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Posts posted by Khelien

  1. 'cause they've been so forthright with information... Maybe if they released more information earlier, people might have more faith in the product and invest in the game via pre-order?


    I had faith in the product without more information at the time. Hence, I am rewarded for it, by playing since the first wave yesterday. You didn't have faith, so you are not rewarded, and you are still waiting.


    Sounds fine to me.

  2. No, he doesnt fail. Hes right. He beat others to the punch, and earned his early access. So he may be adding a little bit of attitude, who cares... ****, I'm not likely to be in early access for another few days, but I'm with him. You selfish, immature people need a "I enjoed it mutch" slap in the face.


    You should have read the terms. Nothing is new here, regardless of whether you agree with this staggered approach or not. It has been stated this was the way they would do things for months. They even added two extra days for us. You may not think it is the most ideal way to handle this, but you guys act like this came out of the blue. And that is what kills me the most.


    So, no..

    You fail.


    Thing is... I really felt sorry for all the gamers who pre-ordered late and had no chance of getting access early... I know waiting for such a game sucks and I know I would hate it. But when people start coming here screaming in countless threads "OMG BIOWARE SCAMMED ME I WANT MY EGA NOW!!!!!1111" and then they behave like the staggered access was some sort of secret no one knew about - that's where I draw the line.


    You all knew it was going to be done that way. If you did not know, then you haven't read all the emails, notices, product descriptions and FAQs. It your own fault, deal with it and forget that sense of entitlement. If you can't, well... I hope you get EGA at the last possible day and hour.


    To the rest, I hope you'll get your EGA emails soon, 'cause it really is an amazing game.

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