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Everything posted by bakedpotter

  1. The sad clownfraud is strong with this one
  2. I fully support this. I've said it before and Ill say it again, when sorcs sages drop below 10% health they should auto one shot everyone on the opposing team regardless of distance.
  3. Well as far as the game being biased to ranged, thats basically all mmos. This game by far is least affected by this. Melee warriors are ridiculously powerful, specially maurauders.
  4. Lofty tears. God this is one miserable community.
  5. How dare a company make a video GAME that is not up to your specific standards. I'd be super MAD too bro. Like Darth Vader at the end of episode 3 mad.
  6. AWWWW. haha most trash talk int he game is interfaction anyways. There is a /ignore command for your achy little feelings if you can't handle it though.
  7. Nah most people that are smart just know that while the class is easy to play, it is definitely not the most powerful. There are some tank and dps builds on the other classes that are much more powerful but take more finesse to perform correctly.
  8. You understand pretty well. However I still think its plenty of fun. The main issue that overrides all these is that people are in general whiny narcisists that will never except the facts that there are many people that are going to be way better than them at games for anymultitude of reasons from better hand eye coord to more time played to just generally being smarter and understanding situational pvp better and the other classes skills better. Its a losing proposition in all games. It is funny to read peoples broken hearted posts about their failures though. Good post
  9. *Sad trombone I dont know why I bother!!!!!! /stampyfeet
  10. Man you got some troll skills son. I love the Absolutely NO CC! which obviously translates to you having the best CC in the game. Just like most posts in the pvp forum, take the exact opposite of what is said and run with it as the truth and youll be fine.
  11. haha yea if you are a healer who cant manage their power with the extra tenths of seconds that you get from alacrity, that is a fail. Healer is the only class that the alacrity is good for. That extra .3 or .4 seconds is the difference between death and life a lot of times.
  12. The main form of ability delay in this game is that of terrible players who panick and mash buttons. The others are problems that will be fixed eventually and probably not too far off in the future. The bugs can be maddening but this is a new MMO in its first two months, all are like this which is why it is best not to play for six months.
  13. This is why you see less and less healers in pvp. I played healer from BETA and switched a few weeks ago cause I was so sick of getting **** on. If I wanted to watch my lightning tick off 200 per hit for extra kill medals, I'd just keep rerolling sorc and playing to level 14.
  14. Lol at the super UP class that can dps at similar levels to the sorc except no aoes who also have two CC breaks, CC immunity, a long mez, a KD and can F***ing disappear out of combat if they make a mistake. super UP lol.
  15. I agree super UP. Mercs should get 4 interrupts too.
  16. If I had to venture a guess I would say it is because the NPCs in the game dont have super teary eyes and a sense of unearned entitlement?
  17. 3 wins last night not one counted: one just didnt count one I crashed at the end of the match One I got the bug where you die and can not res regardless of pressing Ctrl U 8 times. Made it sooo much worse, never had any of these before the patch. Needless to say last night was a rager night.
  18. I just posted a Classy ARE U MAD BRO? reply. Didnt even throw an L2P on it.
  19. Interested to know since every single thread in the PVP forum is basically in violation of the forum rules, how many of you have gotten points taken away for trolling people? (IMHO I think its the most constructive thing people post on the PVP forums) I dont know how I feel about an environment where i cant openly make fun of posters whose value derives from coming up with new and innovative ways to cry, lol.
  20. Dude I totally feel your pain, BW doesnt even deserve a second of your time sweet prince. I cant BELIEVE that they have the audaci............ nah JK. /points finger at you. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH ARE U MAD BRO?? U SEEM SUPER MAD! L2P and it gets better.
  21. never heard of this specifically but of something similar. Try pressing CTRL U twice and see if it fixes.
  22. BW officially released a statement saying it is definitely not an exploit. No it does not reset the deserter debuff. Thanks for the troll though. U MAD BRO?
  23. I hate to agree with crybabies but the OP did say no baddies were allowed to post in the thread.
  24. The problem with your statement is that players have to cross the goal line or they get kicked out of the instance. So no, a player can not just sit up in the spawn and pull everyone out, they have to happen to be in there dead already. This is also easily avoided by taking the side ramps and staying out of their range.
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