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Everything posted by drbeat

  1. What if I added in that with your donation of at least $5 you get a free SW:TOR mouse pad and with a $10 donation you can instantly make any character level 50?
  2. Could someone please post the summary of all acts of the Bounty Hunter class story? I CBA to finish it.
  3. I think they've based a lot of the MMO features and design around Burning Crusade. That's how it was done back then.
  4. What do you mean? I really like Prairie Home Companion. The Tales from Lake Woebegone are my favorite. I think it would be cool if Garrison Keeler could maybe help write some homey-feeling class quests in an expansion or something.
  5. Thank you for the well thought out and insightful post.
  6. I'd probably be willing to give a $10-$20 donation 1-2 times a year. I don't think it actually costs that much to run the game, truthfully and you have a lot more players so they'd make just as much.
  7. I think it would be a really good idea. You'd fill up the servers again and people would be a lot more forgiving and appreciative of the game if they could set their own price for it.
  8. The subscription model is really obsolete now and doesn't work for new MMOs, so most of them are embracing the F2P microtransaction model. A lot of people say that SW:TOR should go F2P, too, but I think this is a bad idea. I was driving home from work yesterday listening to NPR and I figured out what you guys should do... You should make it donation based! Like it would always be free to download and play for anyone, but a couple times a year, you could do in-game pledge drives to raise the money to cover operational costs. I'm thinking that during the pledge drive, the robot from your ship could follow you around and say things like "Master, we depend on the support of people like you." Or "I know you've been thinking of giving, Master, but it just keeps slipping your mind. Pick up the phone or log in to swtor.com and donate right now!" I think the community would get really excited about raising the money and seeing how fast they could make the big thermometer go up. You could give local businesses that make donations over $1000 a little advertising bump like a pop-up that says "This hour of SW:TOR is brought to you by Miller Toyota. Get Millerized!" Stuff like that, donation matching, I mean use your imagination! Anyway, I just thought I'd share this idea with you. And ... you're welcome!
  9. It's like Rocky Horror Picture Show. Except there are two sets of lines. One for light and one for dark.
  10. They got the message out that they are aware of the issue and aren't sure how to fix it, but they're thinking about how it might be done. I mean, how long do you want it to stay on the front page? Until it's fixed? That could be a while...
  11. I do find it amusing that he claims that the high res textures were removed because they cause performance issues on "powerful PCs", but the FPS issues are just experienced by a few sad folk with "low end PCs." "Classic Beta" high res melts supercomputers, but "What We Really Meant" high res ... well that runs at 110 FPS on your graphing calculator!
  12. I think you should take crash damage and have a random chance of your speeder exploding so you have to buy another. That would be cool. I bet it's in patch 1.2
  13. I wonder if this will post before everyone says that they get groups in 30 seconds or less any time of day and that you need to make friends because it's an MMO.
  14. They probably realized that as soon as someone with an ATI card went into the fleet with ahadows turned on and high res textures that the Hero engine would set their machine on fire. Fire bad.
  15. I was in love with the game for the first 15 levels or so as I made one of every class and picked a main. But for me, the questing started getting tedious around Nar Shadda. I figured it was just a crap zone, so I bailed out of there and went to Tatooine. It was worse, not better. So I decided to just skip questing and level in flashpoints, but it was too hard to find groups fast enough to chain run them. This left me with PvP, but I got tired of trying to play a battleground healer with raid frames that didn't update and laggy abilities, especially when you get shafted on medals healing. And the monotony of Huttball... At that point, I realized I just wasn't having fun. I figure I'll just wait a couple of years and see if they get things sorted out to where I can enjoy it.
  16. I'll show you a magic trick too. As one wave of complainers leaves, another wave will appear. Presto change-o!
  17. Pee Wee Herman crashes his bike in front of a bunch of people. "I meant to do that!"
  18. The line graphs are concurrent logins and are interesting data, although you can't say much about subscribers from them. The pie charts ... well, using that for anything is just ludicrous. Trying to draw conclusions from the fact that US servers are light at 5AM is funny.
  19. OP is not good with reading charts it seems. Of course that graph is not subscribers, but concurrent logins, which are certainly continuing to decline, and can reasonably be expected to drop off more and more. This doesn't have any direct relation to the game's profitability, but it does directly relate to how populated zones are, how hard it is to find groups for heroics and low level flashpoints, etc. As far as I can tell, the game is doing extremely well financially, but it will continue to feel more and more like a ghost town outside of the fleet as the months progress.
  20. The reason is simple. The illuminati commanded them to.
  21. This image exactly represents how I feel about the game. http://i.imgur.com/0lF3U.jpg
  22. Look at every screenshot of gameplay on the main website. They look fantastic. Then compare it to anything that actually exists in game. YUCK. It's intentionally misleading. Imagine if all of the buildup and marketing to this point had actually used in-game stuff instead of some custom rendered screenshots. I wonder if they would have still had a million preorders. There is so much of the game, from its heavy instancing to its cramped world design that has been made to work around the limitations of its garbage rendering engine. It's just sad, really.
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