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Everything posted by Ojas

  1. Exactly. Bioware doesnt nerf based on. Oo this operative opener can be countered by 1. AOE around yourself. 2. Work in a team. 3. Keep your back against a wall. No bioware nerfs based on all the ****** sorcs playing standing on a ledge getting 4 hit then crying because they didn't see it coming.
  2. only if they get red buff use relic and adrenal. And I want a *********** screenshot of you in your pvp armor getting hit for that much by an operative because I know you are lying.
  3. Stop reading into it. Dude.... Bioware is removing the class that might be able to kill a sorc merc sage or commando. Operatives are already subpar in pvp. Yes they do strong dps. Bioware doesn't care. There are so few of us. Bioware things... Let's lose 100% of our operatives, if it keeps 2% of our sorcs playing becuase they can not faceroll another class in the game. Here is the grounds for nerfs in the game Operative beat Sorc = Yes --> Nerf Operative beat Sorc = No --> Nerf anyway just incase. EVERYBODY playing operative knows how ****** the class is. It is TOO hard to play a melee class with no utility like operative to not be #1 damage class in the game. Bioware is focused on doing NOTHING but appealing to the majority of their players. Doing that includes removing the least played class in the game from any competitive role. Bioware needs to release the numbers they used as "grounds" for their nerf.
  4. Lying POS. Stop making **** up. That guy has 14k HP. He does not have full pvp gear. I'm sick of you people
  5. Ojas


    Yep. that's exactly what this is.
  6. Ojas

    Can somebody explain?

    operative is easy to counter. stand up. stun walk away. ****.
  7. Ojas

    Can somebody explain?

    1 your are lying. 2 you let him open on you from stealth 3 you didn't /stun /walk to teammates HERE is the fact. 1500 Cunning and both champion weapons = hidden strike = 2381 - 2477 backstab = 1598 - 1614 shiv = 1486 - 1560 laceration = 1502 - 1565 Full champ pvp gear gives ~ 36.00% crit chance 70.00% crit multiplier a good solid rotation would be 1 hidden strike, 1 backstab, 2 shivs and 3 laccerations. That is an average of 11681.5 damage with crit chance 11681.5*1.7*.36+11681.5*1.0*.64 = 14625.25 Without any armor mitigation. Assume 20% armor mitigation. That's 11700 damage. From a melee stealth class that requires attacking from behind. Has stealth that is not useful on any of the objectives in a warzone has no closer abilities and armor sets with 4 piece bonuses that are useless. so please ****.
  8. At this point there is no reason to not have a vote kick system at this stage. No reason to not have a lockout for people who queue and leave. The only possible feasble reason for this IS and I want to emphasize this. A LOT of players exploit this system for exp and valor. Even if 5% of those people leave due to a FIX, bioware devs look back in the eyes of the shareholders. Integrity developers. You have none of it. Thank you. Sincerely. For punishing the players who actually try in pvp. We all know you will not roll back those who have come into warzones. hit 3 abilities to get some numbers up then pressed forward for a little while anytime they died. The only people you have screwed over are those of us who try with no system to remove these people.
  9. Full 100% champ gear cant hit a geared sage for more than 2k. Yet they can hit me for 4k from 30m away.
  10. Bioware wont balance sorcs. They won't even acknowledge sorcs possibly have an issue. So many players play sorc. Even if 2% of their playerbase rage quits becusae of a sorc nerf bioware devs will get the can. However. 100% of the operative base quits beccuase of hte nerf. That's still less than 2% of the sorcs. Plus sorcs get happy they dont have to deal with the burst damage class. Bioware devs are beyond bad. Don't bother trying to ask them to do something good for the game. They will only do what their investors allow them to do.
  11. Your right. I see they fixed it. Did they remove the thousands of medals that people received? Did they balance the other crafting classes such that raid leaders do not kick people for not being biochem. The specific example I used is no longer an issue (even though it was). They still haven't balanced it, and they never offered any kind of compensation to those of us who were not capable of that game breaking issue. Only people who suffer are those who could not do it, because they allowed it.
  12. It's game breaking bioware. All crafting classes need to be locked and you need to go back to the drawing board because it is ********* you implemented a crafting class so unbalanced it and ONLY IT can get instant 2.5k healing medal and 5k healing medal just from popping a rataka med pack and a expertise stim. Not just so gamebreaking that this strong crafting class exists, that every other crafting class is POINTLESS. NOBODY will put in the time it takes to make that **** you allow armormechs to make. You could make the gear armormechs make 5X stronger than all other gear when it is maxed out with crits in the game and it still would not be worth it.
  13. You need to be banned. People like you have ruined the entire warzone system. Not premades. Bad players rage quitting because you can't compete are much more game breaking than an organized team. Please... Please get banned.
  14. Yep that is exactly it. Bioware is take the risk of losing all the imperial player base to appeal to their childish sorc/merc base that want to be overpowered. Everybody knows sorcs and mercs outdamage operatives. Cry babies wanted a nerf so now we have to get it.
  15. If you are above 450 expertise and are a merc. Can you post your stats (all of them). Your armor and damage reduction, Also list the damage on your main damage abilities. You can easily screenshot all of this through the character equipment screen.
  16. Really the issue is they are basing their decisions on how people are playing and not how things can be played. In other words. A bunch of level 10's were getting faceplanted by geared operatives. Large numbers were spiking thier metrics. A bunch of geared operatives were faceplaning ungeared 50's. Fact is geared operatives get ***** by skilled mercs/sorcs and just about every other class. Our knockdown requires opening from behind. Good players back up to walls so their back isn't exposed. Good players run "target closest enemy" to their Tab key to pick up an operative as soon as they show up. To instantly break their stealth so they can't attack. Kite an operative and he can't do anything. Fact is. Crappy players were getting owned by operatives. Good players were not. But the "metrics" show these high damage reports. They are nerfing based on how players are playing. They should be Taking the numbers of the skills and calculating the damage that can be done after mitigation over a 5-10 second period of time. If other players would take their mostly champ geared players and list their stats and hte damage report for your main abilities I would setup the calculator to see how the fight would play out. Mathmatically simulate combat. This system removes the "bad lvl 10 players is not fair grounds to listen to". Give us the numbers for the abilities.
  17. Lying through your teeth. No operative is killing ANY player with full battlemaster gear. Bold face lie.
  18. Bioware tell us the algorithm used for ability damage. All abilities.
  19. They nerfed it because most players play sorc/mercs. Bioware said. Is the possibility of losing 5% of the children who play sorc/merc who will rage quit a game the second they are not overpowered dominating more likly and more of a hit than losing 100% of our operative class. Bioware took the risk hoping their operative players were mature enough to put up with a subpar class so that they can make their sorc/merc children happy.
  20. That's exactly what it is. Bioware devs said. Do we risk losing 5% of our sorc/merc player base because they are not clear dominators or do we nerf the **** out of other lesser played classes and risk losing 100% of them. They choose nerfing the **** out of opertaive. They honestly believe they will lose more subscribers if sorc/merc are not clearly dominat than if opertaive is clearly underpowered. Sorcs and mercs already out damage operatives. They do ti from 30m away. They do it with 2 buttons. Operatives have to chase, monitor buffs, ensure somebody is not firing aoes next to their target, use 4 different melee abilities in proper rotation all with no knockback no pull and an opening ability to makes it impossible to cc the player when they stand up and counter stun you. concealment operative is the hardest class to play. It has the least utility in battle. Many boss battles it can't fight. World pvp it can't do anything but fire off grenades and rifle shot. It's damage is still subpar to mercs/sorcs. Yet bioware says nerf it so its no where near #1 damage class. Damn the fact no other class is melee with no pull, push or strong speed buff. Bioware said, "we are taking our chances at losing you operatives, we want to make our sorcs/mercs happy".
  21. It's simple. Player afks. 5 people report him for afking and player did less than 10% of the average (damage+healing+(defendingx3)) as his team. Player is locked from warzones for an hour. *** developers?
  22. I have several pieces of pvp gear. Expertise 438. I am concealment operative. Obviously I stomp the lowbies that queue. 6-7k crits. Ungeared 50's also get stomped. However, there is something wrong with geared sorcs/sages. They constantly crit me for 4k with giant rocks or w/e the sorc equivalent is. These geared players just tear through me, despite the fact that I am geared. HOWEVER, me as a pure dps class, can't hit these geared sorcs/sages with their light armor for more than ~ 2k with a hiddenstrikes crit. Even with surge relics. What is the deal. What am I missing. Why can geared sorcs/sages stomp anybody regardless of their gear level.
  23. It's beyond horrible here. Imps can't solo queue without the 100:1 odds of being placed in a team with 5 other sub lvl 30 players against all lvl 50 rebels.
  24. On Warriors of the Shadow, s many imps are trying to level alts off warzones. They cant compete; They dont try since they are just trying to lvl. Problem is, they fed rebels massive amounts of coms. Now every lvl 50 rebel pvper on this server gets fully geared in 2 days. This entire server needs a pvp reset.
  25. I have no idea what this mechanic is but here goes. I'm lvl 50 operative. 5 peices of champion gear including gun and offhand. I open with hidden strikes to knock them down. No matter WHO i am against. They stand up. No CC's work. No stun No mez from frag grenade. No root. Nothing works. Same thing following a stun. After a stun wears off, no other cc's work. HOWEVER. People can ALWAYS chain stun me. Operatives I fight constantly, debilitate me and then stun grenade me. Who is lagging here? My ping is 75 so I don't know what the **** is bugged on my side. Why can't I chain stun anybody but everybody can chain stun me.
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