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Everything posted by MagikFingerz

  1. The term is Priority Transport terminal, like the ones outside the ship hanger on the fleet.
  2. Right next to the stronghold terminals in the Crew Skills and Strongholds section.
  3. Haven't tried it with schematics, but it does work with mods as they are BoE. Just like it worked with Planetary comms before.
  4. /signed. Any other small differences they could add to differentiate the sets would also be nice, they're too similar.
  5. Obvious troll is obvious. I'll save my popcorn for the good ones.
  6. Yes, the XP from tactical flashpoints automatically scales to your level, and it also bolsters you so you don't need to worry about gear at all. It becomes a chore after the 50th time though (trust me, I've leveled several characters through PvP/GSF dailies and KDY alone).
  7. Good sources of XP: - Daily and weekly PvP, GSF, On-rails Space missions. - Daily and weekly Group Finder missions (Flashpoints and Tacticals). - Daily and weekly Flashpoint missions (combine with the above). Notes on the XP boosts: You can save up to 3 mission rewards in your pending reward queue before using the boost, and also wait to turn in completed missions at terminals (for low levels that includes daily/weekly PvP and Flashpoint stuff, not sure about planetary stuff). This works well with the generic boosts. The more specific boosts (Flashpoint, PvP, GSF, Space missions, story missions) are quite cheap on the GTN because they come in abundance from cartel packs, so those are always worth using whenever you do an hour of any of those activities and/or if you can't afford the generic ones. Boosts don't stack though.
  8. The option is to buy it with cartel coins. You're not supposed to be able to buy it with credits. If you could buy all the unlocks that you needed to play F2P with credit amounts less than the F2P cap, nobody would ever sub or buy CC's. The game is a business, if they gave everything away for free they'd go OUT of business REAL fast.
  9. A necro AND a major spoiler without spoiler tags. GG WP
  10. /signed. I'd also like to be able to travel to the fleet from QT terminals that aren't on the fleet.
  11. At the very least they could put a Priority Transport terminal in our ship. The place it is now (outside our ship hangar on the fleet) is actually quite impractical now because everyone travels to the fleet via their strongholds. I assume anything we want them to put in our stronghold is going to be "difficult" to do because they either have to make them as decorations for us to place (don't know how technically hard that is with terminals) or they have to just put them in the same place for everyone (and if so, you KNOW someone's going to complain about the positioning of them). So I think placing one in our ship would be the easiest thing to do, they already placed a mission terminal there for SoR. While it adds 1 more (relatively quick) loading screen compared to the ideal situation of having it in our stronghold, it would still be a vast improvement over the current situation.
  12. Except it's yes and yes. There's already enough players at level cap who has no clue on how to play their class or even knows about important game mechanics. A purchasable instant boost would magnify that amount by A LOT, meaning truckloads more clueless players in warzones and PUG flashpoints. That would break my game and hurt me (ie my gaming experience). Easy decision to oppose it, yes.
  13. Any of the above would be a welcome change IMO. /signed.
  14. People need to realize that they're not sidequests, they're dailies. Very few dailies have VA'ed cinematic dialogue. Oricon has it the first time through, but that's about it. Everywhere else they're simply text on a terminal. And as others have said, these do actually have VA, just not cinematics and dialogue choices. Which was never the norm.
  15. Well, it's already being developed IRL, so why not?
  16. The smuggler and Androikos Revel (Inquisitor companion) pretty much fits this description already. Except for the lightsaber part, which is silly. There's a reason only force users wield them.
  17. Has anyone experimented with stats for healers yet? I feel like trying a pure power/alacrity combo
  18. I did not encounter anything like that, so you must be doing something wrong. And I'm saying that to try to help, not to sound like a d-bag. Look at your map and see if there's an alternate route you're missing. I had a similar experience recently on Yavin btw, with one of the dailies. At first I thought I had to go into republic territory (started getting flagged), but I just had to take a small detour around it to get to the mission objective.
  19. They were simply late in realizing that training costs should be removed. Ease up, devs are humans too. Be glad it happened at all, do a couple of dailies to replenish what you "lost" on training costs and keep on truckin'.
  20. It is to avoid players getting max rep in a week or less. Why does it matter? Just save your rep items and use them appropriately each week (there are guides to optimize this).
  21. ^Good post. OP, you're over-thinking it. It's not about either side, it's about the struggle.
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