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Everything posted by Mournblood

  1. Great vid! Out of curiosity, are you wearing tank gear or DPS gear in that video? I couldn't tell from what you were wearing (assuming you pulled your mods and put them in something else like many of us do).
  2. Please refrain from being rude and conduct yourself civilly and maturely, or don't bother posting at all. Calling someone's opinion "crap" because you either disagree and/or have a vested interest in the AC being discussed is neither of these. Now to address your response..... My opinion is as unbiased as you're going to find in this thread. I have no problem whatsoever with any AC who can beat me 1v1. The problem I have is when they can beat me and two other players by themselves because they do too much damage while still being too hard to kill. Regardless of whether you agree with my suggestions about how to fix that or not, you can't deny that there is a problem here with tank specs wearing DPS gear. You either need to be one, or the other. Having both results in fundamental imbalances to the PvP dynamics of this game. That said, let me ask you a slightly rhetorical question. Have you actually tried wearing tank gear with a tank spec in PvP? I suspect the answer to that is no, because like most tanks who have been using DPS gear, they would have to repurchase their WH gear to do that or they would need to have two sets of PvP gear in order to compare one to the other. But until you've tried it, how can you comment on its effectiveness? I have the benefit of knowing a player who wears tank gear while in his tank spec. He is remarkably effective at denying objectives, and considering all WZs in this game are objective based, he's more often the reason his team wins than any other single player. It takes at least 3 DPS of equal gear to bring him down, and that's assuming he doesn't have a healer anywhere near him, and even with 3 DPS focus firing him, he cannot be killed quickly. He's therefore more than capable of denying an objective while he waits for his teammates to reinforce his position. More experienced teams will avoid the objective he's guarding because he's often too difficult to bring down quickly enough to capture the objective before his help arrives. I'd say he'd disagree with you completely about tank stats not being useful in PvP. If you want to talk with him, his name is "Fluxs" on the Beregen Colony. I'm sure he'd be willing to share some of his experiences with you. And that brings me back to my point. If you are playing a tank role in PvP, your role is to guard healers and to deny objectives. That's it. You shouldn't be able to DPS out of a wet paper bag, but you should be very hard to take down. Conversely, if you want to DPS, you should sacrifice the damage mitigation of a tank to do so. No one with any desire for game balance can argue otherwise. EDIT: If you have doubts about anything I've said, or about how mistaken you are about tanks in tank gear in PvP, please refer to the video in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=490381
  3. You are misinterpreting his meaning. He's saying that players were worried about the nerfs unfairly or inordinately affecting Sin/Shadow tank performance in PvE, but that they were actually over-performing in PvE as well due to boss mechanic variables that favored their type of damage mitigation. What he did not say is that 1.3 is not intended as a PvP nerf, but is intended as a PvE nerf instead. It is a PvP nerf (though insufficient as I pointed out) that happens to also be a PvE nerf for different reasons. You are right about one thing: people are going to be very disappointed come 1.3 when Tanksins are still facerolling 2-3 equally geared players all by themselves.
  4. Not in my opinion, no. BW didn't nerf Assassins/Shadows enough and in the right ways to discourage the practice of wearing DPS gear in a tank spec. And as it's been mentioned multiple times in multiple threads, this AC has more utitilty than any other AC in the game. They have stealth, can heal, have extremely good damage mitigation in their tank spec (at least in PvP), and do very good DPS. They have it all. It's ok to be the jack of all trades in PvP, as long as you're the master of none. In this case, and with 1.3, Tanksins still do too much DPS for a self-healing tank spec with so many tools at their disposal. Way too much. Anyone who's been on the PTS knows this. Everyone is going to see this over the next week or so when 1.3 goes live as Tanksins will still exhibit some of the same balance issues they did pre-1.3. Juggs/Guardians have a similar issue where they are wearing DPS gear in tank specs and doing too much damage for the damage mitigation they get, although it's not as exacerbated as Sins/Shadows because they don't have all the tools that Sins/Shadows do. But dropping 5k Smashes in a tank spec isn't something that should be happening. What BW should have done is absolutely nuked DPS in a tank spec. Say, 50% DPS reduction when using a tank form/stance that's essential to the tank tree (e.g. Soresu). DPS and tanking should be mutually exclusive. This would completely eliminate the benefit of wearing DPS gear while tank spec'd. When they actually start wearing tank gear instead (and performing an objective denial role as tanks are intended to in PvP), this would have also given BW a better indication of how their respective tank specs are actually performing relative to each other in PvP. Then BW could address the lackluster DPS trees for Assassins/Shadows so that if they wanted to go DPS, it would be viable to do so. As it stands, we have some half-assed nerfs that aren't going to ultimately do what they're intended to, which is to guide gearing to be more in line with the spec so that you don't have these hybrid issues that are so difficult to deal with and cause so many balance issues in PvP. Mark my words, Juggs/Guardians and Assassins/Shadows will be on the chopping block again, and sooner than later since the introduction of Rated WZs will quickly highlight some of these problems that the nerfs are failing to address.
  5. Agreed. Hate it. In fact, I'll generally just leave the WZ the moment I see it's Huttball unless I'm queueing up with guildmates (can't leave my guildies hanging). I can respect that others love it. But if this thread proves anything, it's that not everyone wants to play Huttball. And for the record, I'd be completely willing to have longer queue times if it meant I could actually choose which WZs NOT to queue up for. With the server consolidations, I don't see it increasing my queue times by much since they pop so fast right now.
  6. The sticky doesn't mean the Resolve system is fine, it just explains how it works to new players, and offers a bit of opinion from the OP. There's also quite a few posts in that sticky that make some very valid criticisms of the Resolve system, such as getting CC'd for the full duration of a 10 second CC when Resolve is at 99%, for example. What the sticky fails to mention is that you can be CC'd for about 15 seconds out of every 20 with the current Resolve system. That's not a good system, imo, and it needs to be redesigned. And yes, roots should be added to the Resolve system. While ranged classes aren't impacted by roots, melee classes are, and it therefore creates a significant disparity in PvP class effectiveness.
  7. The Resolve system is in fact working as BW intended, however that doesn't mean it's necessarily a good system. They aren't calling this game Stun Wars for nothing, after all. The #1 most frustrating aspect of PvP (in any game) that negatively impacts the player experience is loss of character control. This needs to be limited to small doses. What the guide fails to mention is that as the current Resolve system stands, a player can be CC'd for about 15 seconds out of every 20 (5 seconds of CC immunity before the bar starts resetting, at which point you can be CC'd again the moment the bar falls below 100%). This of course does not include movement impairing effects such as roots or snares. That's simply way too much. Resolve needs to be redesigned, at the very least, all CC needs to be stopped when the Resolve bar is full versus getting hit for the full duration of a 10 second CC when you're Resolve bar is at 99%. Furthermore, the CC immunity granted when the Resolve bar is full needs to last longer before it starts resetting. It currently only lasts 5 seconds, but this should be extended to at least 10 seconds. CC in PvP should be a limited supplemental tool used for strategic/tactical purposes, not the primary mode of combat.
  8. It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but I know it will, FotM Marauder/Sentinel rerollers are in for a RUDE wakeup call. Maybe when more players actually experience them at lvl 50 PvP and realize the grass isn't more OP on our side, some of these utterly misinformed QQ threads will go away, or at least be replaced by calls for Operative healer nerfs.
  9. I'm not debating that Force Camo is a good ability, but it's very subjective to say it's the best ability in the game. I'd trade it for Assassin stealth without a second thought. But trying to lend credibility to your claim by implying that I have a L2P issue isn't going to make it true, at least not for anyone with a modicum of intelligence. You have no idea who I am or how well I play my class, and to assume I'm not using Force Camo correctly as some basis for proving your point only undermines your entire argument. And then to go on to say that the more anyone argues with you the more we prove your point is essentially some stubborn childish equivalent of saying "I don't care what you say, I'm right, you're wrong, so there!" Were you stomping your feet when you posted that? The only thing you had right in that rant of yours is that you can argue (that the ability is or isn't OP) until you're blue in the face, but it doesn't mean you're wrong. You're right about that, but it goes both ways. It doesn't mean you're right either, despite how obsessed you seem to be about it. What I can say with absolute certainty is that if it is indeed OP, BW will nerf it. They haven't yet, which seems to indicate that the data they are looking at doesn't support your claim.
  10. You do realize that those bleeds (DoTs) can be cleansed by several ACs? And the better players often do, much to my dismay. EDIT: Also, the bleed effects only heal us on CRITS, and we can only crit 100% when we get 30 stacks of Fury and use Berserk. In other words, the bleed effects don't always crit because Berserk isn't always up and therefore we're not always able to self-heal.
  11. Maybe if you send this to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, they might make it come true for you.
  12. Nah. Operative healing will get hit before Maras do. Possibly Pyrotechs too if the removal of damage stims doesn't reign in their ability to kill someone at full health in the space of a single CC.
  13. Force Camo was already nerfed for Annihilation spec'd Marauders in 1.2 when it was reduced from 100% damage reduction to 50%. Now we can get pulled out of Camo by any AE that manages to hit us. In addition, it's on a 45 second CD and only lasts 4 seconds (6 seconds if you put points into it). FORTY-FIVE seconds, in case you missed that in the tooltip. That's not what I consider a short CD in fights that are typically over in under 30 seconds, and your assertion that roots are useless because the CD is too short is not just misleading, but almost a complete fabrication. I get snared/rooted ALL THE TIME when Camo is still on CD, so contrary to what you'd have the uninformed believe, roots/snares are far from useless against Marauders.
  14. You are speaking completely for yourself here. PvP was NOT more fun for me at launch. I wasn't playing a Sage/Sorc, I was on the under-populated faction on my server, and I wasn't getting lucky with my token drops for BM gear boxes. And world PvP (Ilum) was essentially broken and very poorly designed. It was a smart move for Bioware to move PvP activity out of Ilum until they have a chance to fix/redesign that. I agree with you that WZ queues are an issue right now, but that's not a PvP issue, that's a population problem due to Bioware not having a solution in place and ready to go before populations dipped too low. Even with slow queues, I'm still averaging a piece of WH gear per week, which is pretty reasonable, imo. While you certainly are entitled to your opinion, the impression I get here is that you're dissatisfied with the balancing of a particular AC you play, and are trying to generalize all PvP changes since launch as a product of Bioware's incompetence to justify your opinion.
  15. Just a quick question to anyone who's checked this out already on the PTS. Is it more cost effective to wait to augment our existing PvP gear in 1.3, or to buy augmented PvP gear and transfer the mods?
  16. Better how, exactly? An RNG loot system for PvP gear progression, which is arguably the worst loot mechanic ever devised for PvP loot progression in the history of MMOs? Sages/Sorcs utterly dominating WZs with no need for any other AC in the game? Falling through the world in WZs in a constant loop, unable to leave the WZ without losing all your Favor/comms/daily/weekly credit? Requiring players on the under-populated faction to hunt lockboxes in Ilum for a week just to complete your daily because they'd otherwise get steamrolled by 3x their numbers? An exploit/bug in Ilum that allowed the over-populated faction to farm their way to BM gear within a week? Shall I go on?
  17. Apparently, Bioware disagrees with you.
  18. You do realize that grenades are likely next on the chopping block? I won't be surprised to see them nerfed for PvP in 1.4.
  19. Ok, now that was funny. lol
  20. It's a bit ironic how you claim your AC was nerfed because players weren't good enough to compete with you, and yet you're just going to quit over it and not even attempt to look for ways to remain effective with your spec after it's been adjusted. Since I'm certain that point is lost on you, I'll just say GL and we wish you well in your future endeavors to find an OP MMO class to faceroll with! I'm sure a player of your calibre will find something to make yourself feel skilled again.
  21. Fixed that for you. And in case I don't get a chance to tell you this 2-3 months from now, buh bye!
  22. Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound? It's as if you're some 10-year old kid throwing a temper tantrum because his parents won't let him have a Facebook account, but he's too immature and too unaware of their completely justified reasons for that. Tell you what, if you honestly believe that BW is favoring Marauders/Sentinels because of some metric you've pulled out of your arse that shows the majority of remaining subscribers are comprised of players with these classes, then maybe you should do yourself a favor and go find another game to play or better yet, create your own gaming studio and make your own game because nothing short of those two options is ever going to satisfy your puerile notion of fairness and balance in this game.
  23. I fully agree. Recruit -> BM -> WH, with a minimum Expertise rating to queue. Although, they would have to do something to prevent players from changing gear in the WZ as well.
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