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Posts posted by Khelien

  1. Wheras I agree with everything you say OP (and your english is fine, but granted it's easier to compose a letter than to speak) you should consider having this security key.


    A physical one, maybe. But the android app is far too unstable and crappy to seriously use one as a security measure. I'll probably give it another try in a year or so, maybe by then they'll make a good app out of it. For now, I'll just stick to my 20+ chars random password ;)

  2. I don't want a key to be too easy to remove either though. If it's too easy to remove it then it's not so secure either.


    I don't want someone to have easy access to my account without the security key and then be able to remove it. THat kind of defeats the object.


    If you're talking about people needing the key and then being able to remove it then fine :)


    I think we would all want a clone of Battle.net system - you need authenticator to log onto your account, and then another two consecutive codes to remove the authenticator yourself.


    When I found out I couldn't remove the key online myself, I honestly felt less secure :( I often flash new roms on my phone and I don't want to call them every time I do it...

  3. At the moment the only way to remove it is to call the CS. They said they would implement an online system to do just that and that it's a high priority - sadly don't count on them giving an exact ETA.


    I was using the android key just like you. Until it stopped working one day, just like that. If you have a basic understanding of spoken english (or a friend who can speak for you) you should be fine when calling them. Removal is a simple and quick process, my whole conversation took maybe 5 minutes. You need to tell them you want the security removed from your account, then you'll need to spell your email address and answer some of your security questions.


    Just use Skype to avoid international rates ;)

  4. Saying it's "pathetic" that there's no LFD tool, for example, when most of the gaming community is really split on whether they're a good idea or not.


    I have to disagree with you on that. Not taking into account my personal feelings about LFD, the "MOST" of gaming community is loving and using the tool. We - the people visiting game boards and discussing this stuff - are the vocal MINORITY. Casuals, which probably make more than 80% of the target player base, would be using LFD if it existed and they surely miss it after games like WoW.


    My opinion simply is that BioWare did not implement the LFD in time, and that's why it doesn't exist right now in-game. I'm 100% sure it will come during the next 6 months.

  5. What you dont understand is what it means to truly be hardcore.


    Omg, you can't imagine how hard I laugh at that statement :D


    I'm quite enjoying the way that Bioware has challenged a lot of assumed hierarchy in MMO gaming; raiders, a tiny minority of the playerbase, have been self-entitled for long enough. Either play the raids for the challenge, and wear the armour because you like it, or don't. The last thing we need is devs stripping art assets away from crafted or commendation gear so that you lot can feel all "exclusive" like those douchebags who walk around flashing their gold and diamond-encrusted iPhones.


    ^ This, a hundred times this.

  6. Its an american company yes but the game is released in Europe with EUROPEAN SERVERS!!!


    AND, lets not forget, they see no problem in taking our money - and we actually pay more than US citizens. It's a two-way street, we pay & we expect something in return.

  7. No, they are looking into it because they take the feedback seriously. Doesn't mean the problem is on their side.


    Beta weekends = no problem at all, running at constant 60+ FPS.

    EGA = laggy as hell, FPS fluctuating between 60 and 5 all the time.


    The ONLY thing that changed between those two dates is the SWTOR client which was patched. I have literally NOTHING installed on this rig apart from SWTOR. And if the only change was the client change, then...?


    So yeah, sorry, but logic disagrees with you.

  8. Based on the same comment.


    Difference is I read it.


    Whereas you extrapolated your own meaning because it suits your agenda.


    Point to the dev statement which says this is definitely happening?




    That's actually funny, you're saying there won't be dual spec based on a dev comment, in which they said they want to add dual spec after launch... You do know you are ridiculous?


    Anyway I see from your other comments that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, so that explains a lot.

  9. For the time being I'm only going to respond to one reply:


    yeah, because the wow auction house isn't EXACTLY the same without addons :rolleyes:


    Was I writing about WoW's AH without addons? No. I am giving a working example of how this system should work in MMOs. I don't care what it looks like without the addons, nor was I writing about it.

  10. Actually the Dev response was that dual spec was being considered.


    No, it wasn't.


    Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


    A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).




    It's coming, wether you like it or not.

  11. Your post seem to assume that if something is in WoW, then it's good and we need it in TOR.


    That was not my intention. For one, I mentioned rolling rules, and personally I hate the system WoW has in place.


    Just disagree that we need to look at WoW for these improvements


    I'm bored to tears with Warcraft, don't play it since August, but they DID get a few things right and I wouldn't mind seeing them in TOR. Give Blizzard credit where it's due.


    As for the LFD - wait a couple of months, when you'll be leveling an alt and will have no one to do a flashpoint with - people screaming now against the LFD will be begging for it then. LFD is a tool - JUST a tool. Question is, what kind of community will TOR have in the future. Good community won't be ruined by a LFD tool. Bad community doesn't give a sh** if there's one.


    Just mark my words - there will be LFD in SWTOR, not now, maybe not in 6 months, but it will come.

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