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Posts posted by Khelien

  1. lol, totally disagree with this statement, you cant compare a product that has been out for over 5 years, to a product that has been out for only a month...


    Actually, yes you do. Because this product that has been out for only a month is directly competing with the one made years ago. And you can bet 99% of customers won't care how long the game is on the market - there are some things an MMO must have.


    But how about a comparison to Rift? That's a fresh game and somehow it was released with a ton more features than SWTOR.


    And before another reading-impaired troll strolls here: we do not complain about content. We complain about features.


    Try to remember that, k?

  2. Keadin's post is very well written. It is logical and well thought out.


    What really grinds my gears is the lack of any response from Bioware on this.


    I looked at the new coming soon video this morning. Can I quote from James Ohlen




    That quote doesn't really tally up with the response on this issue.


    To be honest, that quote doesn't really tally up with responses on many issues.

  3. Fine, let the emergency patch hit after midnight european time, im sure the americans wont mind it hit during their peak hour...right?


    Yeah, considering how vocal they are about this not being an issue in this and similar threads, they shouldn't mind at all.

  4. Please do take this lightly ;)


    But one could argue there is a lot of time spent in MMOs carrying out tedious and unneeded things all over the place, it is the nature of the beast we sell our souls to.


    Yea, and that's exactly why I don't see any reason to multiply those moments of doing nothing... I would rather actually play the game than wait 10 minutes because someone thought going through 5 different transitions and load screens is a good idea :( Sadly, with a family, full-time job and a nightmare traffic in my city my play time is very limited. Why does it have to be futher decreased by unnecessary (and IMHO stupid) timesinks?


    Although I would agree that some innovative low(ish) cool down mechanisms to get to places that you have been to before would be very nice. Perhaps a "teleport device" loot drop with limited reuse or a credit charge like the taxis has. I am sure a healthy market for such devices could be found if a clever designer thought this one through a bit.


    You already have a ship with a crew - why don't they just pick you up when you need it...? Just saying...

  5. 1, Doesn't teleport you to the instance entrence. I.E You have to know where to go (Not hard seeing as though you need to go to the fleet)


    I never really understood that one. Do some people find watching load screens fun? Or riding a speeder through an area you've seen million times? Or just standing at the entrance to the instance, not doing anything, WAITING for others to arrive?



  6. Until there is an official word about this, its all nonsense by a forum troll who is on ignore by most people anyways.


    Fact is, if they add such a tool like wow has - many people will leave the game or just dont queue for it. The queue times will sky rock like at wow with 40-50 min and then we get the same cry babys here at the forum again, that wanted such a tool.



    These tools dont work at MMO´s, wow has proven this well and if BW doesnt come up with a mega new LFG tool system it will fail here as well.


    Actually you're very wrong. Majority of WoW's playerbase never saw the inside of a dungeon. This all changed when the LFD was introduced, and players finishing dungeons skyrocketed. So for all intents and purposes, it's working as intended.


    Sorry to burst your bubble, you're not the target audience of modern MMOs. The people who use LFD are. Deal with it.

  7. Regardless i stand by my comment, people who claim that Bioware only cares about money and therefore will neglect the game/player base are dead wrong.


    Yeah, I never said you were wrong. Could've made my post clearer, sorry.


    What I mean is this - there are hundreds of ways of doing things in MMOs. Over the last couple of years some solutions were proven to be working good, while others were proven to be working bad (or not working at all). Bioware seems to have chosen many bad solutions over the good ones. It's as trivial as a non-customizable UI and as serious and insulting as maintenance during day-time or even during peak-time.


    It's not rocket science, all they had to do was to take a look at what works elsewhere and implement it. Instead, I see an attitude "THIS is what we did, and therefore it's the best solution. Take it or go away.". This poor attitude was already seen during beta testing, when they flat out ignored many many many suggestions, problems, bug reports and did what THEY wanted to do instead.


    Sometimes I just feel that Bioware forgot who's actually gonna pay for playing their game.

  8. The idea that bioware is in this game for the short term is crazy. They are in it for the long haul. That being said their capability to make all the needed changes/patches and make the right choices for everyone to be happy is the hard part.


    And yet they continue to make mistakes and wrong choices again, and again, and again. Even implementing solutions tested and proven working in other games is out of their reach.

  9. r u serious :eek: try living in australia we get downtime when most ppl get home from work and get ready to play,that to me is peak time not in the middle of the day!!!!


    Difference is, the game was NOT officialy released in Australia. It WAS in Europe.


    I feel your pain, I really do, but it's not the same.

  10. Unfortunately the way that Blizzard rolls out patches at different times is because they have separate region-locked clients. Some people prefer it this way, other people have friends in Europe that they desire to play with without purchasing the game twice and paying for a subscription twice.


    It's how Blizzard does things. Check Rift however, it 100% doable and possible to have separate maintenance times without locking regions.

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