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Everything posted by Wheelerific

  1. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZfczMbZcrfosMkrc.1 Experiment more....
  2. ...and getting buffed pretty heartily so the trend will continue...
  3. Glad to see you realizing how OP Shadows and Sins are at this point in the game. You have sub par optimized gear and can beat everyone....
  4. These statements may be true, but you get 31 pt Madness, and there are good amount of people that don't know how to deal with you and your 9s root. Of all the specs you can do as a Sorc (especially with the "changes" coming) this will still be the strongest IMO at 1v1, and Creeping Terror is the only reason. By all means I know there are far greater classes at 1v1 such as Sins/Powertechs/Mara's, and that we are squishy as freakin' sh**, but if using this spec correctly, you can get pretty good results.
  5. As it stands now, if you throw Resurgence out, and then use Innervate, instead of DI x2, you end up with your player that was at 10%, now at ~50%, and you are back at square one. Start with Resurgence, to DI, then innervate, and your target comes a hell of a lot closer to full. A good test of this, is Nightmare Bonethrasher (the Rancor in KP) where at LEAST one person will be taken to under 20% life each swipe he does.
  6. Because they nerfed the tar out of Sorcs....riiiiiiiiight.
  7. Until you do Nightmare Modes in Ops, you won't really be able to understand. Of course everything seems easy to you, because well, you aren't tackling that hard of content.
  8. Wow. You are fully missing that the mods and enhancements in ANY of the gear pieces you buy, are in NO WAY permanent. 100% change things out and put mods in with stats you want. Personally, I use the highest cunning Mod, 56 or 61, and then use power surge enhancements. You are NOT forced to keep the mods that come in the gear, change em out! 35% including the crit buff you obviously always have, is more than ample. Concealment Ops more than any other class and spec (outside of auto crit talents from some) have the most + crit % on some skills. The first talent you take in Conceal tree adds 16% crit to backstab and hidden strike. Backstab crit is now at 51%. PvE Gear Enforcer Set Bonus adds another 15% to get u to 66%. 35% is more than enough for all classes, especially Operatives. 3 points in the first tier of Lethality, adds 6% crit additionally. Crit starts to suffer heavily from DR after 30%, much heavier at 35%. Don't gimp yourself by trying to get more.
  9. I came into the thread expecting some fun kind of situation explained and we get to guess yadda yadda, and here I am, throwing up all over my room because I was tricked into reading about idiots talk about wow. Yes I played wow, for 6 minutes. Stop bringing that garbage up ;(
  10. The Champion Eliminator's Gauntlets (BH gear) have the 38 End/19 pow/48 Surge Enhancement if you were looking for others.
  11. You'll still be successful as a sorc at lvl 50. You'll just get faceplanted by some people and there's nothing you can do but respawn and try again. No big deal.
  12. Well that depends on what color you want For +41 EXP's White 2.5m Cyan 250k Yellow-Black 250k Blue 125k Purple 125k Green 125k Red 125k Yellow 125k
  13. Yes the vendor is in the game across from the GTN in the middle, as well as the pre-order crystal vendor in his same spot. It is a +41 expertise color crystal. Lose a lil compared to the 48 of the Champion, but gain other stats, probably worth it.
  14. Belt and Zanos you guys clearly missed the title of the thread and it being focused on "RANKED WARZONES". PvP as we know it now, is mostly pugs that do good to even run in the right direction of an enemy much less damage them. Ranked Warzones will 100% have in vent/ts/mumb teams focusing you as a healer down. It is indeed 100% more useful to take the aoe KB and root talent than the aoe heal. If you are even able to get the AoE heal cast off, the other team is doing something wrong, and it doesnt matter if you're naked facing them. The AoE heal in the pvp we currently know now is good, sure, but when being faced with 2-3 DPS on your cajones every second of the day in ranked matches, you're gonna need that aoe root to get away, or eat dirt very very often, your choice.
  15. Right right, because who doesnt like a good lightsaber auto attack now and again....?
  16. Dear god you put into words everything I was thinking. Awesome. +100 points
  17. Or, just get used to seeing the Wrath proc symbol on your bar and "cut out the middle man" so to speak.
  18. Looks sweet. I've never worn a hat to cover my pretty face anyways so...that part doesnt matter.
  19. *Strokes his 650 linear-regenerating-force*
  20. Uh, too bad. It's the way this has always been.
  21. Soooo bad in fact, 4 of their people had more medals than your entire team. Herp derp.
  22. Great post, and better quote Poster below you just got described to a 'T" we can safely assume.
  23. Agree with most your points Nihil. I've gone to heal spec recently, just because in DPS/tri spec, would get eaten in PvP and couldn't do anything about it, at least this way I contribute without getting nuked in 3 seconds. I feel I have to until some changes are made.
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