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Everything posted by Alericus

  1. I have reported but am curious if anyone else has seen where the gear they had(usually a set) has been changed. As far as I can tell the few times It has happened to me, it seems to be after a pvp match, now I can tell if it occurs when I finish the match or after I claim the rewards. I can't replicate this and certainly only happens a few times. I pray to god its not some new hack since it seems to occur(or at least I only noticed after a pvp match) but after all these years I do not discount anything.
  2. interesting aside, Ive noticed a lot of times these "players" vanish during a match and if you check combat logs their names don't register. Just a sleazy way for win trade clubs to create fake grps so they can "lose"
  3. LOL the real purpose of regs (from the original game masters..these guys seem touched) was to introduce players to pvp. These changes do nothing but reward the few elite premades left. ..and the usual slime cheaters. As the grind is realized by more and more, players will again abandon pvp. When oh when will they stop making odd changes that do nothing but reward the same whiney basement dwellers that only call for things that reward the few at the expense of bringing in new blood. God help any new player, they have absolutely no way to proceed to get gear now. This change as is is a mess. The numbers for daily and weekly don't add up and so far I see no way for anyone except the same win trading grps to complete. Tuesdays are the usual flying zipping premades one shotting players and teleporting everywhere as Im sure they complete their weeklies in 1 nite. Good luck with this one BW, its a indefensible change and really its a massive cockup..well done two thumbs down.
  4. the reverse side of the "honor" argument is no cheating, no win trading and that includes queue syncing and using bots. Id also argue that ignoring objectives to just fight stupid tween death matches on any map is as bad as cheating. You hamper a team by simply being a bad player but you cant see that. All the GMs did was create the same environment that killed ranked. Now the organized guilds have it exactly how they want and the pvp matches will pop slower and slower and slower until it dies. I played through every match I entered yesterday and out of 15 won 1. In 4 hrs that was as good as it got and yes I saw a **** load of cheating, Now imagine new players or players who don't have as much as a S&M streak as me and you can see a lot of players dropping off rather quickly. If EA/BW cant get their damn heads around the real problem in this game, good let it die. Ill lay odds this gets changed damn quick when the pop starts shutting down. Stupid changes with good intentions..are still stupid changes.
  5. Bizaaare, so checking it out heres what I see no one drops they don't want deserters but the team syncing, OP players with abilities they shouldn't have is worse(saw a merc with sorc bubble) and class stacking is worse than ever. SO now it is very much like ranked, and when this happened there..it took less than 1 month for ranked to die so now unranked will die. DEAL WITH THE CHEATERS. brain dead change this ….apparently your shareholders like to throw money away
  6. I can confirm that as of 2020 this is still the best way to complete this mission. As an aside Ive done everything on all classes up to 75 and this mission still stands out as the one boss that made no sense. Not only is the insta-kill stupid for level 55 but the fact there is no medical station nearby make no sense. Bioware I wonder how many subs you lost alone on this dumb mission. Feels like you randomly put a ops boss in a levelling mission. Seriously this one needs a rework.
  7. I loved the movie and I did have big issues with episode 8. and I have been playing swtor since beta. Ive been a fan of star wars long before the haters and toxic snowflakes showed up and crapped on everything and everyone. Don't argue with them don't debate them, do as you should in chat, ignore them, their bitter and snide comments are done just to get attention. Like any brat what they need is a timeout. Twitter, Facebook and all social media have given maladjusted oddballs a forum and sadly its made our culture poorer and toxic. Don't get them the time of day. Anyone who spends day and night attacking a kid friendly kid centric space fantasy franchise with that much hate isn't worth any attention or effort. Sane mature respectful adults don't need spoiler reminders. This is simply for the cowardly online trolls who never got the smacking they deserve.
  8. I believe there is a setting in your game where you can reduce grass and trees
  9. agreed but I have some suggestions. Perhaps for lvl 70 even for regs we need some rules min gear rating and losses mean ZERO Medals and matches end immediately if team left short and neither side gets credit for match, at least recognize the people leaving maybe leaving due to frustration or to help the other team so remove that incentive at all. This issue is all about medals and thats primarily why people dont care about objectives. One possiblity is the time penalty start after the gates are down so players do get a chance to review names and ratings and if it looks bad.which it often is they can still leave. Finally, a time penalty will just result in players not trying at all so really I have no idea what it achieves except for satisfying the win trading medal hunters anyways.
  10. Agreed, I think upping the bans to a month minimum might start sending a real message and go from there. Seeing a lot of sketchy behavior in reg and ranked matches again. Some of which I hadn't seen since the early days of game play. Which means people are using old hacks. Stop playing softball it isnt helping.
  11. ...And that's the exploit there BAM. Now consider the people vote kicking aren't doing that to harass but to win trade. BW...FIX THIS!!!!!!
  12. not only that but 32 and living in mommies basement feeling they are gods because they direct a little pixelated cartoon better than you...fear not play on and ignore the haters and rage kiddies when you retire comfortably in your home they'll still be working at the local fast food outlet..but their geared toon will be AWESOME!!!!
  13. my newest fav is what I call the "directed knockback" and its twin cousin the "unknockable" the first youll know because you aren't simply knocked back, it looks and feels as if someone picked you up and "knocked" you back almost double what a normal knockback does, if required even forward usually into a acid pit or fire or highup and down so you die from the fall. or they don't get knocked back...you do Ive also seen a huge increase in suspicious DC's usually close to end of match especially when you are on the "winning" team. ...gottas make room for the guildie I guess ;P As for the "gaming" experts..ya I work with sw and coding and everything mentioned in this thread and others is and has always been possible. Hacking is alive and well in SWTOR, it seems to be its bans and penalties that have died. And the number of pvp players showing up in regs and even ranked undergeared is getting way too obvious, and that is a easy coding fix..and I thought we were already told that was fixed? LOL.
  14. man I was wondering why fleet was so empty...……
  15. Found the same thing on Satele Shan..tho' considering how ridiculously easy it is to gear up off Ossus I still do not understand the number of massively undergeared players I kept having to team up with. In another month if everyone isn't 250 or higher I have to assume the undergear is intentional.
  16. Id agree as long as I get that top Ops /Raid gear you worked so hard for..I want it as well. that way everyone in a ops has the same gear
  17. so today one of the few times I tried rank I saw a new abuse of the system. no names mentioned but reported, faction member of opposite force users claimed I was win trading , made it sound like all day, 1)I only been playing for maybe 1 hr 2)never played with him so kinda neat he knew my matches. 3)ive never win traded, don't know enough players to do that and even if I did I've reported players for doing such crap but I figure he had to accuse me of something to make his plan work. Anyways he convinced one other player to vote to kick me, keep in mind I was active entire match and was only able to see this after I was dead and that's where it gets interesting. I got focus fired immediately upon the vote by enemy team, one of our team mates drops at that exact moment so it suddenly only just took 2 people to kick me, this all happened on the second round and we were already losing by 1. What was interesting was I died rather fast with 3 hitting me and no backup from my so-called "team". As I lay dead suddenly I was getting warnings to initiate combat or I would be kicked..okay Im dead figure out how to initiate combat? I call straight-up abuse and exploit, been reported players named in report. Im sure this crap has been going on for a long time possibly from only a few players but you can see how it can give some advantages in their ranked raitings. He also claimed he knew Eric personally, I think this was a lame attempt to intimidate me but here I am calling out crap players abusing a game mechanic that is obviously in great need of adjustment. Between queue syncing and vote kicking abuse its not hard to see why so many have called Bull**** on ranked ratings.
  18. heres a crazy thought what if mats could only be earned by a win?
  19. I first saw the issue at 9:30 am MST...shortly after reporting idiots hacking...funny how pvp always goes down after that hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…….
  20. Look this debate comes up all the time, BW has publically acknowledged hacking and exploits exist. As well they have also said they will and have banned players for cheating. Ignore forum trolls who say otherwise, simply gather all the information you have and report. Make sure you include date, time, match type , server you were on and include names, of course if you have pictures and video include. Number 1 rule, never report names on the forums and I wouldnt really describe the reported hack, it usually just gives others ideas, kiddies who are wallet warriors. For myself its time BW/EA started getting serious about hacks, lifetime bans should be happening and you should be far more transparent on a regular basis this crap wont be tolerated. I would at that point report the names, but Im sure your whiney legal department is telling you otherwise, I truly hate the US legal system it's a culture of victim losers.
  21. Not sure if there is a problem but even though the queue pops and you can click on it it just does nothing started appox 9:45 am MST Sunday July 8th 2018
  22. LOL and in each explanation..hack this hack that...thought we all just had to learn to play LOL...ban these turds for life and these changes wouldn't be necessary!
  23. same issue and I was wondering because I even got his gear and its filling up my storage
  24. pvp was wrecked the minute it was opened for pve players and its declined ever since. from mat farming to arena matches..everything done to pvp has resulted in the current mess. Ive read quite a few good ideas how to recover but I fully expect this to continue so little kiddies can smash around goofing off, win trading AND BASICALLY ABUSING THE MATCHES TO GET CONQUEST POINTS. And now they want to reward this behavior by punishing those players who refuse to participate and want to leave matches with crap players . Its a joke and if done I figure pvp is over. Bioware you really messed up and I don't know if it was intentional or just unintended.
  25. Agreed and until All of it was done no lockouts!!!!!!
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