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Everything posted by kukumburr

  1. There's a codex on Voss that elaborates on it, although it doesn't really explain anything. Apparently it was pretty mysterious. Here's the text of the codex: "When the Empire first learned of Voss–a primitive world with powerful Force-sensitive Mystics–it was quickly marked for conquest. “Ambassadors” sent to the capital reported that Voss-Ka appeared wholly undefended. Soon after, the Imperial General Khypes arrived with a battle cruiser and several army divisions to demand that the Voss surrender. Before any official communication could be sent to the Voss government, Khypes’s battle cruiser exploded. Its escorts were destroyed moments later, whether caught in the cruiser’s blast or eliminated through other means. The invasion was over before it had begun. In the hours that followed, both Imperial and Republic forces scrambled to determine what had happened. No trace of an energy discharge was found, suggesting planetary defenses were not involved. The Empire suspected Republic sabotage or secret Voss weapons. The Republic theorized that the destruction was the result of Sith infighting. The Voss called it destiny. Regardless, the Empire realized it had underestimated the Voss and hastily recalled its forces, claiming General Khypes was a rogue acting without orders. Soon, the Empire began to attempt more diplomatic overtures to the Voss people."
  2. He doesn't get angry. There are 2 flirts and he barely says anything, but it doesn't come across as awkward (to me at least). I'll put exactly what he says in spoilers:
  3. I think it depends on how the KOTFE story is going to go. If both the Empire and Republic forces are decimated and Lana and/or Theron join you to stop this new threat then I don't see any reason the romances wouldn't continue. I think whether they want to be with you or not will depend more on the kinds of decisions you made (and make during the new story). For example, what you decided to do with Master Surro strikes me as being an important one. Also, while there is no final talk with Theron as an Imperial, I figured that was more because it wouldn't really make sense to have one. No one was really expecting what happened to the planet. It's not like on Yavin IV where everything was wrapped up so you had time for goodbyes. I don't agree Theron is more "cold" to Imperial players on Ziost, either. I think he's surprised to see you and he's obviously feeling guilty about what happened to his team and everything, so it makes sense to me that he's not as flirty. I've romanced him with both an Agent and a Smuggler and I actually prefer the Imperial romance with him. It doesn't get as much dialogue but it felt more emotional to me overall.
  4. Interesting, thanks for clarifying. I thought it was a Sith for some reason. It would be kinda neat to have Theron rescue Imps and Lana rescue Pubs, but I'm guessing it's probably just Lana doing all the rescuing. I suppose Theron could have helped plan the rescue or something. But he might just come into the story later I guess.
  5. I'm thinking they might both be options for either faction. They keep saying "choices matter" in KOTFE and I could see how your interactions with both Lana and Theron in SOR could result in which one you get as a companion. For example, if you sided with Theron on most things and were encouraging and/or romancing him you could recruit him as a companion. If you were discouraging to him then he would refuse to join you. Same with Lana. And if you managed to stay pretty much neutral with both of them, or made a pre-made 60, then you would either just get to choose one or the other or just get whichever one belongs to your faction. I'm just guessing here since we don't know much about how companions are going to work yet, but it seems like it would be a good opportunity to demonstrate the whole "choices matter" thing.
  6. As far as the "1 hour of story content" goes, Lady Insanity clarified in the comments that "story content" specifically means stuff like cutscenes and dialogue. My recordings of all the Ziost cutscenes and dialogue adds up to ~40 minutes (and that's being generous, I was rounding up). So if that information is accurate, I would expect each chapter to at least have as much story content as Ziost. That seems pretty decent to me for a monthly release schedule.
  7. I'm very happy about this. I hate it when fps/ops become completely obsolete, especially the story-focused ones. I like that this game is trying to make story first and foremost. I don't think they should completely give up on making new raids but quite frankly World of Warcraft has and probably always will do raids way better, so SWTOR should focus on what it's good at instead of trying to woo the hardcore raider crowd. If they do add more raids/fps in the future they should focus on making them fun, easily accessible, and give them a compelling story line. But anyways I'm glad their revamping the old content instead of just letting it rot since some of them are pretty interesting story wise.
  8. Awesome, I love these blogs. I'm curious as to how Nico is younger than he should be. Maybe he was in carbonite for awhile?
  9. Is there a connection between Valkorion and Vitiate? Who is Arcann and Thexan's mother? Has the Eternal Empire been aware of the Empire/Republic for a long time but just haven't invaded before? How have they stayed hidden? Also, where is Theron??
  10. I like both Theron and Lana as characters and I hope Theron gets equal treatment as Lana in the expansion. I prefer Theron mostly because I end up disagreeing with Lana about most things. Concerning the Massively Op article:
  11. Yes please. It's a shame because the quest lines are interesting but it's a huge pain to find a group for the ones that require 4 people, especially since there's really no incentive to do it more than once.
  12. Yep, I'm having the same problem. I've been checking for another instance to open up for an entire day now, but the server I'm on is so low pop there hasn't been another one open. Really frustrating.
  13. I just got screwed on this too at the cybernetic skull thing. I spent a lot of time camping the grophets for the data packets only to get to the skull, consume them, then be unable to click the skull. Switching instances wasn't an option either, as there was only one for the whole buff duration. I filed both a bug report and sent in a ticket asking if it'd be possible to get the items back so at least I wouldn't have to recamp the grophets, but I just got back a message saying that because it's a game bug customer service can't help me. So that was a complete and utter waste of time.
  14. What happens to the orb when you kill a person carrying one? Does it respawn at mid?
  15. Can't you just run the log through a parser to see if they were all crits? I know on the one I use you can break it down to see every ability a specific player used on you and it gives you the crit percentage for each one.
  16. Patch has its bugs and issues but I've never played a game yet that doesn't have a load of problems on patch release. I don't have any particularly strong feelings on the legacy system but I like the UI customization, pvp, and color matching. Also I just want to say it was a pleasant surprise to be able to quickly download the patch and immediately log on with no problems. I just remember every patch on WoW being constantly delayed and often times taking all day. So thanks for that.
  17. With the UI customization screen up, if you click on your character frame to edit it there should be a checkbox option to show character information that will turn that on.
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