainly gained a.. few.. posts since my last visit to the forums. Honestly I havent bothered posting or checking because I was pretty pissed that we were pretty much ignored on the pts after the initial Focused feedback thread. Then all the subsequent threads and PM's about it were ignored while assassins and maras got many responses.... Hell they even posted on that deception thread. Im just really hoping they dont refer us to the changes that they made in 2.8. I agree with them, and even argued for 2 of them for some time.. But there are a few other small things that can be done to really improve QoL for us. With a TON more uncleasable dots incoming in 2.8 I feel that dps operative QoL is going to drop even farther. We really need evasive imperative to me moved into the lower tiers of one of the dps specs. Honestly that is the biggest change that I would like to see. Either that or cloaking screen needs to purge all negative effects when it is used. (could be tied to advanced cloaking) . Concealment isnt too far off of being rated viable IMO. Another small change would be moving Chem-resistant Inlays to either tier one of the medicine tree in place of Incisive Action or Precision Instruments or swapping it with Inclement Conditioning over in the concealment tree. I would prefer the latter of those options, but either would be nice. Obviously our set bonuses should be looked at as well. Just restating my thoughts.....
  13. Here are mine. This is definitely my favorite look to date. http://tinypic.com/r/2s6lr2g/8 http://tinypic.com/r/no6c78/8
  14. Im not going to try to argue this any further. That fact is that full min/maxed pvp gear is overall greater than any combo of bolster. You making assumptions on damage that your opponent is also running the same 1930 level of expertise. The only time a skill will deal more damage with bolster you mentioned on page 2 is when its power multiplier is over ~2.5 (in this test). Granted every class has skills that are over that threshold, but ultimately giving up DR to do tiny amounts more damage on certain skills just isnt worth it in arenas. Especially against burst comps. Now if you are a reg hero and just want to facemelt bads, go right ahead. It wont be the end of the world. Just fyi for the gear i tested with was obroan min/max vs the bolster that you suggested. And the last time I checked the class being ranked viable or not does not change math.
  15. ……………………………………..________ ………………………………,.-‘ …………….“~., ………………………..,.- …………………………..“-., …………………….,/………………………………………..â€:, …………………,?………………………………………………\, ………………./…………………………………………………..,} ……………../………………………………………………,:`^`..} ……………/……………………………………………,: ……/ …………..?…..__…………………………………..:`………../ …………./__.(…..“~-,_…………………………,:`………./ ………../(_….â€~,_……..“~,_………………..,:`…….._/ ……….{.._$;_……â€=,_…….“-,_…….,.-~-,},.~â€;/….} ………..((…..*~_…….â€=-._……“;,,./`…./ ………../ …,,,___.\`~,……“~.,………………..`…..}…………../ …………(….`=-,,…….`……………………(……;_,,-†…………/.`~,……`-………………………….\……/\ ………….\`~.*-,……………………………….|,./…..\,__ ,,_……….}.>-._\……………………………..|…………..`=~-, …..`=~-,_\_……`\,……………………………\ ……………….`=~-,,.\,………………………….\ …………………………..`:,,………………………`\…………..__ ……………………………….`=-,……………….,%`>–==“ …………………………………._\……….._,-%…….`\ ……………………………..,< `.._|_,-&``................`\
  16. Here is the point. Here is you. The point clearly went over your head. The mods dont matter. But just to make a point even clear enough for those that need to wear helmets while playing. Here are the numbers for high power bolster (1925 expertise) vs full pvp. ((4160 * 0.5724) + 4160) - ((4097 * 0.6) + 4097) = -14.016 While the difference is smaller in this instance. Full expertise still wins out in damage, and still has the bonus reduction. (Note the base on the pvp is higher than the last one as my pvp offhand normally has a crit enhance. I switched to power for the purpose of having mirrored mods)
  17. Ready to get schooled? Please take notes and L2 math You are implying that higher than pvp lvl mh/oh are in fact better. the only thing those barrels would give you are higher mainstat. Thats it. Screens using the bolsterizer: screen one full pvp. http://tinypic.com/r/xc0z2t/8 screen two 180 barrel and power crystal (1909 expertise) http://tinypic.com/r/2vs3ork/8 As you can see the base damage does not change what so ever. Now on to the claims that power out weights expertise at higher levels. Just to do some quick math here; my example ability will be backstab. It has a~ 2.25 (rounded up) power multiplier. The pvp set leaves the tooltip at 4073, the 1909 leaves it at 4113. Oh wow the 1909 hits for a whole 40 damage more. Now lets do the math on the expertise bonus ((4073 * .6 ) + 4073) - ((4113 * .5676) + 4113) = 69.26. Whoa would you look at that. Now the full pvp set will hit for 69 more damage per backstab than the 1909 combo. Now this number will be even larger for crits. And that doesnt even begin to touch the fact that you lose 1.39% damage reduction as well. GG no RE. Stop spreading idiocy, it is contagious on these forums
  18. so i guess the concealment players are perfectly happy with our current changes on the pts? The discussion / attention on us has disappeared entirely. It is fairly disappointing.... 1 response to my post, and no other posts about operatives; is it safe to assume that everyone stopped caring? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=740867
  19. Hey snave / fellow ops. Looking for a bit of feedback here, and possibly a little more love for concealment before 2.8 is finalized. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=740867
  20. Yeah i more or less use it on CD while pvping... its removal would make ops pretty easy to kite.
  21. Honestly I think that yes the remaining members should have a reduced amount lost lets say 5ish rating. And the quiter/afker should lose double what they normally would have. Now im sure people will say, "what about those that disconnect?" To which my response is, sorry try to find some better internets.
  22. Personally i think that much crit rating would be overkill. If i remember right I had earpiece plus 2 enhance. You can definitely get near 1500 tech power now. But everyone has their preferences.
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