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Everything posted by ZolanSilverspear

  1. I am having the exact same problem as a jedi knight.
  2. The trouble is how bioware handled f2p. They labeled and advertised it as f2p however in reality, as you already said, it is free to try. I smell the corruption and lies of EA behind it. The system is "almost" unusable without being a sub not even when you pay for cartel coins. As long as the label f2p, and the current free-to-try system stays the complaints won't end. Ignore them or tell them it f2t and than ignore them.
  3. I looked around and read a couple of posts. All in all this thread looks like a battle zone between mindless fanboys and raging naysayers. First point, the 10th year anniversary of swKOTOR, was not an online serverwide event, why expect one? If you want to have an game wide event, is this the particular place to discuss it? I think everyone can agree SWTOR is a great idea, which could have been done (maybe) just a bit better, and is failing to improve itself half as much as most people want it to. Still it is a very good game, not great but very good. What I am saying is, pick up all the nonsense about how good and bad the game is, and take it to a place it belongs. Like suggestions or bugs sections. My 2 cents on the anniversary, it was what has been promised, no more no less.
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