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Everything posted by FoE_Khorne

  1. Guys... Guys. Having two or three healers on your team obviously makes you un-killable. I mean both these matches had no kills what-so-ever
  2. I'll concede you are correct here.. I still dont feel that it is "game-breaking" in any case.
  3. Then you have been playing against some **** dps'er... or please show screen shots of you doing 5k hps in warzones.
  4. Yeah 6 sorcs are annoying... just because if they are playing madness they can do 1k self HPS if they want to, while doing 1.5k+ dps. But that doesnt lend credibility to your argument about healers being OP. Ive already almost farmed out a full min/max dark reaver set. Ive been playing wz/arenas (including some ranked 4s already) since 3.0 came out. I was around 150k conquest points just from warzones on my operative alone. The basis of your argument is false. 2 healers 2 dps vs 3 dps 1 heal in a reg arena, the 2 heal team will lose EVERY time if the dps know what they are doing.
  5. I was specifically referring to duels. And at the current state of the game, even good healers will lose 1v1's after they go through all of their CD's. So i'll say it again, If you cant 1v1 a good healer then it is an L2P issue.
  6. Wall of text crit me for over 9000... RIP in peace
  7. Ill say it again, they mentioned making this a feature. They responded to a post asking about field respec's in warzones saying as much. Ill dig throught the dev tracker to see if i can find it. And i dont see this as a problem. It can only be done once before round 1.
  8. DPS already can 1v1 healers. If you cant then its an l2p issue. By your logic this team shouldnt have died at all. They had 3 healers http://tinypic.com/r/2lvhe8k/8
  9. This. Well in the hands of a skilled player at least
  10. I guess I must have taken the blue pill at some point, and entered back into the matrix. Because there is no way there is a constructive, thought out post, with possible solutions... is in the pvp forums. WIth that being said.. You are exactly correct with your analysis. AP PT burst is off the charts... Im not sure if its game-breakingly so as others have claimed, but it certainly will make 4s boring if you can just go x3 or x4 AP pts and instangib anyone even through guard in 3 gcd
  11. Ive noticed several inconsistencies on my ops as well.. Although I didnt mess around with it too long. It quickly became apparent that it is near useless for dps ops in pvp. Pve might be a difference story, but since we need so much accuracy now... idk.
  12. Personally I went the leftside first route, but this is the other choice that makes the most sense. The only reason i didnt do so was that I muled wz comms over from alts to finish my set bonus.
  13. Ive hit slightly over 15k with volatile substance on a sorc in a reg. I had the 10% mainstat buff up from a group member, and Im positive that the sorc didnt have max expertise. 10-13k on the regular though.
  14. They actually mentioned making #1 a feature awhile back, so dont hold your breath. Honestly if you were to do #2 then why dont we go ahead and remove all off heals/ self healing?
  15. 10/10 would play this expac. dem skill look spooky m8. timE to 420blazeit 2git mi mlgswag on
  16. We received immunity to everything for 3 out of 10 seconds....
  17. Hopefully I will have a working stream in the next couple of weeks. You are correct of the comparable amount of burst, but it can be replicated now; more often, for less energy, and without relying on using cloaking screen offensively. As to the question from another person about my utilities... I use Chem-resistant inlays, Infiltrator, Slip Away, Counterstrike, Advanced Cloaking, Evasive Imperative, and Revitalzers. I have a couple other dps OPS question my use of counterstrike. Although the more I play with it, the less I can see myself ever playing without it. There are a metric fckton of roots in the current meta. Being able to break an inquisitor or warrior root to roll away is clutch in arenas. rootbreak-->roll--> HoT --> roll --> HoT. Also fun fact. If you re-apply your kolto probe at 2 stacks you get an instant tick. Hence waiting for the 1st tick to cast it, nets you x2 ticks. Several people have stated the animation for Volatile substance is lackluster.. Perhaps we can make everyone happy by incorporating the acid blade animation into the Volatile substance cast? Seems like a win/win to me. I originally stated that cloaking screen should reset the cd of backstab, but that might make for burst that is way too strong. Perhaps entering stealth reduces the cooldown by 3 to 6 seconds would be more appropriate. Ive found that most of the time when i re-stealth that is about the time left on it to finish its CD.
  18. I rather this not happen... As we should most assuredly be nerfed harder than we were buffed in short order afterwards. I think it is in a good spot right now.
  19. It absolutely proves that Bioware is full of s h i t when it comes to enforcing win traders.
  20. Yeah... It is pretty ridiculous. It was the most blatant displayed of winning trading to date. 1:Win trade one team to 1650 2:Farm said team for 10 games in a row with second team 3: ????? 4: World Rank 1 scoundrel.
  21. If you want volatile to hit with acid blade, you have to apply it instantly after backstab. It will get triggered by the very last tick of AB or sometimes the 2nd to last tick... for some reason not very often though.
  22. Sounds like people were more concerned about dot spread that doing focusing the heals. He wouldnt have lived that long unless; there was no direct effort form 3 people, or if there was a 2nd healer freecasting on him. Even through guard 3 good dps should be able to hit a healer for 30-50k in 4 gcd... Meaning the tank and healer die in short order afterwards. Ive seen it happening against healers which in other matches have done 3.5k+ hps
  23. Ive been messing around dueling guildies with fulll 60 pvp gear.... The highest opening burst i have was a backstab 10k --- x2 acid blade crits ~800 x4 at 400 --- 8.5k veiled strike ---- 11.2k vs - --- 8.4k lacerate + 1.2k cs... Which totaled ~43000 damage... killed him in 4 GCD. Order of BS --> Volatile --> vs --Lacerate. The volatile auto crits hits when lacerate hits. Sure the crit gods smiled at me on the veiled strike and lacerate... but you can do that type of burst very often. even if they didnt crit it would have left him undeer 25% hp left. .. Followed by dart and x2 lacerates, and veiled strike, and another backstab for another possible near or over 40k damage in 5 gcd.... then its back to VS burst phase. And your energy is still near topped off unless you casted probes in there. Also keep in mind, that this was out side of a warzone... when im in a warzone I have 200 more tech power.
  24. I'm rather surprised by your post... I've been loving the new concealment. The only gripes I have are not having backstab when i re-stealth. The easiest fix would be to make cloaking screen refresh the cooldown on backstab IMO. And volatile needs to hit on the 1st dot damage, regardless of time after application. And maybe increase the duration of the 6 piece set bonus... its annoying having it proc right after a VS just exploded, and then the proc is gone by the time it is off cooldown. I've pulled near 2.3k dps in an arena already, and I'm not full dark reaver gear yet. And I find myself being very very hard to kill even under pressure from multiple people. I really cant speak negatively about the spec. The best overall I've done was 1.6k dps and 900 hps in a voidstar. Of course it isn't the same. I miss hidden strike and the acid blade sound/animation ALOT... But it certainly is in a better place than pre- 3.0.
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