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Everything posted by Shardas

  1. Personally I'd like to see Manaan. I loved the whole Ahto City part of KotOR and - given the fact, that we are at the brink of an all out war where kolto would be direly needed - it would make sense, too. Ahto City could be the other neutral place where both factions can trade with each other. Or secretly try to gain control over the kolto for that matter. Ah, well I'll just wait and see I guess.
  2. I want that. I play PvE much more than PvP although I like both in this game and I say do it exactly that way. Player A regularly takes part in operations and finally gets his hat of invincibility +5? Great. That's what he played for after all. Player B has won 100 warzones already and is a great support to any players he's teamed up with? Offer him that very same hat of invincibility +5 as a PvP reward! Where's the Problem with that? Sub 50 PvP shows that PvP without expertise is indeed possible. And do you want to know what I like most about that? Player A has gotten himself some nice equip through PvE content and decides to give PvP a try. Result: More players means you don't have to wait as long to finally get into a warzone. Player B takes a break from PvP to enjoy some story in PvE. Now all the PvEers find groups for flashpoints and operations more easily. It's a win-win situation. What's not to like?
  3. Shardas

    Tank im PvP - warum?

    Über einen Hybriden kann ich nichts sagen, aber ein reiner Tank ist meiner Meinung nach im PvP durchaus Sinnvoll. Durch ihre Fähigkeit andere Spieler in Schutz zu nehmen und dadurch 50% des Schadens auf sich selbst umzuleiten - was ich nebenbei so bisher nur in einem anderen MMO gesehen habe - ist unglaublich nützlich um einem anderen Charakter das bischen mehr Haltbarkeit zu verschaffen, die er braucht. Ein in Schutz genommener DD kann ziemlich verheerend sein, wenn er fleißig austeilt, während der Gegner Schwierigkeiten hat ihn auseinander zu nehmen. Ein in Schutz genommener Heiler kann so seine Aufgabe länger erfüllen und nach allem was man seit 1.2 so im Forum liest sollten sie diesen Schutz auch dankend annehmen. Wie gesagt, ich habe es oft erlebt, dass der Tank in einem MMO im PvP Schwierigkeiten hat, seiner Gruppe zu helfen, weil die meisten Fähigkeiten gegen Spieler nicht die Wirkung erzielen, die sie gegen KI-Gegner haben. Hier in SWTOR finde ich aber Tanks und besonders ihre Fähigkeit Schaden umzuleiten unglaublich PvP tauglich. Und wie schon erwähnt habe ich so eine Fähigkeit erst in einem anderen MMO erlebt. Tank im PvP - auf jeden Fall, denn die Möglichkeiten andere zu beschützen rocken!
  4. Also ich spiele hauptsächlich einen Wächter (hab vor 1.2 damit angefangen) aber habe erst nach 1.2 angefangen die Kriegsgebiete auszuprobieren. Ich bin also noch ein ziemlicher PvP-Anfänger (zumindest in SW:TOR). Ob es jetzt an meiner Serverwahl liegt, oder daran, dass ich noch nicht Level 50 bin sei mal dahin gestellt, aber es stimmt schon - Hexer und Gesandte fallen wirklich leicht um. Gegen andere Klassen scheint der Schaden in Ordnung zu sein, wobei ich natürlich nicht den Vergleich zur Situation vor 1.2 habe, aber die Heiler sollten (meiner Meinung nach) definitiv wieder etwas robuster werden. Klar haben wir als Wächter nur die Möglichkeit Schaden zu machen und sollten darin dann aber auch gut sein. Wie einfach die Heiler im Moment umfallen erscheint aber irgendwie nicht richtig. Wie gesagt, ich bin im TOR PvP noch neu aber habe schon jetzt kaum Probleme mit Jedi/Sith Heilern und das sogar, wenn ich es mal verpasse einen Cast zu unterbrechen. Vielleicht ist es ja so beabsichtigt, dass wir die Heiler 1 gegen 1 klein kriegen, aber das was wir jetzt haben ist zu hart. Zumindest ist das meine Meinung.
  5. Hiho! Wie schon einige vor mir, kann auch ich dir Revan sehr empfehlen. Allerdings garnicht mal so sehr, weil du dich dann besser in SW:TOR einfindest, sondern weil durch das Buch die Handlung der Spiele Knights of the Old Republic 1 und 2 zuende erzählt wird. Es ersetzt praktisch KotOR 3. Mir jedenfalls gefällt es sehr gut.
  6. This idea sounds quite interesting. I think on planets like this, one (the devs) could also place a few military bases which grant access to unique areas/spawn unique equip/etc. Guilds of both factions (or both factions in general) could then fight over these bases at set times - let's say twice a week for two ours each and the winning guild/faction gets to use and benefit from their base until the next siege. Ragnarök Online's War of Emperium anyone?
  7. This is going to be a wall of text so... you have been warned. First of all I'm going to assume the roles (healer, tank, damage dealer) are meant to be balanced. Read: There is no difference in performance between the roles (attention: Damage per second != performance). Next I'll assume that equipment and levels are equal and that the 'optimal' skill sets have been chosen for each role. Lastly I'll ignore the human player behind the character, meaning: The best possible skill rotation is being used at the exact moment the cooldown wears off - no delays due to player reaction or something like that. Basically this means I'll take a purely mathematical approach on this problem. "How many DPS attackers should a healer be able to defend against?" My answer is: One. Again this is a purely mathematical approach and additionally only my humble oppinion. Since only looking at 'healer VS damage dealer' isn't enough to show you what I mean, I will include all three roles. First example: damage dealer VS damage dealer Remember what I said - same level, same equipment, same skills, no delays in skill usage due to reaction times of the player. So basically both damage dealers will fall at the exact same time. A classical double K.O. I won't give examples for 'tank VS tank' and 'healer VS healer' here as they will simply end in a draw just like the above example. Second example: damage dealer VS healer The damage dealer has to be able to keep the pressure on the healer so that he won't be able to do something other than healing himself. However while doing so he does not have any trouble keeping himself alive. So this match will end in a draw. The damage dealer can keep hacking at the healer as long as he wants while the healer can keep himself alive just as long. Third example: damage dealer VS tank The tank with his defensive capabilities is able to reduce and soak up the attacks of the damage dealer enough to give him the opportunity to attack the damage dealer. However he did sacrifice offensive power for his high defense so even with his lower defense the damage dealer can last a little while pummeling the tank. You may have guessed it - this results in a double K.O. I think I don't need to explain what a 'tank VS healer' match would look like. So here is a short summary: No matter which of the three roles you pit against each other, a one on one fight always has to end in a draw. That is what I would call balance. Now the really interesting part comes when we add humans (the players obviously) into the equation and when more than just two players fight against each other. In a system that is balanced like described above each class (or role for that matter) would be equally valid for PvP and only the players' skill would decide about who wins and who loses. So that is why I say a healer needs to be able to outheal only one damage dealer. More should not be necessary. When he faces two of them he should still be able to delay their progress, of course but not more. When it's two on one the single one should lose (not taking players' skill into account again). That means of course that a skilled healer might be able to outheal more than one damage dealer if they don't know what they're doing. It also means that a single damage dealer can kill a healer on his own if the healer isn't paying attention. However with all players at their best a healer has to be able to outheal one damage dealer. More simply isn't necessary. And one final time: This is just my oppinion. None of you needs to share it, but I'd ask you to respect it.
  8. Good luck, having a staring contest with my Miraluka Sentinel. On Topic though: I understand, that the dual wielders got buffed in the last patch and thus are stronger than before (which I was rather surprised about as I thought Sentinels/Marauders were just fine the way they were). However I don't understand understand what the problem with Guardians/Juggernauts is. I have started a Juggernaut (Immortal) a few days ago and honestly don't understand where the problem lies there. Maybe someone could explain? I will admit, that my PvP experience in TOR is rather limited.
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