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Everything posted by kukumburr

  1. The tablet on the little island on the farms isn't clickable still so I guess there must be another one somewhere.
  2. I did enjoy it, it's nice to be back to republic and empire and I liked all the new characters. Tau and Anri in particular are both pretty cool. Also bonus points for Don the Exiled Knight hiding out. Although it said conversation unavailable so I don't know if he's supposed to be a companion or what. Plus Jonas <3.
  3. I finished the story on my Guardian fine but my contacts list is definitely screwed up a bit. It got screwed up when I started Ossus and stayed screwed up after I finished. When I started Ossus I had all major story missions and all alliance alerts completed. I stayed loyal to the Republic. Both Koth and Theron are now back in my companion list despite me killing them (and I have never used the companion return terminal for anything) and are summonable. It does say in their summaries that I killed them though, and Theron didn't show up in the cutscene. C2-N2 and Rusk are both in unavailable and I cannot summon them, and the summary text says I don't know their whereabouts. I have definitely recruited them.
  4. It does drop from the crates, the Oggurobb ones. I grinded out a bunch of those crates specifically for that. It took me awhile but I did eventually get it. I also got another one sometime after when I wasn't trying for it. So just keep praying to the RNG gods I guess.
  5. I've been playing PTS and I do really like Ossus. It's very fun to explore and searching for datacrons and lore objects and stuff is something I haven't been able to enjoy in a long time since the Kotfe/Kotet stuff was so linear and unexplorable. So I am excited for that. And while it's not a major update I'm looking forward to the story too. But the gearing changes have put a serious damper on my excitement. The guild/conquest stuff I'm pretty ambivalent about since I'm currently in a large, but very dead guild. I'm also annoyed at how the game is progressively getting more alt-unfriendly. I mostly just PvP but I play on all 8 different classes, and rotate through them to finish dailies/weeklies. It has been annoying with conquest because I have to be careful to make sure I finish the "complete PvP weekly" etc. objectives on the character I want or else the points just get spread around and I don't hit the goal on any one of them. And then the upcoming gearing changes is just going to make it super grindy and slow to gear them all up. I have considered checking WoW out again but the only thing I really like to do on that is raid and that's not something I want to get back into.
  6. Does this mean no one can get them? I'm just wondering because you can get the crafting schematics for the 258 MH/OH on PTS currently. Is that going to be removed? Or does the crafting mat that's assumed to come from NiM GotM not even drop at all? I mean I'm fine with it if everyone has to wait I'm just confused because they do exist on PTS currently, even if they're not on the vendor.
  7. How were Heroic 4's more popular than Uprisings? Where are you getting that information? Personally I like Uprisings a lot but I still don't do them anymore because the rewards absolutely suck. I actually would like Heroic 4's better if they did require 4 people and were added to group finder and gave decent rewards. The group quests for the macrobinocular and seeker droid stuff were actually really cool, but they just let those quests completely die off by not adding them to group finder or adding any incentive whatsoever to repeat the missions. I like the idea of relatively short missions (in comparison to flashpoints) that aren't particularly difficult combat-wise but do require coordination. Like the Colicoid FP (they let that one die too) and the last Shroud mission. They need to be on group finder and give a decent reward though. I'm not sure a Heroic 4 where you just kill a bunch of mobs real quick is interesting group content. But I don't have a problem with it if it's not going to be required for gearing.
  8. It has changed. It went from requiring those 4 specific missions to just requiring like 11 of any of the missions (although the mission text was bugged) to now with the weekly not being able to be picked up at all. So it's probably still changing.
  9. I've seen people leaving a lot in all warzones. Although I expect people leave vandin in particular a lot because of the higher pop rate. Also I know some people are frustrated with the CC breaker bug. The 'skip the design of the warzone' is literally no different from original huttball or queshball. The best way to score in original huttball is to run the ball through the pit and (ideally) leap to a person on the ledge or pass. The best way to score in queshball is to throw the ball from the bottom floor to someone standing on the edge of the top ramp next to the upper acid trap. Both of those take coordination that most random groups don't have. Also once you know that's what the team is doing you can counter it. A lot of people are bad at warzones so yeah it's annoying when they don't play objectives but that's not specific to vandin at all.
  10. That sounds good. Does this auto-complete the Fractured Alliances (Iokath daily intro mission) and other yellow missions? Like Oricon and stuff? Or is it just the main purple missions? And will it remove the Makeb mission that has been sitting in my mission log forever?
  11. Is it just Hold the Line and Supply Heist that are Heroic 4? All the other heroics seem like the same difficulty as current heroics. Also Supply Heist is way easier than Hold the Line, if only because there's a huge difference in the number of mobs spawning at a time. Honestly I'm not a huge fan of Heroic 4's. All it adds is some annoyance in finding people to group up with. Then you just zone in, spend a couple minutes killing stuff, leave group the end. There's no added fun, just an extra step in getting people into group. It's so short no one even really talks to each other. And then later on when players have maxed rep and finished their gear grind it just makes it harder and harder for people to find groups for it.
  12. I like this idea to be honest it would mean you can still get a shard from doing the weekly like how it was, 252 would still be useful since it'd be easy to get, and makes getting duplicates not frustrating. Make it so you can only trade-in once a week if you're worried about people getting a bunch of pieces in crates (lol I bet they're super rare anyways).
  13. Will 258 MH/OH be added to the Masterwork 258 vendor? I like 252 pieces being added to the Ossus weekly (although why can't we just pick a particular piece? why is there always some RNG?). I like reputation for doing ranked. I suppose it's good to add getting MWS from ranked but you're basically asking people to do content that you're expected to have BiS for... for BiS acquisition. There's no progression like in NiM GotM where the first boss is a little easier and you work your way up to further bosses while bettering your gear along the way. But it's better than nothing. Kind of wish it was added to solo ranked too but maybe more people will do grouped now.
  14. 252 doesn't give you anything currently. No research available for the weapons, armor, mods, enhancements, nothing. All you get is a couple of grade 10 mats for RE'ing them.
  15. It should be cancelled if it can't find a proper replacement in time. And if you decline a pop or leave a ranked match you should get a 15 minute or more deserter debuff where you can't queue ranked again, to prevent people just spam queuing and declining.
  16. Someone found the other 2 journals and the thicc boi himself: https://www.myexpanse.net/star-wars-the-old-republic/guide-the-epic-of-the-exiled-knight
  17. Maybe it's related to lag then because I have never not been able to leap in original huttball in the endzone. Doesn't matter whether it's from the upper catwalks, the bottom floor, or while in the endzone. I've definitely done it on Marauder, Guardian, and Operative many, many times. The only time leap has ever failed for me has been on PT but that's just random and not related to the ball or endzone and it just doesn't move me to the person I leapt to, it doesn't prevent the ability from being used like what sometimes happens in Queshball.
  18. I'm pretty sure leaps have never been purposefully disabled in end zone. They've always worked in original huttball as far as I remember, they certainly work currently. The only one that sometimes doesn't allow leaps is Queshball but that has to be a bug because sometimes I can and sometimes I can't and it's not restricted to the end zone either. Also for anyone who is losing to someone sitting in end zone I have several solutions for you. 1) Stop letting the enemy team always get the ball 2) Kill the person in end zone after the first time they get a pass (if they vanish out again you know they're still there so there's no excuse to not be ready for the next pass) 3) Knock the person off the ledge 4) Stun the person during the pass so they don't catch it 5) Leap to the person during the pass so you catch it instead If your team can't manage any of that then your team just isn't playing well. If standing in end zone is instant ez-mode win then you should be perfectly capable of doing it to the other team as well.
  19. The waterfall one is here: https://i.imgur.com/jij2q3c.jpg. You have to go behind the water there's not a ton of room but if you look at the ground in there you'll see it.
  20. Still the same. They're not on there. They said on the livestream today there will be a post talking about gear some time in the next couple weeks so maybe we'll learn something then.
  21. I think the channeled attack they do is overtuned. I wasn't paying attention once and didn't interrupt them when they both started channeling and I died ridiculously fast. If I interrupt the channels immediately though it's no problem. I got on and tried out the Imp side missions last night after the new patch and it seems like the quest givers at the Ossus Canyons speeder landing are gone, as well as the one at the Jedi Temple landing. Do you pick those up somewhere else now? I looked around and couldn't find them. Also the weekly just always says 'not eligible for pickup' and the activities window shows that I've completed the weekly already even on characters I've never done the weekly on.
  22. Ohh no I never checked out the cave. I did notice there's a wall with a crack in it near the journal and that 4th tablet I mentioned that looks like it could be a closed doorway. But no idea of how to get in it if it is one.
  23. I hopped on the new patch tonight and found a fourth tablet in the Jedi Temple: https://i.imgur.com/c0gP9Hc.jpg You get to that area from the circular room by jumping onto a pot and then a ledge sort of behind some statues. There's a Don the Exiled Knight journal in there too (I've still only found 2 of those). The tablet is hidden behind some rubble. There's also another tablet in the Farms but it's not clickable: https://i.imgur.com/ETqs4jg.jpg I went and tried to check the datacron with the switches again but it wouldn't teleport me up to that level anymore.
  24. I doubt that's true. They obviously can't completely eliminate it but there are almost certainly ways to reduce it. It's definitely a way more complex issue than just changing bolster though. Ones just a design choice, ones an actual optimization issue. They know desync exists, and I would like them to devote resources to trying to improve it, but yeah it's not really the same thing.
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