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Everything posted by Size-Matters-Not

  1. Also, don't you get to choose your FP when queuing? (Solo player, I don't raid much) Cross server queuing, give me a choice of WZ and I'll see your penalty.
  2. This. RNG gods have not been favorable in either RE, missions, or WZs as of late.
  3. Keys, probably - the annoying red text a clear giveaway. Image search/pixel search, memory read would be a different story. Programs like warden I bet one could sand box.. In truth, there's real no way to detect macros. Scripting you could, but there are clever timers for that. I doubt BW cares to exert energy into policing it anyway - they have bigger issues to deal with.
  4. Hmm, bots to fill in. That would be kinda cool. Worked for Quake/Unreal Tournament.
  5. Size-Matters-Not

    Midbie PvP

    This. As a returning player, even my 52 PT in WH gear rofl faced rolled opponents in WZ, which i get no fun out of. I'm parking him as a mule for now. I prefer more even matches, longer battles than pwanting. If twinks like getting their kicks, then by all means stay in that bracket. I'm having more fun in the lowbie bracket and will continue to reroll toons until bolster if fixed. Also, it pops much quicker than mid.
  6. Was wondering about that. Returning player - I have a couple 50 toons geared in WH and Battle Master, which I really haven't PVP'd with yet. I'm just using them as mules to supply a new toon that I'm playing to relearn the game with. I wonder if my 50s with WH could be considered twinks?
  7. Returning player as well. Relearning by starting a new toon and letting my 50s just become mules. This is what I'll be doing once I level up: But yea, I don't think much has changed with stacking aim/power.
  8. Returning player rolling new toon to re-learn how to play. Up to 21 now with AP discipline, but really missing the procs for RS like I remembered. Heat management really bites now too as I find myself constantly overheated. Lowbie PVP is fun, but I do notice healers out healing my damage. I'm guessing it'll get much more challenging higher up.
  9. While PVP is fun, I'm not appreciating RNG with warzones atm. Came back after being gone for a year. To relearn I've started leveling a new toon. I mainly pvp and I am having some fun again solo pvping with noobs. I'm running into a lot less pre-mades, not that I minded them much anyway. But, POT5 population really is down, queues are a lot longer, and out of 50 or so WZ not one Huttball. I haven't even seen the new Hutball map yet. Did they take these out of the rotation? Plenty of arenas, Alderaan/Hypergats/Nova coast though . Even Voidstar rarely pops.
  10. Soul - may jump in teamspeak and apply. Can't remember if I was in your guild or not a while ago. Are there some WOW members that were on Bloodfin in the SWG days? Thanks.
  11. I just re-subbed after a year break yesterday to see what the hubbub is all about. I couldn't stand free to play . Started new bounty hunter characters on new servers and went up to lvl 15 - no legacy buffs, all basic drops, no skipping side quests. Kills were just like I remembered when I first leveled. I think it is a l2p issue.
  12. Absolutely no way from planet to warzone - you pulled that out your arse.
  13. Can be, yep. You can customize your Win OS load, as to what back ground services you want to run, load from startup in msconfig. You can pretty much tweak to get optimal performance. SWTOR you really can't. There are a bunch of things happening with loading local and synching the client with the server, with asset footprints many time over the windows footprint. A clean XP footprint is what? 1.2 GB install maybe, Windows 7 10GB? What is a SWTOR download nowadays, and how much CPU does each process consume under load vs. all the windows OS process combined (excluding all other non-os related applications, which would be hard to do because who only runs WinOS + SWTOR and nothing else)?
  14. I noticed a difference with Win7 64 boot times going from 4x10k raptor in raid 01 to 512gb sataIII SSD with trim/nqc enabled. Performance with flight simming such as FSX or Falcon BMS was noticeable. This with DDR3 16gb pc 12800 ram and high performance Nvidia video cards. I built my gaming pc with flight simming in mind where not only is multi cpu and high clock speed high desirable, but so is high disk I/O. However, with SWTOR I didn't see any major difference in load times, and loading into a warzone from the planet and back is atrocious. (it is better from ship, but still) The fact is SWTOR 's hero engine and assets are just not fully optimized no matter what high end system you run.
  15. Sorry bud, no. Tried it once and was totally lost. Game is way, way beyond my capacity. When galactic war can break out and players can lose capital ships worth mucho coin because someone forgot to pay the sub, eh, well... Valkyrie looks like a good entry point for new players though. I also tried SWG emu - it's pre NGE and I'm slightly lost.
  16. WS and ESO - kinda meh. Don't think either of these will hurt SWTOR. I'm revisiting some of my old steam games. Also, been flight simming, really getting into Falcon BMS. Can't wait for Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, and EVE Valkyrie. If procedural generated worlds and Oculus Rift are as much of a game changer as expected, I won't ever be back to SWTOR.
  17. Really? Wonder how long that will last before packs start showing up.
  18. It's so obvious - EA will make a boatload of $$ off of CM selling to those that like to play Ken/Barbie House. Good or bad, $$ rules. Can't fault them if it keeps the ship going.
  19. Ha, necro. I love these head in the dirt comments - Just because you don't "see" them doesn't mean they don't exist. There are hacks for SWTOR - memory reading tools that make it pretty easy to decipher swtor executables and hack what you need. Consult the great oracle if you need proof, but first take head out of sand.
  20. Haha! Only if we can ymca in your space yacht. Gooood Tymes, ya!
  21. Grinding for any particular asset(s) to gain a stat advantage is retarded, and as mentioned before, lazy design. While waiting for the newer MMOs to arrive, I've been playing Falcon BMS with friends on-line. Forgot how much I enjoy that sim solo, but with friends, and using new player mod theaters, it's pretty damn fun. Players don't grind for a F-16, then grind for radar, then grind for ECM, then grind for sparrows, then grind for fuel tanks, etc. Players chose which load out they need for the mission. The fun is playing the missions, ala skill vs skill - there is no grind for assets. Want a carrot for SWTOR? How about the devs focus less on gear grind, less on CM items, but focus more on expanded storylines, more PVP, whether it be open world or bunch more new mission based warzones. I don't play GSF, but seems like more grinding to me. What if GSF actually had a bunch of skill based mission , where you play a role, either bomber, cap, escort instead of grinding parts to be uber? Something like that would get me to do a second look at it. Not going to happen. This game is too far entrenched into the hamster wheel mindset of gear grind, of which I'll be taking a break from.
  22. Using a macro that contains image search which monitors for procs, health, energy, that in turn can pop the appropriate health pack, stim, trinket, ability = win button, and quite frankly, is lame.
  23. Perhaps a script, yes - macros, no. There is a significant advantage to a player using them properly vs. a keyboard smasher or clicker.
  24. Why - do I have B O or something? I knew I shouldn't have skimped on Brute with ACME talc rub.
  25. Don't kid yourself - they exist at all levels. Using pixel search on a number of abilities with some sort of script automation == way too much CPU overhead, misfires, keypress overload, and is just plain inefficient. Image search a few main abilities containing cooldowns with a macro that will autofire procs == way more efficient. Works better for some classes more than others - PT\VG come to mind. Image search slightly better than hardware keyboard + macros, such as authorized SWTOR keyboards, but just as easy to spot both (general or team chat someone will spam a string of keys), of which the use of either is lame. But guess what? The object of this game is not to look at what's going on around you on the play field, but to deviate from that perspective and micro manage a number of icon abilities with cooldowns, ala circa 2000 MMOs, in a sequential fashion based on the situation - PVE being way easier than PVP. With the number of abilities to micro manage, BW is just begging people to use macros. I'm beta testing ESO - their combat interface seems much more in line of how combat interfacing should be in a modern MMO.
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