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Everything posted by DahLliA

  1. Seriously? You'd be OK with EA asking you to pay money for bullets in an online FPS-game? Guess their F2P(and later P2W) model is gonna do great afterall with customers like you.
  2. That might make sense if not for the poll being before the game launched
  3. Would be funny if it wasn't EA's CEO who said it
  4. Not to crush your hope or anything, but you might want to take a look at my sig
  5. I'm sure being reminded how much of a trainwreck the game you spent 5-6 years making have become is very uplifting. If there's even any devs left at EAware that cares. Guess those were the ones that got sacked.
  6. What? You're saying they usually create more bugs when they try to fix them? At least choosing the Hero engine was a good choice. Not like anyone expected more than 20 characters on screen in an MMO after all.
  7. But EAware has said it wont happen. So it must be true. Just like everything they've said the last 5 years has been...
  8. Don't worry. They'll probably wait a year or so.
  9. MMO-gods of course. Not like anyone in the world could have made a better game with $200m and the Star Wars IP.
  10. Good job enlightening us. Did you know Santa is real? I don't have any source, but if you stop being so lazy the info is out there...
  11. Climbing onto the forums to call anyone that disagrees with you "miserable little creatures with nothing positive going for them at all anywhere in their lives" on the other hand...
  12. The game has been a hundred-million trainwreck since December?
  13. You can totally take EAware's promises seriously. Everything they've promised the last 7 months is right here...
  14. Kinda like they've done for 8 months with the sub-model? O_o
  15. What? You mean that all the things they've been promising since release were just lies? I'm shocked. Shocked I say. Seriously though. Don't count on any of the stuff they promised before the lay-offs. Hell. If there wasn't a trailer on the front page I'd even give up on HK-51
  16. At least they've known it for quite a while. To me it feels like EA just threw the (clearly unfinished) game out for the christmas-sales and then when it failed massively they decided to go F2P, sack half the team and stop new content until after F2P is announced. Still gonna be subbed until I see whether EA's greed makes the Cartel-shop P2Wville, but Bioware has gone on my sh*t-list since they're clearly beyond salvation. And seriously. $200m, 5 years(or more?) and the Star Wars IP and they last 8 months before going F2P?
  17. " To that end, I am proud to say that we have a lot of great new content coming your way, and that it will be coming more frequently" I just got a deja vu...
  18. The other 60% probably wanted a good game and we know how well EA does those...
  19. "For $15 a month, Premium Players will receive comprehensive access to the game plus monthly infusions of in-game currency which can be used for boosts, customization and for moving more quickly through each level." That might be the dealbreaker for me. If those 150 coins a month aren't enough for the stuff I'll want/need I'm gone. That of course is assuming I can get enough of an exp-boost to level almost solely by class-quests seeing as the other 90% of the levelling experience will most likely suck even more from now on. Source: http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ERTS/1994159550x0x587474/a3017ec2-7f9e-4200-af7f-246d99244d23/Q1_FY13_Earnings_Script_FINAL.pdf
  20. <Fryface> Not sure if good troll or serious </Fryface>
  21. my problem is how they ruined the one good thing they had(story) by requiring hours of grinding(whether quests/pvp/space combat) to see it all. I could live with the lack of things to do at max while they sort stuff out and add more content. I'd just have enjoyed all 8 stories in the meantime. but I'd rather get a rectal exam from a rancor than do all the boring non-class quests 4 x 2 times.
  22. oh yeah. much better right there. grind... if I wanted to do the same thing over and over and over I'd do dailies on my 50.
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