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Everything posted by Roysten

  1. Roysten


    Levelled an alt 50-55 just in wzs, and didn't make enough credits to cover training up abilities. Someone somewhere didn't make sure that the credits reward from wzs scaled correctly or just plain forgot about it. I don't want to do pve dailies, I find them dull beyond belief. I accept that this means no reputation and no access to pretty reputation things. Why does it also mean that after spending hours playing the game I am an in game pauper. We have no repair bills and get less credits to reflect this, this always used to be reasonably equitably worked out. Someone didn't do the maths when the level cap was increased.
  2. Well no one goes to jail, and resurrection is a bit too reliable I suppose.
  3. If you contribute damage to a player killed or heal someone who contributes damage while all parties remain in combat, is the proper answer I think.
  4. If you managed to tab dot the target before the 3 smashes land you get to share the kill, the slowest smash will get the killing blow.
  5. It isn't unreasonable of you to scratch your head about it, the skill tree doesn't exactly scream out and say use crushing darkness. Just look at the numbers though, it hits hard, use it. Had a similar moment with my Commando a while back, I couldn't find a reason to use plasma grenade. Not a single skill tree mentions it even even in passing, so why use it? It is just one of those abilities that hits hard enough that it sneers in the face of synergy.
  6. Gonna say what I said last time this happened. Extending maintenance 3 hours is perfectly understandable, stuff happens, stuff goes wrong. Scheduling maintenance so perfectly understandable overruns impinge on European prime time is sloppy practice.
  7. How about, Sweltering Heat(AP), Cover Fire, Concussive Force(Gunnery), or Kolto Residue(Combat Medic). Any reason these don't count, particularly combined with Hold The Line?
  8. Old pvp armour method: design 7 nice sets and the imperial agent nonsense. New pvp armour method: design 7 nice sets to sell on cartel market and give everyone the imperial agent nonsense.
  9. Pretty impressive scoreboard though. I think I have the other lethality operative on red eclipse and I hit those numbers in voidstar regs but not a novarre yet. As a spec though it is a bit of a gem that has been overlooked and reminds me of my old madness assassin (before they moved all the deception melee out of reach to normalise the tanks). My instinct on arenas is that it will take a while to appear but a twinning a lethality op with an Annihilation marauder will be very strong.
  10. Will it come with a free 10 second invulnerability bubble? Better still suck anything slightly different out of all the other classes until they are all sorcs. That will cut down no end on the difficult learning how to counter stuff.
  11. Removing Ranked 8v8 wzs seems a bit of an odd decision. This will upset a lot of players for little gain except some server resources. Introducing arenas and leaving ranked 8v8 in pre-season limbo completely unsupported and unintegrated with arena would also upset some players. Saying you will remove ranked 8v8 but then "listening to the players" and their feedback and reversing the decision but with the caveat that it will be unsupported and unintegrated with arena might not upset anyone.
  12. I pug most of the time. I have no problem with fighting alongside or against premades. Some other puggers make me want to weep in frustration. I hate the idea of ending wallowing in the filth of a pug only queue. How about having a solo only queue which only awards half WZ comms. Call it novice, bronze, or somesuch. I would then be able to avoid it like the plague while others can enjoy the safe environment. *Oh and just realised it's another necro.. you really really have a bee in your bonnet about this.
  13. 1. Debatable, certainly not seen any proof of this. 2. Its worse then, and if you want to augment your lvl53 blues instead of getting the cheapest conq. pieces that are better only to have it patched go for it. 3. Fine with this... stupid balloon ride. (the real issue is that all but the power proc on pvp relics are a bit meh) 4. Don't care. 5.Part of the reason for this is because folks are desperately trying to break bolster. In point 2. you highlight yet another obscure itemisation issue that will end up being patched. Some players don't like bolster and want the gear gap back and seem to be spending every waking moment try to "exploit" any loopholes in the way it interacts with gear. Not for an unfair advantage but to somehow prove that the good old days of massive gear disparity should return.
  14. Roysten

    Kill premade teams

    Another necro, and yet again most of the posts are saying its not a problem.
  15. I also run 2018 expertise and feel a twinge of worry about dropping that point for the matrix cube but after sitting on that balloon for a week I'm ok with it being BIS. A lot of the rest of this discussion I can only really judge on the feel of combat, especially with tiny margins. In full conq. It never feels like I'm taking any massive hits off anyone. No one is melting me in any way that feels like a gear gap. On the flip side I can certainly tell when someone is light on expertise by 100 or more. The squishyness of them screams out. My personal opinion is that a lot of players underestimate expertise, and the more numerous they are the more often they fight each other, which perpetuates the feel for them that it is less important. *Post does not include screenshots of gear, or math, because I can't be bothered. There is plenty on the forums (which strongly suggests optimised conq is Bis by a tiny bit) and my experience of play in no way makes me doubt it.*
  16. Do you have the conquerer pieces? As far as I remember they get some bolster as well and your comparisons might be off.
  17. From a small bit of testing, naked bolster is better than BM,champ,and recruit for some of the left hand slots. So if you haven't got pve relics or suchlike just leave the slot empty. Any rubbish pve stuff is better than this but the old pvp stuff is actually worse than nothing.
  18. The thing is that pvp ers can't afk through FP's and operations to get PVE gear, but pve ers could and would afk through wz's to get pvp gear. I find myself wondering why people currently leach comms in wz's, the gear they will end up with will do them no good. If the gear was useful for anything other than pvp leaching would become rampant.
  19. I see 22000 health, inspect, then whisper "bolster does not work on BM/Champ/Recruit gear use pve".
  20. If you topped the charts pre bolster in full greens then you are God's gift to gaming, fair play.
  21. Dragged a couple of alts to 55 and the experience of playing that first week before all pvp geared was miles away from playing in recruit gear. I was not a free kill at any stage. Why bother figuring out which pve bit is the best, I dont pve I just used the stuff from the makeb vendor then went to partisan. Competative all the way, bolster worked fine.
  22. O.K. then. Bolster is awesome because on my alts after they ding 50, I no longer have to put up with being farmed by backpeddling keyboard turners, who have afked their way to a huge gear advantage, for a week. The gear gap is smaller and the efforts to squeeze every last drop of exploited edge from the system that are trumpeted from the roof tops here have given only small advantages that get patched out. In normal wzs not noticed any of the bugs make an impact, apart from getting me wealthy selling purple 54 gloves for a week. Ranked there is an argument for removing it but even that is just fluff compared to Macro abuse. In the end its the same as most of the buff/nerf/premade arguements, people get damaged selfestime and clutch at straws.
  23. I generally PUG these days but I have no issue fighting against premades. The gear gap issue is essentially resolved, the problem of recruit puggers being free kills is gone. Voice chat, for those that have it, is not a magical power. It is no slower typing 2 inc W than saying it. I see the nearly the full range of skills from premades, with only very worst (the match scores that make you scratch your head and take a second to wonder how they did it) absent. So fighting against or alongside a premade is fine and dandy for me. Why should I be unable to fight players I enjoy playing against unless I group. Why should I be forced to try and find a group just to avoid being dumped in what would be seen as third tier pvp. So lets call that 1 reason, for me its a good one.
  24. Or someone got confused about the whole UTC thing.
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