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Everything posted by Mournblood

  1. If they were being a selfish teammate, they would be staying in your match AFK. By them leaving, you are at least getting the opportunity to get a replacement who will participate and stick around to lose with the rest of you.
  2. It's a trade off. You can't expect to have high survivability AND to be able to do a lot of damage. Sorry. A tank is meant to soak damage, not dish it out. That's the job of the DPS. And before you offer more anectdotal evidence about Jugg survivability, pay attention to the gear. A Jugg in BM gear is near impossible to take down quickly without some focus fire support. If he's got a healer behind him, then you won't ever kill him (until the healer is dead). Juggs seem fairly balanced to me, at least at the higher echelons of PvP valor and gear.
  3. Most Marauders I know go Carnage for PvP, not Annihilation. I'm not sure why this matters for PvP, but then again, I'm not even sure I understand why they nerfed Bleeds to begin with.
  4. We might be willing to cut them some slack considering it's Bioware's first MMO, but some of the design decisions they made with PvP were just too bad to excuse. Even if they hired someone off the street who's been living under a rock and hasn't ever played an MMO, there's plenty of other MMOs out there from which to draw some solid research on what works and what doesn't work. If they hired someone who has been playing MMOs for 10+ years and has PvP'd in every one of them, then we all would have benefited from that experience and seen some very different and much improved PvP mechanics in this game. Here's the top three bad design decisions they've made with PvP: 1. RNG in a PvP loot system. Next to getting a piece of your own hard earned gear looted off your corpse when you died in PvP in EQ, this is the second worst idea for PvP in the 15+ years I've been playing MMOs. For a more recent example, if you've played WoW, you know how much RNG sucked in the PvE side of the game, which is why Blizzard changed it to a token system. Players rightfully expect that if they invest the same amount of time and effort as the player next to them, they should receive the same reward. With RNG in your PvP loot system, this isn't possible. You could PvP as much as the next guy, but end up getting very unlucky with your bag drops, which means you'll be at a gear disadvantage for that much longer. You can't have an inequitable loot system like that in PvP and not expect to frustrate the players you subject to it - it's simply unacceptable and extremely poor design. Heck, you guys didn't even bother to code the RNG to check if you already have a particular piece of gear so that it doesn't give you the same piece twice. 2. RvR and faction imbalance. You don't have to look much further than Warhammer Online to see all the ways this can go wrong and how it negatively impacts the player base. Warhammer eventually started to implement artificial controls such as limiting the number of players that could participate in fort and city sieges on each side. Blizzard did something similar with their outdoor PvP zones where you would be queued to join and it would only let players enter on a 1 for 1 basis to prevent the more populous side from zerging the other into submission and apathy. Bioware needs to do the same with their RvR areas. I'm not even talking about all the other ways they could improve RvR, or the current bugs, or the painful daily missions that bring you out there. But before any fixes to those other issues will really matter, they need to address the problem with population imbalance in open RvR. It's that simple. 3. Gear disparity. I was playing Rift before I came to TOR, and Trion only recently realized the giant PvP turd they had dropped on their players by allowing 4 tiers of gear difference at level 50. New lvl 50 players would literally get obliterated by Prestige Rank 8 geared players. Eventually, Trion levelled out the gear disparity, and made it MUCH easier and faster to grind your prestige ranks to get your higher tier gear. The biggest difference between Rift's gear disparity issue and TOR's gear disparity issue is that Rift didn't have an RNG loot system to potentially protract PvP gear progression. You could count on earning your gear at a certain rate, which made it somewhat more tolerable knowing that on a Warfront weekend, you'd be able to hit the next prestige rank and pick up some new gear. Not so in TOR. What you have here instead is fresh level 50s getting facerolled by players in full BM gear, and the only response is to "suck it up" as you try to earn loot bags that may or may not contain any actual PvP gear. Sorry. In today's MMO market, telling players that they need to be frustrated for a few months and not enjoy themselves before they can finally experience some measure of entertainment from the game they pay to play is not a viable business model and is one sure way of chasing your subscribers away to the competition. And before the reading comprehension challenged trolls start up with the whole misplaced and overused entitlement arguement, this isn't about players being handed anything without earning it. It's about players being able to earn their gear, but at the same time, not being at such a gear disadvantage that the PvP experience is akin to getting a root canal done. Trion eventually figured this out. Bioware can too. There are of course many other issues confronting PvP in this game, some are expected, such as class balance issues, while others aren't. Overall, the PvP in this game has a LOT of potential, and I really like the premise of the Warzones, but as it stands, PvP in this game is definitely one of the worst I've experienced. Bioware needs to take the PvP side of their game more seriously and step up the priority for addressing some of these issues. Long after hard modes and Ops have lost their luster, players will be looking to PvP for end game fulfillment. It simply does not exist in its current state. It's completely up to Bioware to decide if they want to succeed or fail here.
  5. Bioware, I'm sure this has been brought up already, but I'm bringing it up here in the Marauder forum since that's what I play primarily. We (as in, everyone) need the ability to have two spec slots that will allow us to switch from one to the other. In particular, I see this as a necessity for PvE specs vs PvP specs, but the utility and convenience easily extends to those classes with multiple roles such as tank and healer, or tank and DPS, or healer and DPS. For Marauders, I like to use Annihiliation for PvE, and Carnage for PvP. As it stands, I either have to use one for both, or I have to respec each time I want to PvP. I believe there's plenty of justification for this feature to be added even beyond our own AC, and feel it would add value to the game in general. Thank you.
  6. Wondering if anyone has played a Sniper in PvP, and if so, what are your thoughts about relative strengths/weaknesses versus other classes? I really enjoy the concept of killing things from a distance, but having done some fair amount of PvP on my other character, I noticed that it is very rare to see Snipers in PvP. I'm guessing part of the reason for that is most (Imperial) players are gravitating toward the FotM classes, such as Operative and Sorcerer. I want to stay away from that because it's only a matter of time before some nerfing comes their way, and I'd rather play a style I enjoy over something that is more powerful. Some objective input on Snipers in PvP from players who have some experience playing them would be appreciated.
  7. Um, no. Please don't spread misinformation like it's the truth. The Blizzard lead developer came right out and said in that interview he's referring to that Arena was the biggest mistake they made in WoW. In fact, they went on to talk about how Blizzard wanted to phase the Arena system out of their PvP with such things as rated BGs and contested zones because of all the balance issues it had caused. And if you actually played Arena PvP in WoW for any length of time, you'd know that it pretty much sucked. You were essentially forced to do Arena to get the better tiered PvP gear, and because of that, you were also forced to role with certain class/spec combinations so that your comp would be competitive. In the end, it felt like a job, was the source of constant balance issues, and was far removed from anything remotely resembling fun. But we're digressing. This game is NOT World of Warcraft, and Arena style play does not belong here. As for those like the OP predicting the doom of SW:TOR if it doesn't implement an arena system, and even going so far as to threaten that they will return to gloat when their "prediction" comes true, please, cancel your subscription and go play an FPS game like BF3 until something that's actually designed with PvP as the focus comes out and spare us your bitterness in some childish attempt to get your way. You can't justify a specific game mechanic from another game, like Arena, just because this game isn't meeting your PvP needs. It's like playing CoD or any other FPS game and expecting there to be role playing elements. Honestly, I can't wait until GW2 comes out, which is focused on PvP, so that all these supposed "hardcore" PvPers can go have a ********** there and leave games like Rift and TOR alone. Until then, here's a little nugget of cold, hard truth: no matter how hard you stomp your foot and wish bad things on a game just because you're not getting what you want, it's not going to happen. And whether or not this game succeeds or fails will not have anything to do with the lack of an Arena PvP system. So get over yourself, take a deep breath and get some fresh air, and wait until something like GW2 comes out and go there. You'll be happier, and we'll be happier.
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