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Everything posted by Naasir

  1. Not quite a nickname, but when Mako isn't doing anything I say, "MAKO! Make-O yo' self useful and run dis mission!" Also since I refer to my Bounty Hunter as "Chieftain Righteous" his crew members gain similar names. Mako = Sister Righteous Torian = Kid Righteous Gault = Ranger Righteous Blizz = The Righteous Hood Skadge = Bubba Righteous
  2. Again, I feel their system had too many kinks to be immersive. People phasing in and out, vanishing all the time. I wish I could suggest a better method, but honestly I thought the old fashioned method of the Sunwell dailies handled it better. The environment changed (not by much) and it was permanent. For everyone. And don't get me started on the length of the grind... never again I say. If they're to bring in more dailies to SWtor, they better be bloody entertaining. If something requires a person to revisit the same spot again and again, it better feel organic as well, and not be packs of mobs waiting for me to exterminate them.
  3. I totally have to disagree here, but I guess this is a matter of taste. Phasing and dailies became the most inconvenient grind imaginable if you play with other people. If you were on different phases, then you're just not gonna be able to do them all with your friends. I remember having a group that I used to do the Firelands dailies with. Someone missed a day, and due to the cycling nature of the "random" quests, their dailies became out of synch. Phasing was one of the least immersive mechanics they introduced, and I am grateful it hasn't made it's way onto SWTOR.
  4. Hit the gym, Mako Variety is the spice of life. The customization kits are a nice way to personalize your companions... but there's only so many ways to put your personal stamp on your crew. I love my crew members, but I wish they had some of the same customization options that I had at the character selection screen. I don't mean for it to go as far as changing species (certainly wouldn't make sense for story purposes) but I would like to go as far as change their body types. I want a buff Mako. Don't judge me. That's just the little Naasir touch I'd like to put on her. At the end of the day it's MY crew and they're part of MY character. Blizz, did you get the groceries? This is partly laziness on my part. When I level up an alt, I like to keep my crew skills up to level. Sometimes I manage to power through a crafting skill, but while I'm only half way through a planet and caught up in a mission, I've run out of schematics that will level up my crafting skill. Thus, I just continue to level and by the time I get back to fleet, most of the new schematics aren't very useful to me on my journey, so I just make them, RE them for the mat returns, and learn the next group of schematics to play catch up. To keep my crafting always relevant with my level, I would like to be able to send a crew member out on a mission to learn new schematics. After all, he/she is the one making them in the first place. Photoshop Will Fix it Buffs on the character portrait are a bit... cluttered. Filtering them would be nice, but what I would like in addition to that is an aesthetically pleasing overlay to represent important procs and timers. For example, Tactical Advantage or the duration of Supercharge. The art on the character models is nice, but sometimes the battle is hectic and you just can't squint at these things. A breath of life I'm sure it's been mentioned before. The discover, destroy, defend, deliver style of questing has been dressed up well and given context, however the mobs out there in the world need a breath of life. They should be doing a bit more than just standing around waiting for me to collect their precious bantha butts. Some of them do have some life, for example a squad leader pacing back and forth in front of his grunts, or the Imp and Pub troops on Illum having a fire fight. More of that please! The more life the better. It makes the extermination of their life all the better. Seeing the carnage would be more entertaining than adding the bantha butt to my quest inventory. TMI, people! TMI! I've said it somewhere else before, but I don't really care if another player is "Commander Bilybob, Grand Pooba of the Magical Journey!" There should be some options to hide other players' titles and Legacy titles. It's just a bit too much clutter. If I wanna take note of it, I'll check the tooltip when I hover over them. The Legacy Network Legacy. Love it. Always room for improvement of course. The Legacy is something I would like to share with my friends though. Family trees are nice... but I wanna show it off! It would be nice to view a persons Legacy, maybe even add some notes or bio info for your characters, or even entire profiles. Furthermore, I have friends who are altoholics (like myself) and we have trouble keeping our friends list up to date. It would be nice to add a Legacy to your friend list, so you can always stay updated with whatever antics you're friends are up to.
  5. Coming from a Shieldtech's perspective: 1. In PvE I feel as though Sith tanks seem envious of my survivability. Other classes seem to have low expectations of the spec, but often I hear my groups say, "Finally, someone who knows how to BH tank." In PvP, I seem to be treated as a nuisance as I am best suited for harassing the enemy, with my taunts almost magically drawing their attention. 2. I perceive my spec as a versatile defense machine with unprecedented ranged utilities compared to other tanks. I boast impressive mobility being able to switch between a ranged assault and a melee fist fight on the go. If my tools are well managed, I have an answer to most situations. (Also, I what I'd like more than a blaster rifle, is a way to mount my pistol on my wrist, and free my fingers up to flip the enemy a double bird)
  6. So many requests, many of which I'd like as well, so I'll list the ones I'd like to see the most. Proc Art - An attractive alert or overlay for buttons and on screen whenever certain abilities proc. Hovercasts/Click Casting - Within reason. Ability Morphing - I don't know what else to call this, but it'd probably be better handled by macros. Certain abilities kinda clutter up space due to their limited use, like Pommel Strike. It would be nice if a slot could follow certain if/then statements and do something like... if the target is not vulnerable then the ability is Assault, but if stunned it becomes Pommel Strike, unless on cooldown. Class colors - It kinda helps me in group situations knowing who can take a hit better than someone else. Extra bars/paging - Pretty straightforward, however I notice currently if all bars are active then the paging button doesn't have any other bars to page to. Improved Nameplates - I'd like to click 'em. I'd like to shorten them. Sometimes I don't wanna read "Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Grand Poobah of the Fantabulous Race."
  7. My only real gripe with this level cap increase is the simple fact... it's just not a very interesting route. A few more hit points and some skill points, assuming it works the way leveling is now. I'd rather see a different spin on progression, or at least one that's not just more of the same. A new mod slot post 50 has possibilities. Or perhaps class or role specific customization as part of the Legacy window (without ridiculous costs.) As skill trees are now, they're pretty run of the mill. A few extra points in a tree that adds a 1% increase in a stat as part of my after 50 experience... just isn't very exciting. Right now all we can do is speculate, but here's to hoping after 50 progression is a little more creative. Take the figurative hamster off the treadmilll and put him in a plastic ball. Let him roll around the house!
  8. The OP's cons outweigh the pros. Honestly, I don't see any of those pros as pros. Credit sinks are something that can be easily tweaked by the devs. I feel a lot of things are a bit pricey at the moment (certain Legacy perks and mod removal in general) but in a game that has some sort of economy built in, you gotta have some price sinks. Otherwise, what's the point of money? Then that goes back to trivializing crew skills. There would be no incentive to be an enterprising craftsman (and this is coming from zeitgeist enthusiast!) Clear gear progression. I honestly find a streamlined gear treadmill to be one of the most boring parts of a MMO, if there's only a handful of options. If anything, it's too much of a clear progression right now. Tionese to Columi to Rakata to Black Hole. As far as grinds go... I don't think appearance tabs would reduce grind. It would just add a different grind. Instead of hunting for mods, one would be hunting for looks. Say a Flashpoint had a particular look you wanted. Now say you wanted your whole crew to have that look. I know I wouldn't want to visit the same place again and again for chance at something I "desperately need." Again, I would say crafted custom versions of most gear is the way to go. I'm not saying Appearance Tabs are bad, but they're not good for this game. Such a feature would trivialize too many aspects of the game already implemented. In short, we are past the point of no return. Just keep pushing for more oranges and reduced extraction costs.
  9. I will always think of MY Revan as a lazy schmuck who just really didn't want to get out of bed that day when all those lasers were blasting his ship. He would squeeze in nap time here and Force choked anyone who stood between him and said nap time. He was a smart ***, talked back to everyone, and spoke to his masters with his fingers crossed. He only turned Light side at the end with promises of finally being able to score. When all the confetti and fireworks were going off when the day was saved, he was looking for the nearest hiding place to be left alone. That's how MY Revan's arc was, so I would say he was very overrated.
  10. You are under the impression that everyone has the same butter fingers when it comes to managing an action bar. I rarely use macros, especially the "POP EVERYTHING!" variety. I ALSO don't click all over the place to use my abilities. I manage to keep everything very neat and tidy without any macros, but that's my preference. I prefer to use every cooldown and ability individually based on the situation. I don't like to set it and forget it. I'm not really against macros. Heck I enjoy mouseovers for certain things, but I can get by without them. However I am fascinated by the dependance on them that's been implied in these threads. I don't find managing 30-40 abilities (whatever the average count is) to really be all that complicated. This is coming from someone with an altoholic/specaholic background in that "game we dare not mention." I tank, I heal, I go pew pew (not as often) and I haven't ever had a complaint about my performance. About addons though... they don't bother me up until a point. When I was new to "that other game" people gave me a list of addons that you have to have or else "UR A NOOB!" Peer pressure lead me to download them and I played with them for the longest time. A certain DBM was among them, and then came a day when I decided that I was sick of reading text flying in front of my face, so I turned it off one day to see if I really needed it. Gosh darn it... the game felt better to me without it. Overtime I chucked the majority of addons I had out the window, and don't regret it. I've had friends who stuck with DBM, but it doesn't matter how many sounds that thing plays, it won't completely fix their situational awareness (they still stand in things.) So personally I think things like DBM spawn bad playing habits, and perhaps indirectly spawn bad game designs, though it's difficult to prove the latter. I'm all for options. I'm always curious to see if the addon community can make something interesting. Once the early day of launch mellow down, I hope Bioware starts talkin' new features in more detail. For now though... seriously guys... put on your big boy/girl pants and adapt. You can do eet!
  11. Thanks for all the hard work, Bioware. The foundation is set, please continue building upon it and we'll all have a great monument of a game to enjoy.
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