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Everything posted by Tygranir

  1. I just report and move on. That kind of contribution is not needed in a civil discussion.
  2. Bug Squashing and item developement are traditionally two very different teams. Also, bug squashing is a very tedious process, considering you need to ensure your possible fix has very minimal chance to make things worse elsewhere.
  3. My kind? People who enjoy playing a game? I don't understand his criticism. He is upset because a pack contains items he does not like. What does that have to do with the quality of the game?
  4. Any armor model is a reskin. Changing a look, and nothing else, is just adding a skin to the programming that already exists. The longest part is the actual drawing and rendering. Implementation is not difficult
  5. Reskins are easy in any game. having to add a mechanic or balance abilities is where it becomes time-intensive
  6. What does a cartel pack have to do with the quality of the game? I still have a blast playing, and I haven't bought a single pack. Don't like what's in the pack? Why would that decrease the enjoyment of the rest of the game for you? Not sure if you are serious, but I certainly hope not. Then again, your name screams troll...
  7. And none can get them any more. Your skin is what sets it apart. After season one, it is gone. Just like my founder title in game, it was a time locked reward. Other titles exist, but mine is different enough to set it apart.
  8. So be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
  9. No, more like my civic is exclusive because only 5% of the people that have a civic have the same paint job. You can always go run the raids and get the mounts, your skin is only available for season one top pvpers.
  10. Thread number 6.... Forum search is your friend. None shall go thirsty with this river of tears.
  11. I hope BioWare plans on putting in swimming soon, because we got us a flash-flood of pvp tears.
  12. I hope they do offer it on the CM. More money going into the game means more development for the game. I'd rather have more content then huge epeens sitting on mailboxes.
  13. I just want some swoop bikes. Maybe Pod races on tatooine
  14. PVP can keep the Rancor. I wanna be piggy-backed by a wookie on roller skates.
  15. Hey! Stop making sense!! This thread is about PeeVeePee, so logic is totally not wanted here! We need to cry now and we need to cry loud!
  16. Why are people chasing FOTM builds? Play what you have fun playing. All classes are fine, provided you know how to play it.
  17. When tanking in PVE, there are only 2 things you need to do: Hold Threat and mitigate damage. Juggs are not bad at either ATM, but could use a little boost to keep them in line with PTs. Survivabilty wise, we don't need much. We could just use a small boost to latent aggro for when a random DPS decides to burn the mob that isn't focused (Happens far too often). Tanking Juggs don't need a DPS boost in PVE, because Tanks should be trying to burn down mobs. That isn't your job.
  18. Need more dots. Don't see enough dots. Okay, stop dots. Thanks for the update devs!!
  19. Wow... didn't know 30k was needed to be good at pvp. Lol stats != skill. L2P issue here
  20. I queue as DPS then heal during quick fights so I don't have to move /lazy
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