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Everything posted by MagikFingerz

  1. New music, old music, I don't care that much either way. But it IS way too loud compared to the other music in the game. Reduce the volume permanently, or give us a separate slider for the character select screen.
  2. You may be right, but it doesn't feel like it. PvP seems to be in the worst state that it's ever been in, and has no clear boundry to PvE gear-wise. GSF has lacked a decent matchmaking system since it came out. Most of the recurring events are lackluster grind-fests, swoop racing included. Crafting is also in terrible shape, it's less profitable than ever. To me, it feels like only the hardcore OPS raiders are getting new/good content.
  3. Good thing you only have to do 200 of each race for the achievements, so 1800 total
  4. Couldn't find a thread that actually discussed this, so I made one. I, for one, am pretty underwhelmed by this. I know, my mistake was having too high expectations, or maybe any at all. But surely they could have done better than simply auto-driving mounts (in the same slow speed) with a few abilities for things to do along the way? We're not even racing against anyone else. Hell, a reskin of the on-rails space missions would have been better IMO. Luckily for me, there doesn't seem to be anything worthwhile at the reputation vendors either, so no reason to grind it.
  5. If I'm going to a certain planet, to a specific location that I can Quick Travel to, I still have to move through the spaceport or orbital station before Quick Travel becomes available. There's been plenty of changes making travelling easier and less of a hassle/waste of time over the years, so I see no reason why this should still be a thing. Alternatively, if we travel to a planet directly from the galaxy map (not from our ship), spawn us directly at the entrance of the spaceport (or by the Shuttle on the planetary surface for orbital station planets).
  6. On one character my gathering/mission skills had gone to 600, but crafting was still at 700. Crafted a single item and it reverted it to 600. #feelsbadman Can we get a fix on this ASAP??
  7. This has been going on a few weeks now. Returning player, this has not been a problem on my main (which is now 75). Contacted customer service in-game, they told me to level up then try again, which did nothing. I had no previous weeklies in my log, except some old ranked ones which I have abandoned (this also didn't make a difference). When searching I see years old threads with seemingly no resolution, apparently this was a common occurrence after 4.0.
  8. Tried the server forum, but no dice. Looking for an active guild that regularly does PvP together, both unranked and ranked. GSF would be a bonus. Imp side for now. If you know the name of any, I can look them up and apply through whatever means available.
  9. Was planning on making a similar post. I'm having a hard time finding a PvP-active guild. Also played since almost release and coming back now after a couple of years off. Deception Sin main. Not as geared as you as I started just a month ago, but I'm getting there. Sorry for the hijack. Invite the other guy first, and then me if there's still room.
  10. If THIS game has too much repetition for you, then no, MMO's probably aren't for you. I'd say SWTOR is among the MMO's that has the least amount of repetition (or maybe it's the most hidden), so you're probably better off with SP RPG's.
  11. 1. That seems too excessive, sounds like it would only make it easier to create characters with extremely ridiculous names. 2. Right, because removing options is always a good idea +1 to the OP though, I wouldn't mind capitals after hyphens and/or apostrophes.
  12. And the schematics for the crafted ones are obtainable from that same vendor (Cybertech btw).
  13. He hasn't been sticking around before (after the event ends), but the hope is that he will this time since they couldn't get the Gree event back in time.
  14. That's the response they so often give, isn't it? "We'd love to do that, but the engine doesn't support it."
  15. Because it WOULD increase the amount of people with no idea how to play their class. I think you're overestimating the general intelligence of people. GROSSLY overestimating.
  16. I would be very interested in finding this out as well (surge vs alacrity).
  17. Yes, some of us are just sitting on that information without sharing it with anyone. We are blessed with the ability to read the devs' minds as well as predict the future, too bad we use our powers for evil
  18. So... "Wah wah I missed out on 12x XP, give me something else because reasons"?
  19. Sounds like someone misses their hybrid
  20. That was at most what I expected when I read the title of this thread. But alas, OP is as deluded as the rest of them. I doubt even that will ever happen though, I'm thinking more like a 4th Discipline for each AC is the most anyone could hope for.
  21. Pretty much what the others have said. Sadly, chances are there are no servers without people like this, all we can really do is put them on ignore and move on. Would love to have end-of-FP stat charts though!
  22. At closer inspection it seems like the latest release looks more like a Quarrel than a Comet Breaker. FYI.
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