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Everything posted by DSPD

  1. I see what you did there....you're Daniel Erickson in disguise!? Is this your way of reaching out for help without EA crushing you? Honestly, from what I read, people are bashing you but you ask a valid question. Obviously servers will begin to empty out now that the first 30 days is coming to an end, it will be interesting to see how BW handles it. I like the game and will continue to play until there's nothing to do anymore, but I've also noticed that it's getting increasingly difficult to get a group during peak hours. That to me is a game killer. Maybe they need to rethink their hardline stance on no group finder?
  2. I saw someone post in another thread and I though it was a good suggestion. They should have an additional button for 'companion need'.
  3. It's the age old problem with these types games unfortunately. I have the same problem myself. My solution, I group with anyone at least once. ***hats that do what you just described get put on the iggy list.
  4. That's not necessarily true. I have an i7, 12gb ram, nVidia gtx 550 and I have the same issues. I typically run at 60fps. In certain areas I drop down to 30..and on the fleet im bottom out at 15 - 20. The bizarre thing is, my dual core laptop which is three years old runs at almost the same fps. I gave up trying to figure it out.
  5. It bums me out to think that the game is less then a month old and people are asking for server merges already. I can only imagine how crappy the devs must feel but meh.
  6. Page 3 in < 5 min. I guess guilds are not that popular anymore or maybe this is more like a single player game than I want to admit. Oh well.
  7. I thought today was the patch as well.
  8. Seriously...One would think in an mmo this would have been a priority, but honestly, other than being a glorified friends list, I don't see the point in having guilds. Has there been any recent talk on what direction BW would like to take guilds? (I would have searched the topic but there is no search function) *edit* - I've heard the rumblings of guild capital ships....but then again...what purpose would they serve? A big hall where people could get together and emote??
  9. In B4Lock/Deletion! In any case, I don't understand the constant crying....if the game is not for you then go play something else. Just stop crying already....Here's a newsflash...NOBODY cares about what you think or feel. The game is in it's first month.....it was well reviewed by all the major gaming sites and whether this game succeeds or fails will be up to Bioware now. Can they add more meaningful content, can they fix the bugs, can they add functionality to existing systems and make the game feel more like an MMO? It's all up to them, but you and your silly crystal ball can't actually tell the future....so relax, have a 'coke and a smile' and go someplace else.
  10. Go to Jung Ma....I've actually seen a lot of RP there. 'Might also be hard to see as there's no chat bubbles and the text flies fast will all the LFG SPAM'
  11. I group with just about anyone, but you only get one chance. If you ninja loot or 'Need' on items that you can't use when others can ------> You go on the 'Iggy' list and I don't group with you anymore.
  12. I don't get it!? No LFG Tool because they're trying to promote server community (which I think is Horse ****) and no server forums because ??? They DONT want to promote server community? It doesn't make sense.
  13. I'm as evil as they come and I've yet to make anyone cry??? Heck, I have to come to the forums to get my fix of crying.
  14. lol, decaf....DECAF!!!! Although I like world PvP reward idea.
  15. Kudos to the OP. Have to say I agree with everything on your list. Unfortunately I feel that this post will fall on deaf ears.
  16. LMAO....I'm a fan of Day/night cycles as well and even weather cycles, but we're at the point where we need to stop fooling ourselves. The game doesn't even have AA!? They need to fix the game in it's current state before devoting resources to this. Otherwise you'll be firing your flare gun in the dark all by yourself.
  17. This bums me out but it does appear that server pops are already starting to dwindle. Tougher to get groups and feels more barren in world as well.
  18. Probably not what you want to hear but I don't have these problems. I make the choices that I want to make because I want to make them. Not because I think the game will reward me better for whatever reason if I make a certain conversation choice. I kind of lol'd a little bit after reading your post, but hey....at least you're getting your money's worth out of replayability.
  19. I really wouldn't consider this rushed. 5 years in the making is not rushed. At some point you have to remember that it's a business and not a work of art that you spend a lifetime tweaking. Don't take this as a complaint, I like the game...I'll give it time to work out the kinks, but I'd really like to know what was going on over there for 5 years that this is the end product. Perhaps time could have been better spent? That being said...it's easy to armchair quarterback and I'm sure they're doing the best they can. Let's just hope it's enough.
  20. I played Rift at launch, they didn't have an LFG tool either. Regardless, I like the game but I really think that EA/BW got lazy from believing their own hype. "Chat bubbles? We don't need chat bubbles, we have story!" "Customizable UI, we don't need that, it's Star Wars". Bottom line, I like the game and will give it time to work out the kinks, but I've already started to notice the server population dwindling and at the point where I can't get a group to do an instance, I'll unsubscribe.
  21. If you re-read his Q&A session (posted on some other website and not the SWTOR forums) you'll see that this was the general response for everything. They want to do a lot, but everything is more complicated than we can imagine.
  22. You don't require any of those. BW specifically left out any type of LFG/LFD finder so that they could build a community amongst the player base. A community of spammers
  23. This would actually be a cool feature/app. Not so sure about the fee though.
  24. Oh contraire mon ami, I took one photo, dug it out of my swtor folder......realised I paid $20 bucks for a stardard print screen function and never used it again. The flare gun I have used many times. I aim it up, fire, then say 'ooooh......aaaaah'. Rinse and repeat. Money well spent.
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