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Everything posted by darthscotty

  1. It is a seasonal event if it does not appeal to you ignore it. There are a few gear items that appeal to me so i will do it until I get those cosmetic items then I will be done with it. It is really not that big of a deal.
  2. I call her Granny War crimes for a reason. By the time Rishii rolls around she is a full blow war criminal. The trooper story is just so good.
  3. The Trooper story is honestly one of the few stories in the game that has multiple moments where I have to sit back and think about what I am going to do. The trooper story is very underrated.
  4. In the past it has been a free pet, collections unlock and a week or two of double xp. This year though it has been radio silence so who knows. That is what they have done in the past though.
  5. Story wise it is an improvement. I also saw a few lines in there where clearly the groundwork is being laid for all of this Malgus and Mando stuff to finally be brought to a close. They have milked this storyline way to long, and at this point I just want it to end and do not even care how it ends just so it ends.
  6. The game will not let me switch to star forge from another server. I can go to any other server I want but it will not let me into the star forge server.
  7. I am having the same issue. trying to load into any kind of a phase and I get an infinite loading screen. Started out ok this morning but has steadily gone down hill today.
  8. The problem is once those people decide that pvp is not worth it they never come back. You might not like what they are doing with pvp seasons but I know a lot of people that started queing for pvp because of seasons. It might be more helpful if you reached out to those players who are new or not good and helped them become better at pvp instead whining on the forums about it.
  9. Instead of new companions I would rather see them do more with the OG companions. I would rather get more story with some of the original companions than just get new ones. I do not expect that to happen due to them allowing us to kill some of the OG companions. My point still stands though. How about they allow the male smuggler to romance Mako, or maybe a Male trooper would rather romance Vette. Or giving the female smuggler a romance option that does not suck. I do not feel like we need new companions, even though I love getting new companions. There is a lot they can do with our OG companions that have been ignored for far to long.
  10. I agree, the consular has always been my favorite story. It gets a lot of hate that it does not deserve. However, it is one of the few class stories where elements from the starter world are still important in your last bit of the story on Corellia. It is a great story.
  11. This is exactly my problem with the current pvp system. MY medals count is to dependent on how other people on my team are performing. My medal count should depend on how I perform not how my team performs. This system rewards only those who que in a group and if you are solo queing you are punished, hard for it.
  12. Well this bug is going to get abused by the top pvpers. Just get through rank 2 over and over and over to get the tokens.
  13. Nobody knows but with Christmas and New Years coming up and devs having time off for that. They will not release it right before christmas and then be out of the office to not deal with bugs ect. So best guess is mid January to early February. Like everybody else here I am just guessing though.
  14. I am always at cap on all of those every week, and that is my issue not the devs issue. I play lots of alts. and I choose to gear through the mods that we have access to now. I think the drop rate is fine, if you are always at cap you need to look at yourself and figure out if it is a you problem or a game problem. Speaking only for myself I am at cap all of the time and it is a ME problem due to how I choose to play the game and how I choose to gear my toons.
  15. I think the rate we get tech frags is fine, the harder the content you do the more you get. In my opinion this is how it should be. If you are a solo player and want to get tech frags do conquests on multiple toons, you will get plenty that way. Do a few vet flashpoints, you will get plenty. There are lots of ways to get tech frags, the rate is fine the issue is the content that you are choosing to do. Give some different content a try.
  16. Que up what you need to do all of the crafting missions right before you log off for the day. Your numbers will vary based off of your stronghold bonus. When you lot into that toon after the daily reset you will instantly get those points. For me that puts me at 30K, if you need extra points get one companion up a level that should get you where you need to be. Less than 1 minute of effort.
  17. I am capped on seasons tokens and have not done anything with season 3 yet. A few suggestions would be putting some of the really old cartel market outfits or mounts on the vendor for seasons tokens. Stacks of already existing decos say 50 decos for 1 token. I would even be willing to go for a stack of 100 companion gifts for 1 token. Give me something to spend those tokens on.
  18. Speaking as somebody who has the collectors edition, I have no issue with it. I still have my Malgus statue which they do not. I think you are getting upset over something that is really not that big of a deal. I can understand being a little upset about it but really it is fine. With what they have to pay to get it, I am fine with it.
  19. Not confirmed, everyone is just making educated guesses, but it seems highly likely.
  20. I would encourage you to go to youtube and look up Snaves old Stall of the Week videos. It is a fantastic example of how one person who knows how to play their class at a very high level can hold off multiple people. What you are describing is not a game problem it is merely an example of how two people who know how to play their class can hold a node.
  21. I had the same issue today. The solution that worked for me was after i died the 10th time I logged out while dead and when I logged back in right away the contamination was gone.
  22. Same, it would appear the list did not update. Wish this surprised me, bet we get downtime this morning over this.
  23. After dying like 30 times this worked perfectly for me. Just hide behind the big rock, you might have to come out a couple of times to hit one of the two heal stations that are near by, just pick your spots carefully. Other than that it works great.
  24. I am personally not doing this flashpoint again until there is a fix out. I have been one shotted by Malgus 20 times and I am just done with it. That toon is sitting at the Malgus fight and will stay there until there is a fix, and I will refuse to start it on any other toons until it is fixed.
  25. There are it is at the very end of Manaan, it is rather big too in my opinion.
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